
In The Eye of The Cyclone

Heroes live only once. If that's true, then does than mean someone who is not a hero is fated to reincarnate again and again?

Nice_Waxflower · Fantasía
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15 Chs

Chapter 12: Ep.4 - Vision (1)

"Enough talk filthy cultist. I, ■■■ in the name of god, will exorcise you." I felt I had heard the same statement somewhere before.

"You don't understand. I am not a cultist." I responded. Actually, it was not me that responded but the answer came involuntary.

"I do not need to reason with the likes of you. As you have figured it out, you cannot escape from the dungeon for some time and that will be enough to exorcise you. Hopefully you can pay for your sins in next life if your death will not suffice." The man talking was similar to the one I walked in to after Gil Haeun left but he was clearly different. The sword was different and he this guy wore an Ironclad Armor with scars all over his face.

"Wait! I am ■■■ from Eclipse Mercenary Guild. You have caught the wrong person." I tried reasoning. I didn't recall anything with the name Eclipse Mercenary Guild nor I was a part of it but I spoke of it instinctively. I couldn't control the movements of my body and the words coming from my mouth.

Perhaps its a vision… I have had similar types of visions in the past where I couldn't control anything, just observe. It was like a dream just the difference being that I could recall everything from the start.

Now that I think about it, maybe the castle I saw in the council was a vision too, but it was too short to be called a vision. Queen of Hearts… She is connected to it somehow…

"That is not for you to decide. Drop your weapon and surrender yourself. You will be brought under custody and wont be harmed for time being." He said pointing his sword at me while being fully convinced that I was a demon cultist. His eyes were filled with a fervor that bordered on madness.

"I told you, I am not a cultist!" I shouted back, desperation seeping into my voice. But he wasn't listening.

"You can say whatever you want," he snarled, "but your crimes are undeniable. You think you can fool me? You think I don't know what you and your kind are capable of? You refusing to put down your sword tells me everything I need to know." He lunged at me, his sword aimed straight for my heart.

I barely managed to deflect the blow. His strength was formidable, and his resolve unbreakable. Every swing of his sword was filled with righteous fury, a burning desire for justice that clouded his judgment. I was on the defensive, trying to block and parry his attacks without harming him.

"I don't know what you think I've done," I said through gritted teeth as our swords clashed again, "but I am not your enemy!" The technique performed just now felt familiar. It was the Imperial Blade Apotheosis, Eighth Technique, Ascendant Parry. It was immediately connected with Imperial Blade Apotheosis, Seventh Technique, Emperor's Judgement.

It didn't even leave a scratch on the other person but it split the armor around him in two parts. The armor stared falling apart so he removed the armor and the torn clothing under the armor as it would get in way while fighting. It revealed a shredded body with different scars all over it, showing his experience in battle.

"You're strong." he grunted, pressing harder. "No doubt you are a high-ranking official in the cult. What was your plan? To sacrifice more innocents?"

I deflected another blow as mind raced. "I have no connection with any cult!" I insisted. But my words fell on deaf ears. Him calling me a cultist annoyed me and almost made me angry. I controlled myself as I didn't want things to take a bad turn by falling for his provocations.

The man's face twisted with grim determination. "We didn't expect to catch someone as high-ranking as you. This will end your reign of terror."

He rushed towards me and our blades clashed. Longer the fight went on, more similar techniques were being used. One sub-technique being the same is understandable, two being okay, but all the techniques used were the same. He used Imperial Blade Apotheosis, Fallen Yaksha's Lightning Seal and even Howls of the Five Dragons. As fight went on, my understanding started to decrease.

I had hit many of the acupuncture points all over his body and movement became difficult for him. His will was commendable as I expected him to stumble at any movement but he continued throwing decisive blows at me.

His movement was becoming sloppy and I took the golden opportunity to unarm him.

"For how long to you plan to continue this madness? You have got to believe me, I am no cultist." I said with my voice full of urgency. He tried to push himself on me and start a battle of strength. I dogged it and hit him in the knee and he fell on the ground, unable to maintain his balance.

"Stop this shit." He shouted with eyes full of rage. "I may be weak but I am not naive enough to believe your words. Stop mocking me! Even if I die here, I have made sure that you will not escape judgement."

"What have you done." I froze at his words. My heart started pounding to the point I wouldn't think it would be weird if it would pop out of my chest.

"I have shared my vision of you," he said, his voice filled with a mix of triumph and hatred. "Your face will be known to the world. They will hunt you down. You will pay for your sins."

I stared at him, my mind reeling. The implications were staggering. I was being falsely accused for crimes. And the person who was convinced that I was a cultist didn't bait an ear towards what I was saying. There was still time to prove myself innocent, hopefully he listens and does not escalate the situation.

I swallowed hard, placed my sword beyond my reach and knelt besides him. I looked at his while trying to form words in my mouth. "I request you not to rush with your judgement and listen to me. I am not who you think I am. There has been some sort of mistake." I said in low voice.

"It does not matter what you say. Its already too late for you filth." He said and spat of my face. I stood up from the place and walked around trying to think of something that will convince him.

After I was a couple of steps away, I heard a clicking sound. I turned around and found the man kissing his ring on his index finger. Poison!

"No, no, no, no, no!" I rushed to his side but he had already swallowed. I gently pressed his acupuncture point located at the hollow at the base of the throat to not let the poison down the throat, hoping its not too late.

"I know you need me as a sacrifice for the demon you serve but I won't give you that satisfaction. I would rather die than help your cult's plan." He said with a small grin of his face. The poison was already taking effect. He didn't even have enough energy to smile and mock me.

He cough blood a couple of time which splashed all over me. I stood still as he died in front of me. It felt like a nightmare and I looked at him with horror as he coughed more blood. My mind went blank from the shock, my throat felt dry and I couldn't even bring myself to close my mouth.

It was the same reaction for me who was observing as well as the man whose body I had possessed and had no control over.

I knelt there, stunned, my hands covered in his blood. The reality of the situation crashed over me. The information about me being a demon cultist had been spread. I was now a marked man, hunted for crimes I did not commit. And the only person who might have listened to reason was now dead by his own hand, convinced he had foiled some dark ritual.

The weight of the man's death started crushing me. I needed answers. And I needed to find a way to clear my name before it was too late. The dungeon around me seemed to close in, the walls pressing down with the weight of my new reality. Every shadow felt like it hid a new threat, every sound a potential hunter. I had to move quickly, but for now, I took a moment to close the man's eyes. Despite his intentions, he had died a tragic death, misled by circumstances beyond his control.

My legs were drained from energy and could no longer move. I sat there, right in front of the dead man unable to think, unable to react and unable to move.