
In The Eye of The Cyclone

Heroes live only once. If that's true, then does than mean someone who is not a hero is fated to reincarnate again and again?

Nice_Waxflower · Fantasía
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21 Chs

Chapter 1: Ep.1 - 11 Steps (1)

"Ryu Myung-Dae, over here," an older man shouted, his voice echoing in the open space. His features were weathered, marking him as a man in his forties, and his hands were calloused from years of labor. He gestured for me to follow him and we moved towards a hidden staircase, which spiraled downwards to an underground weapons forging workshop.

"Is the sword ready?" I asked, the question slipping from my lips out of routine. I already knew the answer, but the ceremonial nature of our interactions compelled me to ask.

"Of course!" His face broke into a wide grin, his teeth standing out in stark contrast against his soot-covered face. "I even weighed it this time. It's lighter than the previous one. I really hope it meets your requirements this time," he replied, the pride in his work evident in his voice.

We stepped into the workshop, a vast space filled with the symphony of metal on metal. Two other blacksmiths, sweat trickling down their brows, were diligently working away at a blade. Their hammers struck the metal in an alternating rhythm, forging a sword with a blade so broad it was almost comical. I suppose it's what they call a great sword, I thought to myself.

The man I was following navigated the workshop with familiarity, guiding me towards the right corner of the room. This was where the finished products were kept, a testament to the blacksmith's craftsmanship. He slipped on a pair of gloves and carefully retrieved a sword from the second slot in the weapon rack. It was a delicate process, almost reverential, as he cradled the sword in his hands before giving it to me.

The sword felt perfect as I swung it lightly in the air. Its weight was perfectly balanced, making it easy to maneuver. It was lighter than my spear, and seemed almost custom-made for use with my left hand.

"Perfect! I wouldn't have it any other way," I exclaimed, my admiration for the sword evident in my voice.

The blacksmith let out a hearty laugh. "I'm glad. You don't know the relief I feel hearing that. I would have been so frustrated if you'd said something like 'it's a little off' or something."

As I admired the new weapon, he turned around and began searching through a pile of items. "You still didn't tell me its name…" My voice trailed off, the realization sinking in that I'd forgotten the blacksmith's name again.

"You forgot it, didn't you?" he teased, shooting me a knowing glance from the corner of his eye. A moment of tension passed between us before he finally sighed and let it go. "Never mind that, but at least remember the sword's name. It's Sah-Sido. I named her so because she was the fourth sword I forged for you. But bear in mind, her name also translates to 'Trial of Death'," he informed me with a hint of concern in his gaze.

Feeling fortunate to not be at the receiving end of his lecture, I quickly changed the subject. "By the way, I hope you did make a sheath for her." He confirmed that he had asked a friend to make one, but had misplaced it. After rummaging through a chest brimming with miscellaneous items, he finally found the sheath.

With the sheath in place, it was time to discuss the price. I attempted to negotiate, citing my frequent visits to his shop, but he remained adamant, but he justified his pricing by saying "That is exactly why I enhanced it durability by using a rune stone."

"You said so last time as well. And yet the sword broke beyond repair in just a couple of months." I complained.

"That is because you recklessly use the sword and don't even care for their well being." He was get redder with passing second so I decided to stop push my luck before I lose it all.

"Alright alright, 15 million Won it is."

"Be grateful to your god, if you had not brought your won materials, the price would have sky rocketed to at least 23 Mill… Wait, what did you say?" That expression he made after realizing what I said was worth it lol, I probably shouldn't tell him that.

"I have already deposited 15 million Won in your bank account. If you had checked your bank account, you would have known that I deposited it yesterday." His face twisted in confusion as he processed my words and grabbed his phone to confirm what I said.

"You did it this-"

"Of course I did." I interrupted him before he could complete his statement while focusing on the part where he said said I paid.

"If you had paid already, then…"

"They sure are concentrated about their work even though all this arguing we were doing." He was taken aback by my statement and wanted to ask why I negotiated but I deflected his question by interrupting him and commenting on the focused work ethic of the blacksmiths.

"Don't change the topic, I asked you something." I looked at him as if he didn't say anything and continued to stare at him.

"Haaa… Should I start forging another weapon with the left over materials? I mean you would be back in another 2 months to commission to forge a sword or a spear for you." "Well, true but are the materials enough?"

"About 400 grams of Moonstone is left. I can make something out of it and if I find some more material, I can forget another sword for you."

"If you do find some spare materials, do craft a sword. I will collect it by year end if not earlier."

"Same as her?" He said pointing towards Sah-Sido.

"Umm… Yeah, same as her."

"Well, I will get going."

"I won't see you off."

With all matters settled, I prepared to leave the workshop, the weight of Sah-Sido comforting in my hand. As I ascended the staircase, I couldn't help but hope that the preparations for the rune embedding ritual were complete. Well, they should have learned from the mistakes from last time.

Hopefully this sword lasts longer.

▶ Rune of Returning- Hunter exclusive rune which allows hunter to teleport to the weapon in which the the rune is embedded. Consumes additional durability every time the rune is activated. Can be used on only 1 weapon at a time.

▶ 4th in Korean is 'Sah' which also means Death. Whereas attempt and trial both translate to 'Sido'. ▶ Myung-Dae in Korean means great righteousness, Bright and Clear.