
Chapter ELEVEN

In the city which we are living, every day news is broadcasted about some children and adults are missing, each and every department of police is trying hard to find what is going in city. They took help from Interpol and CID for investigation.

Missing persons are export to other countries for prostitutions if they are ladies or girls, sell them to medical research if they are boys and some to other illegal purposes.

Malka, one of the most wanted malefactor in recent times with zero lawbreaking cases recorded on his name. He is extremely talented and highly trained burglar, having

huge network comparatively like undercover secrete agents.

He has recorded nearly twenty kidnaps and 2 highly explosive attacks and many more on his name but not even a single proof he left to catch him , Interpol got the rough picture of Malka. They started searching for him and suddenly peaceful city is given with red alert!

As our plan is to go for shopping is on, we booked cab to reach there as fast as possible. We left to Inorbit mall which is very famous for shopping and good place for hangout too.

We both entered in the mall holding each others hand, later Jaanu hold me hand life we both are in deep relation like wife and husband wrapping her over mine! We both bought sweaters together.

I have searched a lot of dresses, roamed over each and every corner of ladies point to gift her nice dress. At last I found one tan color skirt and red color skirt, as she is fair I thought it suits her and I asked her to go for trials. I was waiting out side, in the while I searched for some other

things for Jaanu. I found another one which is a red and black color checks shirt with shoulder less probably it is known with off the shoulder shirt. I picked it and waiting for her.

She came out with tan color skirt, my guess was wrong it is not that good on her. So I Said okay leave those two and try this I think it will definitely suits you. She asked me " pakka "?

Yes, try it.

Jaanu went for trail, I was standing out right there and putting my semi body weight on one of the dress stand. I was laying on the stand with putting my head on my hands which is already laid on stand.

I was waiting for her, in the while I have started seeing outside, in one of the electronic store some news is telecasting, some rough picture is repeatedly telecasting over and over and there is a red alert indication in the advertisement bar.

I felt who cares about these things and again started to stare at trail room. I was eagerly waiting for her, suddenly door is opened, she came out and looks stunning in that

attire. Her loose hair is bouncing and her eyes expressing more and more things, her walk is such a confident and romantic too.

She is looking like model by walk, angle by her face and expression and celebrity by her dressing. It is like a feast to my eyes, I was continuous staring at her. She came near me, asked me " does this suit on me?" .

Like an angle I replied in very romantic manner.

I Said don't take it off now, let you wear it and we will pay by using price tag and get packed your used cloths. I went and asked management they Said okay for the deal.

We are walking towards coffee bay, she asked I want to go for rest room. Okay carry on, I will order something for you, do you have any choice ? No, anything is accepted a soft reply for her.

I was standing at the counter and reading the menu, in the background one of the news channel is playing about red alert. I ordered our favorite coffee with backed veg sandwich. While they are preparing I asked that coffee shop counter collector about that red alert. He Said something like kidnaps, blast bla bla... I Said oh, I see. I was

not yet bothered about that topic much but I have seen that rough picture very deep.

Suddenly someone hugged from behind, I suddenly turned around with my ordered food holding in my hand. It is her, jaanu !

We are in public mall if anyone look us like this mean we fall in trouble. By listing to those words she Said " Anha ! If we get kissed each other in public it doesn't creates problem for us, if I'm holding your hand like a wife also doesn't create any problem for us, but if I hug you from behind it creates a problem for us? Worst logic every " she Said and we are moving towards our table.

We both had our coffee and ate our food. I got up and ready to leave, she is still sitting on the couch. Called me , I turned towards her and Said come on why are you still sitting here? She asked me baby, one minute can you sit beside me. Okay but why? Just come and sit. I sat beside her and looking into her eyes.

She took one bag and gave it to me. I open it, there is a jacket, which is one of my favorite. My eyes filled with tears. Baby what happened to you? Are you okay?

I was uncontrollable at that time and emotional to but trying to cover all those feelings.

Baby, this is my gift for you, it will definitely suits you.

I opened it and wore it there it self. She was in shock. AWE! BABY!

We both sitting together and emotionally attached with each other !