
25. Got Nothing To Lose(1)

"Alright," Beckett said, finishing with her daughter's hair. "You're all done." She saw that Julia was still looking down at her lap and she said, "Sweetie?" Startled when she raised her head she asked, "Are you crying?"

"Sorry," Julia whispered.

"Don't be sorry," Beckett said reassuringly as she put down the girl's brush to hug her tightly from behind. She kissed her temple and said, "I don't blame you; we've been here for a long time."

"Yeah," Julia said, turning around to her. She smiled and then said as her mother gently thumbed her tears away, "I've loved this so much… and being here. It hasn't been that cold at all."

"No," Beckett said with a smile. "But home is in the Hamptons. And you need to go to school back there too."

"Yeah," Julia said, sighing before she stood. "Like my dress?" she asked, shaking back and forth.

"I do, I wasn't expecting you to have sequins… or fringe," Beckett replied, since her daughter's dress looked like the one Jennifer Grey had worn for her Jive, though it was far more modest in design and sky blue in color. "But it looks great for your Cha-Cha," she said while watching Julia go over to the mirror.

"Yeah… Dad won't mind this dress, will he?" the girl asked, looking back at her mother in the mirror.

"No, I'll make sure he doesn't," Beckett said firmly. "Now come on, we need to go."

Nodding, Julia reached out to her and took her hand before they were walking together into the hall. She looked around for Mari but didn't see her before Skye was calling to them. She smiled and said to the investigator, "You're ready?"

"Just need to get my hair and makeup done," Skye said. "You look great. You and Mari."

Julia whirled around as soon as the woman said that and gasped when she saw her best friend. She took off for her and they met, hugging each other tightly before they were laughing at the sound of their beaded fringe hitting together. "I guess we'll hear that when we dance," she said when they let go of each other.

"Maybe," Mari said. "We might be hearing the music though."

Nodding, Julia turned to her mother and said, "I think it's time for you to go."

Smiling, since she could hear the music playing out on the dance floor, Beckett said, "I think it is." She shared a quick kiss with her daughter and when they parted said, "Break a leg sweetie."

"Thanks Mom," Julia said, smiling at her. She hugged her tightly saying, "Have fun with the dancing right now."

"I will," Beckett said. She waved to the boys who were walking over to them and then went out to the ballroom. As she made her way over to where they would be sitting that night she looked for her husband, spotting him quickly after she'd made her way around some people. She smiled seeing he was dancing with Eliza and she hurried over to them, tapping his shoulder quickly before he turned to her and was suddenly embracing her.

"Sorry," Castle said, holding her but letting her step back enough so he could look at her. "She's ready?" he asked.

"She is," Beckett said. She then looked over at Eliza and saw that she had left them, with Fleur and Ivy, dancing with them. Smiling, she turned to her husband before they let go of each other and then began to dance to the faster music until it stopped and went to a slower song.

Though he felt bad for the kids, as they went to the chairs they would be sitting in for the show, Castle took his wife into his arms again and held her closely. As they swayed he murmured to her, "Only one more night for this."

"That's alright," Beckett said, smiling at him when he pulled away to look at her. "We can easily do this at home."

Nodding, Castle held her closer and gently rubbed her back for a little until they let go of each other at the end of the song. Once they were sitting in their chairs; since the show was about to start; he looked up at the Sky Box and said, "Are my glasses messed up or is she wearing fringe?"

"It's fringe," Beckett said, smiling at him. "It's alright though, it's a normal dress and very modest."

"After you've seen it I'm not surprised it is," Castle said. "I'm sure she would have changed if it wasn't." He smiled back at her when his wife squeezed his hand before they were looking at the dance floor as the countdown for the episode had begun.

"Second to last episode," Peter commented under his breath where they were standing at the railing.

"At least there's one more," Mari said.

"And tomorrow night?" Clive said.

"We still have the class back at school," Julia pointed out to them. She wasn't surprised when her friends nodded before they looked down to the screen as it was showing footage of the stars in past dances while Tom was talking about the finales and Freestyles. She shared a smile with her friends at that, since they were excited though nervous about the Freestyle they would be in at the halfway point of the hour long episode. Turning back to the screen she was startled to find the footage was over and she wondered what she'd missed when the two hosts were talking.

"Starting out tonight," Tom said after he and Erin had said that introductions. "We have a special music video, the world premiere of Paul McCartney and The Rambling O'Dells performing I Love This House. With a little help from Derek and the other couples."

"And be sure to watch out for the Hamptons troupe, joining in on the fun," Erin finished with before Tom was sweeping his arm towards the screen that was behind him before the camera moved over to it.

The music video started with the screen black as the intro began before it became Paul in a black jacket walking away from the camera. He was in front of his home on Forthlin Road in Liverpool and he went to the front door, opening it before a bright light flashed to change the footage. When things appeared again the singer was looking at a model of the house with the front ripped off; that having been filmed in a warehouse in LA; and there was at least one person in the rooms there were, dancing as Paul turned to the camera and started to sing the first two lyrics, walking backwards. He reached the entry, where Skye was, and she took his jacket while nodding to the lyrics he sang.

Cracks in the pavement, cracks in the roadCracks in the ceiling where the bathtub overflows, overflowsHoles in the carpet, holes in the slateHoles in the carpet, but I won't evacuate

When the chorus began immediately after, Paul gestured to the camera and he and Skye sang it before they walked over to the next room which was a family room where Jonathon and Whitney were looking over the couch there at the pair.

I love this house, it's where I'll stayEat and sleep the night and dayI love this house, it's where I'll beFor you to spend some time with meI love this house

At the end Mary appeared in the doorway on the other side of the room with Raj, holding a guitar and melodica respectively before they waved to everyone. Since there was a short instrumental they danced into the kitchen, finding Derek there with a guitar before he looked up at them with wide eyes. He sang the next verse and chorus with Paul and Skye, smiling at his partner while Jonathon and Whitney were dancing together.

Damp in the basement, damp in the hallDamp in the living room that's climbing up the wall, up the wallRust in the drainpipe, rust in the spoutRust in the radiators, still won't get me out

I love this house, it's where I'll stayEat and sleep the night and dayI love this house, it's where I'll beFor you to spend some time with meI love this house

Julia smiled at the way Paul's voice lingered on the word be, as it did in his original recording. She looked at Mari and saw the girl was bouncing up and down slightly since in the video the group all in the kitchen was dancing out into entry and up the stairs. They went to the first bedroom, where she and her friends were and she and Mari on the screen were jumping on the bed there and dancing what they could too.

Hot in the summer, rattling window teeth and kneesPerfect place for cat and mouseBut never mind I love this house

When the verse was over the group was moving again and since there was an instrumental, they picked up Eddie and Emma in another bedroom before grabbing Jackie and Barry in the last.

"One more room left," Julia whispered with a smile, remembering the filming. She felt Mari touching her elbow and leaned over to her, knowing already her friend had something to tell her before she whispered into her ear.

"That was so much fun," Mari told her.

Nodding Julia looked back at the screen where they had all started dancing together through a hallway, though it had only been made to look like one since it was so long. When they reached the next verse, she smiled as just Paul and Skye were singing but it allowed Derek to dance with both her and Mari; all of them dancing behind the pair until they reached a large room.

Cracks in the pavement, cracks in the roadCracks in the ceiling where the bathtub overflows, overflowsHoles in the carpet, holes in the slateHoles in the carpet, but I won't evacuate

As Paul and Skye were singing the final instance of the chorus, Beckett smiled at the investigator drawing out the word be with the singer before they finished the song.

I love this house, it's where I'll stayEat and sleep the night and dayI love this house, it's where I'll beFor you to spend some time with meI love this house

Since the end of the song was instrumental, the group was jumping up and down before the four couples left for the show stepped up together to the screen and there was another flash of light and fog on the stage.

Julia was cheering as Tom was introducing the couples, smiling as her friends were doing the same next to her. "Are you guys ready?" she asked the two boys; since they were going to be with them for Skye and Derek's first dance.

"Yeah," Peter said, waving the towel he'd been given. When Julia playfully pushed at him he put it over his shoulder and then looked with the others as a crew member was calling to him and Clive. "Sorry," he said to the two girls.

"No way," Julia said first.

"Yeah, you're not even dancing," Mari said jokingly. "Make sure you keep the towels with you."

Saying bye to the two, Julia asked her friend as they turned to the dance floor again as Tom was introducing Skye and Derek.

"We're doing the Foxtrot again," the investigator was saying as the footage started out on her and Derek in the studio. "I really want the chance to do better on this dance. Hopefully whoever comes in to help us out will give me some tips."

The scene changed to Bruno walking into the room and Skye hurrying over to him, hugging him before they parted and were talking in Italian to each other.

"I hope," Derek said after the judge had embraced him quickly. "You're not going to be doing this whole session in Italian."

"No," Bruno said with a laugh. "But if it helps me to explain it to her better…"

"I'll translate," Skye assured her partner with a smile.

"I think Skye can improve on this dance," Bruno was saying, standing in the room by himself then. "She just needs to forget about her previous mistakes which hopefully I can help her to do."

"Just keep your shoulders up," the judge was saying as the footage went to him watching her and Derek dancing. "I think you go into your turns too fast, so your balance is getting off. Try this," he said, moving himself to show her. When the pair tried it again he nodded and said, "Wonderful, much more improvement. Again."

After she and Derek did that same move again and continued as Bruno was motioning to them, Skye said with a smile when they stopped, "Lui sa di cosa sta parlando."

"What does that mean?" Derek asked his partner as the judge started laughing immediately.

"He knows what he's talking about," Skye said with a smile at Bruno.

"Alright, let's get back to work," the Italian judge said in a mock stern tone of voice. He then watched the pair trying the same step again and said, "Much better," as he was nodding.

"With Bruno's help," Skye was saying in a voice over while the footage switched to her and Derek practicing alone. "And a lot of practice; even at Disneyland this week; we should be able to do this dance the justice it deserves."

The music played as the logo was going across the screen and Derek was sitting on a bench behind a newspaper in his hands. Clive was brushing off a derby hat; meant to be the dancer's; with the towel that he'd had over his shoulder to the pro's left. Skye walked over and sat down, handing Peter who'd been behind the bench her derby hat so he could do the same with his towel. The investigator held a newspaper in front of her as the announcer was saying, "Dancing the Foxtrot, Skye McDouglas and her partner Derek Hough."

As the music began, Derek and then Skye lowered their newspapers, looking over at the other. Finally, as the first lyric of the first verse began the investigator stood up and started to walk away, the paper tucked under her arm. Derek followed her on the second lyric and at the third tapped her shoulder. Skye turned and she dropped her newspaper before getting into hold with her partner and they started their basic Foxtrot steps on the very last lyric. At the fifth lyric the pair was spinning together before they stopped and for the sixth and seventh lyrics they were dancing forward, kicking up their knees in unison. On the last lyric Derek spun Skye out before she spun back to him.

Don't look at meIt's way too soon to seeWhat's gonna beDon't look at meAll my lifeI never knewWhat I could be, what I could doThen we were new

In the first lyric of the next verse, after some vocalization by Paul, Skye and Derek had let go of each other and they walked together down the dance floor before they stopped and went back into hold on the second lyric. At the third they were spinning around together and then dancing forward. With the next lyric Skye and Derek danced side by side, moving together forward as they'd done their first Foxtrot. But the investigator didn't slip and they were only doing that until the fifth lyric was over and the pro was pulling her back into hold after spinning her. They then danced some Foxtrot steps and continued that until the verse was over.

You came alongAnd made my life a songOne lucky day you came alongJust in timeWhile I was searching for a rhymeYou came alongThen we were new

When the chorus began, Derek and Skye were letting go of one another again and they started to clap their hands together to the rhythm of the first and second lyrics. On the third they were back in hold and danced their steps until the last lyric when Skye slid her foot forward and then kicked her leg up.

We can do what we wantWe can live as we chooseYou see there's no guaranteeWe've got nothing to lose

With the next verse Skye and Derek were spinning together on the first lyric before they were going back into their steps together though the investigator was looking away on the second. Derek was lowering their arms; though they were doing it together; and they danced with their hands holding each other and their foreheads pressed together until the fifth lyric. Their arms came back up and they held onto each other as they danced their way from the end of the floor where they'd ended up to the judge's table. The chorus happened right after that and they repeated their steps they'd done before for that.

Don't look at meI can't deny the truthIt's plain to see, don't look at meAll my lifeI never knew what I could beWhat I could doThen we were new

We can do what we wantWe can live as we chooseYou see there's no guaranteeWe've got nothing to lose

At the next verse Skye and Derek danced the same as they did at the beginning of the song since the lyrics were the same; letting go of each other and the investigator pretending to walk away before the dancer was again tapping her shoulder. But that time at the end they were letting go of each other and hurrying back to the bench. The very last lyric of the song they sat together and Derek picked up the newspaper, using it to block their heads as they pretended to be kissing each other though their heads were just very close until the music ended.

Don't look at meIt's way too soon to seeWhat's gonna beDon't look at meAll my lifeI never knewWhat I could be, what I could doThen we were new

Then we were newOo-oo-oo-ooNow we are newOo-oo-oo-oo

Applauding with the others as they were all standing, Beckett playfully nudged Mary next to her saying, "That's supposed to be you with her," in Irish.

Smirking the doctor asked, "You don't think we practiced that at home?" in the same language.

Laughing, Beckett turned back to the judge's table they were across from that night as Skye and Derek were walking over to Tom. She smiled when Isaac and Genevieve waved to their sons as they passed on the way to the Sky Box and then looked back as Carrie-Ann was called on for her reaction first.

"Now that's the meaning of redemption," the judge said with a smile. "And I could tell you meant it too, your lines were very much improved over the last time you danced the Foxtrot. And Bruno really helped you out with your shoulders."

"And Derek," Skye was quick to say.

"And Derek," Carrie-Ann said with a laugh. "So straight lines, good footwork and your shoulders straight… excellent work."

"Alright, Len," Tom said.

"I agree with Carrie-Ann," the British judge started out with. "I was a little unsure about your beginning but I know that the singer himself is here so that was for him."

Skye was applauding with the audience and the others as the camera was showing Paul and Nancy across the dance floor next to her wife; Ringo and Barbara on the other side of them. She turned back, seeing that Len was waiting, and she glanced at her partner before he was speaking again.

"I was pleased to see you did end up having good Foxtrot content with this," Len said. "Good job with that Derek. And to you Skye for dancing it as well as you did."

"Bruno, what do you have to say about this dance you helped coach Skye on?" Tom directed to the last judge.

"Darling," the Italian judge began, studying the investigator with a smile.

"Uh-oh," Skye said jokingly, smiling herself.

"That was magnificent!" Bruno continued, standing up at the same time as his voice became more exuberant. "You listened to me all the way through to tonight and I appreciated it greatly. You kept your shoulders where they need to be, calmed down on your spins and it was fantastic!"

Jumping up and down slightly Skye said in joy, "I learned from the best," as she motioned to her partner as well.

"Is that it?" Tom asked with a smile.

"Wonderful choreography and I loved your foot placement too Skye," Bruno said as he sat down. "I loved it."

Julia looked at her friends as Tom was sending the show to commercial; talking about the next dances; before Skye and Derek were heading up to the Sky Box. "I think they'll get a good score," she told them.

"Of course."

"Definitely," Mari and then Clive said.

"What's wrong?" a voice said behind them.

Whirling with the others, Julia smiled seeing it was Maria and she hurried to her, hugging her briefly. "You look so cool," she said since she was wearing the green outfit John Lennon had for the cover of the Sgt. Pepper's album.

"Thanks, I forgot you guys were dancing," the star said with a smile. "But what's wrong?"

"Nothing," Peter replied as he knew she'd heard his sigh. "Just ready to dance."

"Or you're bored," Clive said. When his friend looked at him he said, "What? You could be."

"Guys," Skye said with a smile. She went to Maria when they looked at her and she hugged her carefully saying, "You're early."

"You said get dressed now," Maria said in mock annoyance. She then said, "Your outfit is… interesting."

"Oh," Skye said, pretending to be annoyed. She smiled and then said, "It's the early 1900s, this is what I'd wear if I could dress like a man," since she'd worn a suit with a morning coat. "But I'm changing right after." They had to stop talking then as the show was about to come back from commercial and she hurried over to her partner before the countdown began and Tom spoke until he handed it over to Erin in the Sky Box with them.

"Congratulations on a dance that got some very positive feedback," the co-host was saying. "How do you feel now that it's over?"

"Happy," Skye said with a smile. "Very happy that I was able to dance without messing up like I did the last time. So I want to say a very sincere thank you to Derek and Bruno both for your help on this one."

"Let's get your scores," Erin then said with a nod.

Beckett looked on as the music played and the announcer said, "Will the judges please reveal their scores?" She smiled at her husband before the man was speaking again saying, "Carrie-Ann Inaba."

"Ten," the judge said.

Skye was hugging Derek tightly but quickly as she turned back to see what Len would give them.

"Ten," the British judge said with a smile.

"Bruno Tonioli," the announcer said last.

"Ten!" the judge said holding up the paddle and waving it.

"That gives you a perfect score to start out the night," Erin said as Skye was hugging Derek. "How are you feeling?"

"Really great," the investigator said after she and Derek had calmed down.

"Yeah, that's how we want to start out," the pro said.

"You've got the Freestyle next," Erin then continue with. "One of the most anticipated dances of the season, are you ready for that?"

"Definitely," Skye said. "We have something special planned and I'm eager to get to dance again."

Julia, as Erin was talking about voting, was startled at the realization that that night would be the last time the co-host would tell the viewers about it. She shook off the sudden rush of disappointment that came over her at the thought and looked over the railing, waving at her family as they were looking up at her. She then went with her friend as the other three were talking about practicing one more time before they needed to dance themselves.

"'lexis?" Julia asked her sister in surprise though she was quickly smiling after. "Hey Lizzy, how come you're here? And where are Mom and Dad?"

"They're coming behind us," Eliza told her, squeezing her sister's hand.

Nodding, Julia went to them from where she'd been dancing a few steps with Peter and hugged her big sister. "I'm sooo glad you came," she said, looking up at her.

"Me too," Alexis said. "What's wrong?" she then asked, noticing the look on the girl's face.

"I used to have to look way up at you," Julia said with a smile. "Not so much now."

"You might have to look down at me eventually," Alexis said, smiling herself. "Especially Christmas mornings when we're in our pajamas." When her sisters looked at her in confusion and said, "You'll definitely be taller than me."

"Oh… that's not for a while though," Julia said rapidly. "What do you think though? Of the show?"

Smiling again, as she wasn't surprised her sister was changing the subject, Alexis said, "It's amazing and I'm so jealous of you both."

"Don't be 'lexis," Eliza said quickly. "Jules had to do a lot of work."

"I think she means schoolwork," Beckett said as she and Castle were walking up to them. "But you're here now; backstage."

"I was going to say," Alexis said to her mother, nodding. "I'm incredibly lucky. But we have to go back soon."

"Very soon," Castle said. "But first… time for a picture."

"Did you know Daddy was going to do that?" Eliza asked, looking up at her big sister.

"I had a feeling, 'cause of my dress," Julia replied, smiling widely.

"Hey, that thing is fabulous," Castle said, smiling when his wife and their daughters laughed at that. "Go ahead and pose." He waited for the girls to do so and he pushed his wife gently saying, "You too Kate."

Giving him a look, Beckett knew she didn't have a chance of protesting and she hurried over to the girls, standing next to Alexis while Julia and Eliza stood on either side of them. After her husband had taken the picture she told him, "Your turn," making him take her place as she took his phone.

Castle didn't say a word in complaint, merely standing with their daughters before his wife was taking a picture of them. "One of the three of you together," he told them, speaking swiftly before they could move. He watched his wife take a couple pictures and he smiled saying, "Good."

"You need to go back don't you?" Julia asked. When her mother looked behind her she turned around and then saw Derek was there. "I guess I need to practice one more time," she told her family with a smile, looking back at them. She hugged her sisters in turn, smiling as they both told her to break a leg. She then went to their father, embracing him tightly before he ran his hand over the back of her head.

"Like they said break a leg sweetheart," Castle told her, almost calling her ceann beag though her sisters were with them.

"Thanks Dad," Julia said, smiling up at him. She hugged him again before they parted and turned to her mother.

"Break a leg Julia," Beckett said firmly before her daughter stepped forward into her arms.

"Thanks," Julia said. When they'd been hugging for a while she pulled away and peered up at her before saying, "I hope you like the dance."

"We will," Beckett said. She wanted to give her a kiss but figured her daughter wouldn't really want her to do that so she instead gave her a final squeeze.

Watching her family walking away, Julia breathed in for a moment, remembering two days before when Alexis had flown into the city and they'd gone to pick her up. She then turned to practice one last time with her partner, but she couldn't get the memory out of her head while she was moving in their steps.

"Take it easy you guys," Castle told the girls, watching the two shift back and forth on their feet. "She needs to get off the plane first."

"I hate waiting," Julia commented.

"So do I," Castle said. "But it needs to be done. We can't make her walk faster unless we went over there and they'd arrest us for going past that door."

"And you'd all be grounded," Beckett said. "And don't forget Louis' here too."

"When we talk about 'lexis we mean him too," Eliza said firmly to her mother.

"Oh, okay," Beckett said with a laugh. She saw the way her husband was looking at her and she asked, "What?"

"Are you sure it's okay that they'll be in the guest house with us?" Castle asked her.

"Why not?" Beckett said simply. "They have no problems with it."

Nodding slowly, Castle was going to say more but he decided he didn't need to after all and they turned with the girls to watch for the pair coming out from the gates. "Too bad everyone from the city couldn't come," he eventually said.

"I had thought it was odd they said that when they need the vacation for the holidays," Beckett said. "And of course conflicts with other detectives taking off."

"At least they'll watch," Julia commented.

"And vote," Beckett added.

Glancing at the door in front of them before it opened Julia saw something bright red before she cried out and called, "'LEXIS!"

"'LEXIS!" Eliza repeated when she saw what her sister had. They ran together over to their big sister and hugged her as tightly as they could as she was laughing above them.

"I'm happy seeing you guys too," Alexis said, hugging her sisters to her the best she could. She then shared kisses with them and said, "It's been too long."

"Definitely," Julia said. "Say hi to Josa."

Alexis smiled and gently squeezed her shoulder before she went to their mother. "Hey Ma," she said to her before they hugged.

"I'm so glad you made it," Beckett said to her daughter, pulling away so she could look at her.

"What?" Alexis asked in surprise.

"Just making sure you're doing alright," Beckett told her with a smile.

"I am," Alexis said, smiling herself. She squeezed her mother's hand before she went over to her father. She took Josie; that he was holding; and took her on her hip saying, "Oh my gosh, she got so big," she said to her parents.

"Didn't you see when we were talking on the TV?" Eliza asked.

Laughing softly, Alexis kissed Josie's cheek gently before she said to her parents, "I'm glad she remembers me. And it's hard to tell on the screen," before directing the last to her sister. "And she's adorable."

"Bababa," the baby suddenly babbled, waving her right arm around.

"That means she's happy to see you," Julia commented.

Nodding, Alexis gave her baby sister another kiss before handing her to their mother. With her arms free she almost threw herself at her father.

"You look happy kiddo," Castle commented.

"I am, very," Alexis replied. "But I'm glad to see you; all of you."

"We missed you too," Castle told her with a smile. After they let go of each other he then went over to shake Louis' hand saying, "We're happy to see you too."

With a slight laugh, the young man said, "Don't worry, I know how much you've missed Lex. Where are her grandparents?"

"At the house, Skye and Mary are out with their girls so we have it to ourselves," Beckett answered while they made their way over to the luggage carousel for their flight.

"Too bad it's cooler now," Julia commented. "We could have gone swimming."

"Yeah and you could try the slide!" Eliza said while the adults were watching the suitcases that were going by.

"Could have," Beckett corrected her.

"I'm sure another time we can go swimming," Alexis said as her sister was pouting. She wrapped her arm around her shoulders before she spotted her suitcase and was about to move to reach for it when her father was doing so.

"Is that it?" Castle asked as he looked over once he'd given his daughter her suitcase to see Louis had his. They then left the terminal, crossing the street to the parking structure where the two cars they'd brought were.

"How are we going?" Alexis asked.

"However you want to," Beckett said. "But the baby's car seat is in one car already."

When they reached the two cars, Julia wasn't surprised when her big sister and Louis went in the car her father was driving. When she was inside the other she said, "What are we going to do now Mom?"

"Don't worry," Beckett told her, starting the car before she pulled out of the space they were in and after the car her husband was driving. "We'll figure something out, but we need to see if your sister and Louis are too tired at all."

"I thought you would say that," Julia said, smiling at her in the rearview mirror. "But could I suggest something?"

"Alright," Beckett said.

"What about going to the Promenade?" Julia said.

"We can ask them what they think," Beckett said. "But let them unpack and rest a little bit before we start talking about traveling again." She checked on Josie and Eliza and seeing the two were okay she focused on driving to Santa Monica and the McDouglas house. Once they were there she got out with Julia and Eliza but told them, "Don't get her out." She wasn't really surprised when the two rushed over to the other car and their sister. "Don't worry," she said to Josie as she was getting the baby out from her car seat. "Your sisters didn't forget you, but they'll want to see your big sister for now." She stepped back and looked at her husband as he walked up to her and she said, "Do you have the key?"

"Yeah, I was just making sure you were coming with us," Castle replied. He then leaned over and kissed at Josie's cheek adding, "And making sure she knows we're not forgetting her." When he pulled back he saw the look on his wife's face and asked, "What?"

"I was telling her her sisters hadn't forgotten about her, since they were so eager to go to Alexis," Beckett explained. When her husband smiled she shared a kiss with him, quickly, before they made their way to the guest house which he opened.

"Your room is back here," Castle said, going over to the doorway. "The baby's crib is here but she's still sleeping with Martha."

"Did she stay here at all?" Alexis asked with a smile, guessing that her grandmother insisted on having the baby in her room.

"A few times, a few too many of course," the woman herself said, making everyone turn to the living room where Martha and Jim were. "We thought you were going to the main house," she said.

"Gram," Alexis said, hugging her as tightly as she could once she reached her.

"Oh darling," Martha said with a smile. "I feel like it's been ages since we've seen you. Let me look at you," she then told her oldest grandchild, gently pushing her back. "Look at you," she said after a moment. "Working girl.""Thanks Gram," Alexis said, hugging her one more time. "I'm glad to see you too Grandpapa," she said as she turned to Jim before she hugged him.

"We're all very happy you could make it out here," Jim said. "And I'm glad that you're obviously happy with your job." He looked at Louis and said, "And you as well."

"Thank you," the young man said, shaking his hand after he'd hugged Martha at her insistence. "What are we doing now we're here?"

"First look at your room for the next few days," Beckett said. "And then unpack; we'll stay out here to wait for you." When the couple went into the bedroom she handed Josie to her father and went to the kitchen with her husband to get some glasses of water. She wasn't surprised when Julia followed them and she looked at their second oldest, waiting for her to tell them what was on her mind as she was expecting her to do.

"This shouldn't take too long," Julia began.

"Yes, but they need to rest," Beckett said.

"No we don't," Alexis called from the room. "If they want to go to the Promenade we can."

Julia covered her mouth as she was laughing but seeing that her mother was smiling as well she said, "Sorry."

"No, at least your sister doesn't mind," Beckett said. "Or Louis."

"I don't," the young man then called. "Lex has been telling me about this street; sounds nice."

"Mommy, Daddy," Eliza said, hurrying over to them. "We can have dinner at the restaurant!"

"Which restaurant?" Louis asked.

"You'll see, we were planning on going there already," Beckett said, directing the last to Eliza.

Nodding, the little girl went over to the couch and started to play with Josie and her Tigger doll while they were waiting.

Alexis and Louis tried to go as quickly as they could and since they didn't have that much in the suitcases they were finishing unpacking and walking out to the others.

"What exactly is on this street?" Louis asked as they were heading for the cars.

"I didn't go into specifics," Alexis said with a smile as her sisters looked at her.

"You'll get to see soon," Julia told him. Though she wanted to go in the car with her grandparents, sister and Louis, she followed Eliza over to the other car since she wanted to sit with Josie. Settled in the back seat once the baby was in her car seat, she started to tickle her, listening to her laughing before she gurgled.

"Oh, you made her drool!" Eliza said though she began to giggle.

"Sorry Josa," Julia told the baby, wiping her face. She then looked up out the windshield and the view as they were making their way through the city to the Promenade. She couldn't wait to go again and smiled at Eliza over the carrier as they waited to reach the parking structure near the street.

Breathing heavily, Julia looked at Mari and said, "What do you think?"

"It's almost time," the girl said with a smile. "What were you thinking about?"

"When I went with my family and Louis to the Promenade," Julia said with a smile. "It was so much fun showing him the stores, the ocean and looking at the Pier too."

"Oh, I remember you telling me about that," Mari said. "I'm going to miss that street; it was a lot of fun."

"Well… downtown at home is kind of like that," Julia said.

"Yeah," Mari said, smiling at her. She thought of something, "What did he think of the restaurant?"

"He loved it," Julia said with a wide smile again. "He said it was like being at home in England."

"Girls?" Derek said, coming up to the two from the stage.

"Is it time?" Julia asked. When the pro nodded, she squeezed her friend's hand and they hurried out after him to the dance floor and she said to Mari, "Break a leg."

"Break a leg," the girl replied.

"You'll be fine," Derek said. "And you remember that I'll be with Whitney, right?"

"We'll get out of your way," Julia said with a nod before she reached Peter. When the dancer left them, she said to her partner, "I can't wait to see the rehearsal footage."

"I'm going to want to go to Disneyland now," Peter said jokingly. He laughed when his partner playfully pushed him before they turned at their parents calling them and he waved at his mother while she was waving to her parents. He was going to speak when he heard the countdown begin and he said, "Here we go."

Nodding, Julia watched as Tom greeted the viewers before he introduced them, and she was twisting her body back and forth while Mari was doing the same on the stage behind them. As soon as she heard the footage starting behind her she turned with her friends so they could watch and see what they were going to show.

"You guys are dancing the Cha-Cha this time," Derek was saying to the four. "And we had a request from Olivia and Dhani Harrison too, they want you to dance to Unconsciousness Rules instead of me and Skye."

"Even though we've danced to it before?" Julia was asking, motioning to herself and Peter.

"Don't worry," Derek said. "I'll make sure the steps are different."

It went to a voiceover and the dancer was saying as it showed him choreographing with the kids, "This dance I'm actually having a lot of fun with, since the kids all love the dance steps. And the best part was this week we had the chance to practice while we were at Disneyland."

The footage was at the park, showing the Matterhorn before it went to the two pairs of kids dancing together. Derek was standing with them, talking to them and motioning while people were walking by.

"While we were having fun going around," the dancer was saying as the footage then showed them back at a studio. "They were serious about their choreography and I know they'll be dancing this one well."

Turning to Peter as the music played and the logo went across the screen, Julia smiled when he widened his eyes at her. A second later he was just smiling, and she was doing the same as the music was playing and they all started to dance together though Mari and Clive were still on the stage. There were some vocals from George until the first verse was starting and the lights on the stage went dark while a spotlight focused on her and Peter.

Dancing alone together, Julia and Peter started out the first two lyrics dancing their basic steps before they sped up danced away from the steps a little until they reached the end of the third lyric. There the lights came up on the dance floor fully and Clive was spinning Mari while Julia was being spun by Peter. They went back into hold by the time the fifth one started and they danced side by side as the girls were moving their legs while the boys were stepping with them. At the second to last lyric the girls were kicking their legs up and they spun around to face the boys before they danced the at the last lyric away from each other.

You dance at the discothequeThat's why you look such a wreckYour face is pale you look drawnYour clothes are dirty and tornYou've got that look in your eyes that saysYou're half alive and you're lost insideMeanwhile you're back in your cageEgo'd out on the stageWhere the unconsciousness rules

At the instrumental there, the pairs stopped and extended their free arms as their other hands were holding onto each other. They then spun around together before the boys were helping the girls into splits and they helped them up so they could slide their legs closed just as the next verse began.

The two pairs were standing still and the boys wrapped their arms around the girls, lifting them up just enough so they could keep their right feet on the floor still. The second lyric had the girls being spun away from the boys and they continued to turn until they ran into Derek and Sasha who were going to dance as well. The boys were with Whitney and Emma and they were dancing together for the third and fourth lyrics, moving to the middle of the dance floor. When they'd met up in the middle Julia and Mari wrapped their arms around their partners and for the fifth lyric they danced side by side, doing their steps that way until the seventh lyric. The last two lyrics the boys were helping the girls doing splits and they were going to the corners on either side of the stage.

You've got yourself in a bindYou don't know how to unwindYour senses unsatisfiedTake you along on a rideYou've got a way and stance that saysYou'll dance the pants off of everyoneThen you go back on the floorYou got to get through the doorWhere the unconsciousness rules

Beckett was relieved seeing the two pairs of pro dancers were dancing during the instrumental then since it allowed the kids to rest. She could just make out Julia, standing on the opposite corner of the dance floor, and once she was sure she was alright she turned back to the dancers.

Castle was going to lean over to his wife when he watched with some surprise as Mari and Clive were dancing forward. He glanced at the Fosters and the boys' parents, seeing the smiles on all their faces since the two were dancing their steps well. He knew where Julia and Peter were going to come over and he waited for it, smiling as the two were obviously preparing themselves as they moved towards the other pair.

Julia and Peter danced over to the other pair on the first lyric of the last verse before they were dancing forward slowly on the second lyric. When they got to the third lyric the girls were being spun and they were stopping with the music. They did their arm extensions again before dancing through the next two lyrics. On the very last lyric they were joined by the two pro pairs and they were dancing all together.

You've lost a screw in your headIt shows the way you're ledBlind leading the blindNothing can stand in your wayYou're living day after dayWhere the unconsciousness rules

Dancing out the rest of the song; which was George vocalizing; the eight pairs came to a stop as the music did and the girls and two women were holding onto their partners, holding their right legs up. When the pros started moving the kids did too and Derek went over to the four, taking them to the judge's table.

"Again, are you guys alright?" Carrie-Ann asked the kids when Tom told her to start. When all four nodded she smiled and said, "First, you know I watch for lifts." At them nodding again, seriously, she laughed and said, "I saw you two girls making sure your feet were down on the ground; good job. And you had some amazing lines girls, with your legs. Boys you've been doing well too, I'm glad to see you've been careful with your partners."

"Our teacher told us to be," Peter said.

"I'm glad they did," Carrie-Ann continued. "And it was well danced, all of you."

Smiling back at the pro dancers who had come over with them, Julia turned when Tom went to Len.

"I thought you had a fantastic dance," the British judge began with. "And I was watching you closely while the professional pairs were with you and you were doing very well with them, staying in unison." Len waited for the audience's applause to die down a bit before he continued saying, "And you made the dance enjoyable to watch as well, so kudos to all of you."

"I'll agree with Len," Bruno said, nodding to the judge next to him. "That was very well danced, and I can imagine you four were nervous with the pros." He smiled at the kids nodding and then told them, "But you didn't show it. And I enjoy how you four are able to keep your shoulders so straight and your extensions as well. I think I speak for us all when I say we'll miss you when the season is over tomorrow."

Castle couldn't help laughing slightly as the kids rushed to Bruno to hug him while Tom then sent the show to commercial. "Have fun rushing," he said to his wife jokingly.

Rolling her eyes at him, Beckett hurried out of her seat and then went backstage so she could meet their daughter at the dressing room. "I hope we can make it," she said once she and Julia were together in the room.

"I know," the girl said. And that was all she and her mother said as she got dressed into her costume for the Freestyle. Her hair was put up into a bun and as soon as it was ready she was hugging her mother tightly. "Thank you so much," Julia said.

"You're welcome," Beckett told her. When they let go of each other she told her, "Have fun and break a leg."

"Thanks," Julia said again before she was rushing out of the room and to where she needed to go on the stage with everyone else.

"Oh! It's so cool!" Mari said when she turned from the stage where she'd just reached Skye and Maria.

"We'll have to take a picture," the investigator commented. They were wearing Sgt. Pepper-esque costumes, the tops and pants the same as on the album covers but the decorations on the coats was minimal. She herself was wearing the light blue outfit that Paul had worn, silver lining the collar of the coat down the middle and to the bottom of it. Maria was wearing the green and her coat had orange around the collar and edges. Julia had on the red outfit that George had worn, silver on her collar and down the middle as Skye's had but also along the scalloped edges of the bottom of it. Mari was wearing Ringo's pink outfit, gold on her coat but there were three lines on the collar and the bottom of it as well. "Several," she said with a smile.

"Guys," Derek said, walking up to them. "They're going to film you all first here."

"Not you?" Maria asked in surprise.

"No, I asked them to just have you guys so we don't ruin the effect," Derek answered.

"Are the boys okay with that?" Skye said.

"They are, we'll be on the dance floor until they go to the rehearsal footage," Derek said.

Julia was tempted to ask if they were going to show when Skye first met Maria, but she didn't have a chance as the countdown was beginning and the investigator pulled herself and Mari to stand with them; in the order the colors were on the album cover. She and Mari already knew that they were supposed to stand in place for that, but she hoped she'd be able to turn and see the footage. Luckily they were able to turn to the screen which she and her friend were doing in time to see it was starting out with Skye and Derek in a studio.

"I'd like us to dance to the song Partial to Your Abracadabra," Skye was saying.

"Whose is it?" Derek asked.

"Paul's; it's a cover song but it's always spoken to me," Skye said. "And one last request; we're The Beatles. Early sixties and later sixties."

"I can't help but be slightly unnerved about the idea of doing something with The Beatles, but luckily it's just costumes," Derek said, the footage going to him in a dance studio by himself. "And we're going to have some help with this dance as well."

Julia smiled when it showed Maria and Keo going into that same room and the other pair greeting them before she and her friends entered the room a second later.

"So we're two bands," Skye was saying in a voice over as Derek was choreographing with Keo's help. "But we'll come together; essentially the same band. There is one other thing with this Freestyle that I'm wondering about though."

"Of course we'll have to do something big," Derek said in another voice over as it showed him and Skye attempting to do different lifts. "I haven't gotten it just yet, but I'm letting the music speak to me."

"And with that I know we'll have everything down that we need to make this a Freestyle to remember," Skye was saying as it showed her being held up on either side by Mari and Keo before they set her down and she stumbled a little to their laughter.

Julia was standing with Skye, Maria and Mari at the base of the steps as they had been on the stage while the music played, and she assumed the logo went across the screen. She was trying not to breathe too hard, watching as Derek, Keo and the boys walked towards them while the announcer was saying, "Dancing Freestyle, Skye McDouglas and her partner Derek Hough."

The four boys and men stopped just in front of the tableau that the women and girls made, the two groups staring at each other before Derek took one step forward and the music began with Paul's yell and Skye moved away from the group. That started the dance and while the music was playing before the first lyric the girls and Maria were going to their partners and being spun around until they were stopping. At that lyric Derek let go of Skye to follow her as she was walking away from him until the second lyric. He was grabbing her and they pressed up together, stepping backwards before he pushed her but it was only until the fourth lyric had finished. On the very last one, Derek picked up Skye and spun her around so her legs flew out before he set her down while the other six were coming up behind the investigator.

I'm partial to your abracadabraI'm raptured by the joy of it allSo stop me where you startThe cockles of his heartThe panties sends it right up the wall

The four pairs were dancing together after that in a diamond formation, the men and boys spinning the women and girls before they got into hold. They moved forward in various steps until they were meeting in the middle and the women and girls broke off. At the second lyric, Maria grabbed Skye in her arms as she fell back and then pushed her as she got up. The investigator then began walking towards Derek as Keo and the boys had run out of view. That took up the third lyric and when they got to the fourth, Derek was grabbing the investigator and he helped her bend backwards into a flip. On the fifth and last one Skye threw her arms around her partner's neck and he dragged her backwards until they'd reached the steps at the stage where everyone else was gathered.

Please, please stop it, it likes itTickles it to death either wayThese lovely boots existTo drive it 'round the twistThe call of nature must be obeyed

There was a short chorus and on that the pairs danced together, going in a line in unison down to the other end of the dance floor.

Glad it's over, but this is worseCould hardly say it had been coercedStop it 'cause it like it, it's worse

At the instrumental, the lights went out except for on Skye and Derek and they danced together until the next verse they would dance to. On the first lyric, Derek helped the investigator do the splits and once she was standing up he helped her up on the second. With the third Skye was playfully pushing away her partner before he fell onto the floor. At the fourth Maria and Keo were grabbing her arms, picking her up as she was moving her legs and pretending to walk over Derek while he pushed himself back. He grabbed her ankles and then pushed her legs up so he could stand. Grabbing them he then spun her around, the others standing in a half circle around just in case.

There's been a manifestationNature made it answer the callIt simply can't resistBoots and pants like thisAbracadabra for all

With the next verse, Derek was letting Skye do a handstand before he threw her legs over so she could stand. The rest of the first lyric she was walking backwards into the others as her partner was following her. He grabbed her and then pulled her to him and spun her around while her legs were parted. On the last lyric he set her down and they parted so they were standing across from each other again.

Glad that's over, but this is worseRoll it over, too perverseStop it 'cause it likes it, it's worse

The end of the song; a repetition of one lyric; had the pairs stepping determinedly towards one another. They got into hold and were dancing almost aggressively together until they were parting at the second to last lyric and the women and girls were going back to their tableau while the men and boys were watching. At the last lyric; which Paul sang slowly; Keo and the boys moved to stand grouped together just to the right of the women and girls. Derek walked up to Skye, and the investigator made him turn and kneel in front of her as she crossed her arms over his shoulders, cheek pressing against his head while she stared at the camera in front of them.

I'm partial to your abracadabraI'm partial to your abracadabraI'm partial to your abracadabraI'm partial to your abracadabraI'm partial to your abracadabraI'm partial to your abracadabraI'm partial to your abracadabraI'm partial to your abracadabra

Letting Derek go, Skye hugged her partner as tightly as she could with her relief at getting the dance done without incident. She then turned to Maria and Keo, hugging them both before she squeezed the kids' shoulders. While they were walking to the judge's table she waved at her family and friends before turning back.

"Before I go to the judges," Tom said. "Your costumes are amazing."

"Thanks," Skye said. "And thank Stella McCartney since she designed these."

"Let's go to you Len," Tom said once the audience had stopped applauding.

"I really enjoyed this dance," the judge said. "I had wondered what you would do for any tricks and I wasn't expecting what you did. And now I see why you had extras with you. That could have backfired on you, especially when you were in unison, but you managed to stay together well," Len finished with. "And it was very well done."

"Bruno," Tom said to the next judge.

"Oh, I have to say though you were honoring the band, you still managed to convey that you were intent on being together," the judge said. Bruno smiled when the group in front of the table was laughing and he waited for them to stop before he continued with, "But Len is right, you risked being in unison and you were perfect with each step. I enjoyed it and I love your costumes. Oh, and what I loved was you all working together when you had to as well. It's wonderful to see you again Maria."

Skye was relieved so far, but she knew they needed to hear from Carrie-Ann. For some reason she was concerned about what the last judge might say, and she turned her attention to the woman before she started to speak.

"I was afraid for you when Derek was spinning you around again," Carrie-Ann said laughingly. "You took a lot of risks this season. But besides that I enjoyed the dance. And the fact you didn't shy away from having others with you though this was basically your dance. I agree too that it was a big risk to have them with you… except for you Keo."

Skye turned to the dancer and squeezed his arm as he was laughing before the judge was continuing again.

"But luckily they all did well," Carrie-Ann said. "And very quickly, I was delighted by your steps Derek and how you executed them Skye. Great dance."

"Alright, you'll get your scores here," Tom was telling the pair so they wouldn't leave. "But first this song doesn't seem very much about you. Or is it and I'm getting it all wrong?"

"I wanted to honor Paul and-" Skye started to say before she was jumping as someone was wrapping their arm around her. She looked and saw that it was Paul and Ringo on the other side of him. She squeezed Derek's arm when he let her go and then moved to stand in between the guitarist and drummer and said, "And The Beatles. Without that music I wouldn't have found the joy I have in singing and playing and… that's been the best part of dancing to all these songs I've had."

"Alright, let's get your scores," Tom said.

Julia was surprised when Paul motioned to her as the dramatic music started to play. She then noticed; as the announcer was starting to speak; that Ringo had motioned to Mari who went to him. They were stopping just in time to the announcer saying, "Carrie-Ann Inaba."

"Ten," the judge said with a smile, waving her paddle.

Skye hugged Paul and then Derek before she had to look back at the table as the announcer said Len's name next.

"Ten," the judge said.

"Bruno Tonioli," the announcer said last.

"Ten!" the judge said exuberantly.

Skye immediately hugged her partner before she went to Paul, laughing as Ringo joined them and she hugged him too.

"Great job," Maria told the investigator when they had embraced, and the show was on commercial.

"You too," Skye told her. "And thanks for joining up."

"Not a problem," Maria replied before she let her go.

"What do we do now?" Clive asked.

"Do you want to change?" Julia asked him.

"Not really," Clive said, looking down at his coat. "We really get to keep them?"

"Yeah, Halloween costumes," Peter commented.

"Guys," Skye called to them. "We need to go up to the Sky box, wait out the rest of the show."

"Can we go see our parents really fast?" Mari asked her.

"Yeah, but it needs to be fast," Skye said, not surprised when the four were racing across the floor.

"You shouldn't run sweetie," Beckett said teasingly as her daughter came to her hurriedly.

"I know, but there's not enough time," Julia said. She felt her little sister hugging her too and she looked at her saying, "Like my costume?"

"Yeah, it's pretty," Eliza said. "You too."

"Thanks," Julia said with a smile. They hugged that time and she then went to their father, doing the same with him before she went to Alexis and their grandparents. She was just letting go of her grandfather when a crew member told her she needed to go. "See you later!" she called to her family before she ran up the stairs to join her friends at the railing. While she caught her breath, she looked over at Skye, seeing the investigator seemed to be fine though there was still the elimination. She wasn't sure how the woman was able to keep calm but before she could go and ask Mari was touching her arm. Smiling at her friend she looked down at the dance floor trying to forget the elimination again as the others in the box joined them as the next Freestyle was beginning.

"Why can't I go up there too?" Eliza was asking her father.

"Shh," Castle said gently to her. "There's not that much left of the show."

Eliza wrinkled her nose but turned to look at the stage as the four pairs that were standing there. She then realized something and turned to her mother whispering, "Skye will stay, won't she?"

Quieting her gently, Beckett looked over at the stage as Tom and Erin were talking, about to announce the first person that was safe before the dramatic music then played.

"Skye and Derek," Tom said.

Breathing out heavily, Skye was tempted to sit on the stage in her relief, but her partner was turning to her. "I almost collapsed," she said with a slight laugh.

"I noticed," Derek said before the spotlight that was above them went out.

Looking on as the remaining three pairs went down the stairs, Skye glanced at her partner as she couldn't remember them doing that before. But as the two hosts began to talk she quickly turned her attention back to her friends since the music was beginning again.

"Eddie and Emma," Tom said, naming the first couple that was safe.

"Oh good," Skye murmured under her breath as she watched the pair hugging each other. But she couldn't forget that one of the two couples that was left wouldn't be joining them the next week. She had no idea why the idea that she had came to her then and she was going to mention it to Derek when the music was playing as the lights went down except for on the four in front of them.

"Daisy and Sasha," Tom said finally.

Skye sighed as the two hugged each other and she turned to her partner, whispering into his ear before she studied him.

"It depends on what we get," Derek said after he thought over the request. "We'll see shortly."

Nodding, Skye then hurried to go down to them and she wrapped her arms around Daisy first. "I'm so sorry," she said.

"Don't be," the photojournalist said with a smile as they parted. She then became startled as the investigator leaned over to her.

"We're going to ask everyone to be in our last dance… in some way," Skye began. "Are you in."

"Definitely," Daisy said before she was turning to Emma to hug her.

"Wow… Skye could really-" Clive started to say before the girls were shushing him. "What?"

"Don't," Julia said. "Anyways we need to change and get ready to get our last dance.""I can't wait to see that," Mari said exuberantly.

Laughing with her friends, Julia went with them all backstage so they could get into their practice clothes for their last practice on the night of the episode.

"Oh wow," Skye said as they were entering the studio where they would be practicing. "Those are so cool…"

"You can pick out one if you'd like it," Derek told his partner.

"Look! There's a picture of us too!" Mari said eagerly, going to the wall where there was one of the four of them for their Jive.

"You'll all have copies that you can take," Derek assured them.

"What do you think grá?" Skye was saying to her wife then.

"I agree," Mary said, since she was pointing to a picture of them with Derek during their Flamenco.

"I guess we better get started," Skye said then, turning to all the kids that were there. The parents were there but the four dancers had asked them to go to another while they practiced since they wanted to surprise them with their Freestyle. "I have to point out," she commented. "They know one part of the Freestyle now."

"That's okay," Peter said. "The other stuff will be. Though I guess we'll have to tell them about the pictures."

"We'll call them in to get you," Skye said with a smile. "Derek?" she then said to her partner.

"Our Fusion dance is…" the pro said, as he picked up the envelope. "The Salsa and Tango."

"And the song?" Julia asked when that was all he said.

"Atlantic Ocean," Derek replied, looking at his partner. "You have an idea, don't you?"

"I think," Skye began, putting her hand on Julia's shoulder. "We all know what we're going to do."

"Pirates!" all the kids, the investigator and Derek said at the same time.

"Great, I'm glad we agree," Skye said in amusement. "So obviously we're with different ships and we meet to parley."

"And all the other couples are with us?" Derek asked.

"Yeah," Skye said before she hesitated.

"It's just going to be those four with you too right Mum?" Marie asked.

"Sorry kids," Skye said apologetically to them. "It's better there aren't so many since the other pairs will be joining us."

"That's okay," Ivy said.

"Yeah, we're gonna be in the other dance," Eliza said.

"Speaking of that," Derek said. "We need to start now, that way we can have everything ready for tomorrow."

"Kids first?" Skye asked.

"Kids first," Derek echoed. "And guys," he directed to the four. "You can definitely help me."

Julia smiled, having been ready for that, and she went with her friends to the middle of the dance floor. She hoped her parents wouldn't mind missing out on watching them but shook herself quickly as she needed to dance with Peter to show Derek what they'd thought of so far since they'd learned they would be having their own Freestyle.

November 23 rd , 2020

Hello again Diary!

I know you're surprised to see me here again before going back home but I have the chance. And I'm not even sneaking this time either which is nice!

Anyways, I've been doing the usual stuff practice, school and playing. But on Tuesday last week I got to go to Disneyland with everyone for Mom's birthday and it was sooo fun! Oh, we went to California Adventure too but when I say Disneyland I mean there too. But it wasn't just us and the McDouglases, but Derek went, the boy's parents went and Mari's family. And we met Paul and Nancy there too! I got to go on rides with Paul which was amazing to get to do. He liked the rides so that made it even better.

And Mom said she was having a great birthday too so that made it great. Plus she loved our gifts even though we didn't have anything for her to unwrap. I guess that's what being older means. We stayed right until Disneyland closed and we were able to stay at the hotel another night too.

Tonight was the second to last episode; Finals Week! And Skye and Derek made it too! Their Redemption Foxtrot they were able to get a perfect score on. We did our Cha-Cha-Cha after and the judges really liked it. We then did the Freestyle with Skye and Derek and that got a perfect score too. So cool to do that since we were wearing Sgt. Pepper's outfits and those we get to keep!

We already know we have our Freestyle tomorrow, but we did practice after the show and Derek says all the other kids can dance with us. And he liked our steps too and the idea! We asked Paul about him joining to perform and he will so that will be really fun. But Skye and Derek got their very last dance and since it's a Fusion one it's a Salsa-Tango one. It'll be interesting to see it all finished since it's the song Atlantic Ocean by Paul. Skye already has a story, pirates, and everyone that was on the show and is on now will be on the 'ships' that she and Derek will be captains of. And the four of us kid dancers will be divided between them too. I asked Skye and it's by pairs, me and Peter chose to go with Skye and Mari and Clive wanted to go with Derek.

I'm so sad though, I missed home (I still do of course) but it's been so nice being here in Santa Monica and getting to do the show. But I wish that it wouldn't end, I loved getting to meet Derek and getting to know him. And dancing! Oh, it was so amazing getting to dance. I guess I should say I liked dancing on TV, but I would forget about it (honestly diary). But luckily I don't have to stop dancing!

I hear Mom coming up, I gotta go so for sure I won't be able to write in here until I'm back home. So I'll see you soon in the Hamptons Diary!

"Are you girls finished?" Beckett asked, entering the room.

"I am," Mari said, smiling at her.

"Me too," Julia said, taking her diary over to her carryon which was open for her to finish packing the next day. "I can't wait until I don't need to catch up with stuff."

"I hate doing that," Mari said.

"Get into bed girls," Beckett said, not sure if they were trying to delay doing that with their conversation.

"We're going," Julia assured her. She got onto the mattress after her friend had and turned to her mother to hug her. "One more time," she said as she had already said good night to everyone before she and Mari had been allowed to update their diaries.

"Thank you," Beckett said. She let her daughter go and said, "Sleep," firmly. "It's late and you have the show tomorrow… and then the flight back to the city which is later."

"Not that late," Julia said.

"It is, by the time we get to the city it'll be Wednesday morning," Beckett reminded her.

Nodding, though she didn't really want to sleep yet, Julia said, "Night Mom."

"Night Kate," Mari was quick to say.

"Goodnight girls, we'll see you tomorrow," Beckett said before she left them.

"Are you tired?" Mari whispered once they could just hear her friend's mother going down the stairs.

"Not really, but we have to sleep," Julia said with a sigh. She then smiled and asked, "Are you jealous of Skye too?"

"Yeah, but she said they weren't going to go on any rides," Mari reminded her.

"I know, but I bet you they'll get to go on Pirates," Julia said before they were laughing together. "Shh, someone's going to come over here… Skye and Mary."

"We couldn't help it," Mari said. When they'd calmed down she sighed and said, "Night Julia."

"Goodnight Mari, see you in the morning," she replied. Julia squeezed her friend's hand firmly before she closed her eyes. It took her a while to fall asleep, but she didn't move and tried her best not to think of the next day before she eventually did so with a sigh until she was finally nodding off.

Glancing down at the first floor, Castle's hands clenched down on the railing there to keep himself from falling over it when a hand touched his back.

"What're you doing?" Beckett asked him.

"Just making sure they're alright," Castle told her, a little surprised at her slightly stern tone of voice.

"By staring down at the room?" Beckett said in disbelief.

Shaking his head Castle said, "I just started looking now." He noticed the hesitation in her and hurried to add, "Really, I couldn't spy on them like that."

Sighing Beckett said, "I saw."

"You did? Then why are you giving me a hard time?" Castle said in surprise.

Taking her husband's hand, Beckett pulled him over to the bathroom and told him, "Because I don't want you to spy on them."

"To be honest," Castle said, preparing his toothbrush. "I can't spy on them if I can't see them." He wasn't surprised at the look his wife gave him in the mirror but didn't say anything to it and turned his attention to brushing his teeth.

"Come here," Beckett said, stopping him from leaving the room.

"But I-" Castle began before his wife was pulling him close. He knew for sure then what she wanted and he went into the kiss easily with her, wrapping his arms around her tightly and holding her up against him. He wasn't surprised when she initiated another as soon as they had parted and he worked with her until he was starting the third. He lost count after that and when they finally stopped kissing he smiled at her and said, "Are you sure you don't regret them here?"

"No," Beckett said, shaking her head. She then moved to embrace him saying, "We need to sleep.""Yeah," Castle said simply. He felt his wife's head tilting up to look at him and he smiled telling her, "Sorry, I was just enjoying this."

"I was too but I was still addressing the conversation," Beckett told him teasingly. She expected her husband to say something, but he was picking her up to her slight cry before she said, "You're just going to keep doing that unexpectedly aren't you?"

"Basically," Castle said. He smiled when he could hear her murmuring under her breath but didn't say anything until she was on the bed and he was standing next to it. "I really wish we could," he said in Irish as he took off his robe.

"We'll be home soon," Beckett reminded him.

"With a lot of guests," Castle couldn't help pointing out as he watched her stand up next to the other side to get her robe off.

"That's never stopped us before," Beckett commented. She smiled at him as she was climbing into bed and told him, "Hurry."

Hearing the seriousness in her voice, Castle was quick to take off his glasses and set them on the nightstand before he was getting under the covers with her. They kissed as soon as he was close enough to reach her and it was passionate as it had been before. But that was the only kiss they shared as his wife was placing her fingers on his lips to keep him from leaning into her again.

"Do you have a memory for me?" Beckett asked him.

Breathing out for a moment, Castle lay on his back and then said, "Yeah. It's in 1932, September twenty-fourth. So the girls were ten, five, almost four and two."

"Very young," Beckett commented. "Luckily Julia helped me out."

"Us," Castle commented.

"What were we doing that warrants a memory?" Beckett said with a smile.

"We went way out of town, upstate, and to an apple orchard," Castle replied. "And we picked apples." When he felt his wife settling down for it he started the memory, telling her how Julia was running ahead with her next littlest sister.

"Girls!" Kate called as she hurried down the path after them.

"But Ma-" Julia started to say.

"You can't run, what if you fell?" Kate asked her once she'd reached the two.

"Ma," Elizabeth started to say, sniffing.

"Don't cry honey," Kate told her soothingly as she caressed her hair. "I only ask that you don't run again."

"We won't Ma," Julia said earnestly.

"Promise?" Kate asked them both.

"Promise," the girls said together.

"Swell, now we get our apples," Kate said before she took them by their hands and they turned around to face Rick as he was coming over with Josephine in his arms and Alexandra walking with him, holding onto his coat.

"Are we all spiffy now love?" Rick asked his wife.

"Spiffy?" Beckett asked her husband, interrupting him.

"I… think that's what I said," Castle said slowly.

"Maybe," Beckett replied. "So we were all together…"

"Give me a chance," Castle said in mock annoyance before he was laughing as quietly as he could while she pinched his side lightly. "Okay, so we got our baskets and a lesson and we started."

"Wait," Beckett said. "The owner was letting us pick and take the apples home?"

"Yeah, I think the next year he had to stop doing that," Castle began after thinking over that for a moment. "And I don't think we did it again until… after the war," he continued. He was looking down at his wife so he was able to see her nod and he then continued, picking up where they were standing at their first tree.

"Are you sure we can't climb up there Ma?" Julia asked as they were studying the apples.

I'm sure," Kate said. "We'll rely on your da to get the taller apples." She smiled when the girls; except for Josephine; nodded and said, "Now we'll let your sister pick."

Rick waited for their three oldest to protest, but when the girls merely turned to look at their littlest sister he glanced at his wife. When she just smiled at him he then said, "Alright, what do you think about picking the very first apple?"

"Dada," Josephine said simply.

"Good, watch me," Rick said, reaching up to the apple. He had expected the toddler to follow his example and as she was holding out her arm to he raised her up so she could reach the ripe apple hanging closest to them.

"Mama! Apple!" Josephine said happily.

"Pull it off the tree honey," Kate told her, smiling at the look on her face as she was so obviously pleased.

Rick helped the toddler in pulling the apple off and he gently got it away from her before she could squeeze it too much. He instructed her to put the fruit in the basket, relieved when Josephine managed to understand him, and then said, "Who's next?"

"Me!" Alexandra said happily, raising her hand.

"Here," Kate said, looking around the tree before she spotted an apple. She then picked up the four-year-old and let her pick the apple herself before she was getting it in the basket Julia held for them.

"Now it's my turn," Elizabeth said eagerly.

"Hold on," Rick said as he needed to hand Josephine to his wife so he could hold their second oldest. Once he had her he led her to the next apple and watched her put it happily into their basket. He was about to tell Julia she was next when the girl was speaking herself.

"Will I be using a ladder?" she asked.

"You'll have to," Rick said. "But I'll help you."

Nodding, Julia hurried over to the one that her father eventually set up under the apples and she climbed up. Rick was holding the ladder for her and she was steady as she reached up and picked an apple before she grabbed a second one. "It was right next to it," she said quickly in case her parents might say anything about her doing that.

"Swell, we'll be able to finish that much faster," Rick commented as he was picking some then.

"Pick another and then take your sister for me," Kate said to their daughter.

Grabbing one more apple, Julia came down once Rick was holding the ladder again and then took Josephine while they were watching their parents.

"They just watched us?" Beckett asked with a smile.

"Well… three of them were young and the oldest was watching her sisters," Castle replied. "And after that we took the apples to the owner and then headed back to the house." He knew, since his wife was watching him, that he should continue but he couldn't resist, leaning down and then kissing her. He wasn't planning on using his tongue but when his wife's slipped into his mouth he was responding immediately. They tangled together for a time and he breathed out saying, "That was all I had for that one but there is another that just came to mind."

"When?" Beckett asked, pressing a little closer to him.

"It was the Monday after we picked the apples so we were alone with Josephine while the others were at school," Castle began. "And apparently that day was applesauce day."

Beckett laughed, since she was recalling herself, but she let her husband tell her as she held onto him.

"Is she asleep?" Kate asked, looking at her husband as he walked into the kitchen.

Not answering at first, Rick rushed over to his wife and took the towel she was using to dry her face while she worked. "I'll get you another one love," he said as he felt how hot her skin was.

Kate smiled but didn't turn her attention away from the stove and the pot she was stirring with the apples in them. She stopped for a moment when her husband was wiping her face with a cool towel and said, "Thank you love.""Now let me take over," Rick said before he was taking the spoon she was holding.

Though she wanted to protest, Kate found that she couldn't as her husband was insistent on standing in her place. "I don't have very much left Rick," she told him, keeping an eye on the applesauce which was nearly ready.

"That's alright," he said firmly. Rick then glanced at his wife and smiled saying, "And Josephine is fine, safe and warm close to the stove."

With a quick nod, as they'd left their youngest on some blankets on the floor for her nap in the living room, Kate tasted the apples to see where they were, and she said, "A little more love."

Rick continued to stir and after he had the consistency his wife wanted he got the pot and poured it into the jars she had ready with her help. "Looks like we have enough well into the next year," he commented as they were washing everything.

"I know, which will be good," Kate said.

"What is it?" Rick asked as she was holding one jar in her hand carefully.

"I need one for Josephine," Kate said with a slight frown. "I suppose I'll just get some into a bowl for her later."

"When will we start canning?" Rick asked.

"We?" Kate asked, drying her hands before she was reaching behind her to untie her apron.

"You don't expect to do it all on your own do you?" Rick asked as his wife paused in what she was doing. "I won't need to write until we're finished. And even then I'm set on episodes for now."

"Alright," Kate said with a sigh before she turned her attention back to her apron. She was startled when her husband pulled her off the counter; where she'd been leaning; and turned her around. "I'm perfectly capable of doing that myself you sap," she told him, though teasingly.

Rick focused his attention on the tie instead of thinking of a reply, and once he had it off her waist he tossed it onto the counter.

"What-" was all Kate had time to say when her husband had her turn back around. He was pushing her against the counter and crushing her lips with his, making her groan for a moment in her surprise before she was responding. Wrapping her arms around him as tightly as she could, she parted her lips to his seeking tongue and then realized that his hands were roaming over her back. "Rick," she breathed, trying to warn him but failing in her tone as his hands were moving.

Lifting his wife up onto the counter, Rick didn't allow her to go back too far as he was sliding his hands under her skirt, trying his best to push it up past her knees. They were kissing a second time then and he used that time to slide both his hands up on her thighs, grasping her ass. As soon as he had a hold on it, he was pulling her flush to him and they were parting for a gasp of air before meeting a third time.

Kate was enjoying her husband's touch immensely and they were literally fighting with their tongues inside her mouth. With all of that she was more than ready to allow things to become more intimate when she suddenly heard someone saying, "Mama?"

Freezing at the same time as his wife, Rick pulled away from her and he turned to see that Josephine was toddling through the dining room towards them. He hurriedly helped his wife down, checking her skirt before he felt her hands on his hair. "Go my love," he said quickly, straightening it himself.

Unable to help herself, Kate kissed him briefly and then turned her attention to their youngest. "What's wrong Josephine?" she asked, picking her up.

"Stocks Mama?" the toddler asked.

Looking at his wife with wide eyes, Rick wasn't sure what they could say to that; as Josephine had obviously seen them; but his wife was luckily speaking first.

"Yes honey," Kate said, smiling at both her husband and their daughter. "Your da was making sure they were straight and neat. We must make sure to be neat."

"Neat," Josephine said slowly with a smile. "Mama go gagee!"

"What?" Rick asked.