
18. As Horror Looks You

Her nails raking down her husband's back, Beckett's final cry of ecstasy seemed to reverberate against the walls of the guest house and she slumped to the bed. She was limp underneath Castle as he was thrusting into her a few more times and nearly collapsing on her with a groan of her name. She reached up to him immediately and started to caress the back of his head, feeling him shudder for a moment before he relaxed. "Good?" she asked when she felt she could speak.

"In both instances, yes," Castle said while he was raising his head to look down at her. He kissed her deeply and said, "You're fucking amazing Kate."

"You're the same love," Beckett said with a smile that was brief as he was carefully withdrawing from her. She sighed and moved with him to lay against his side but paused before her body could rest fully on the bed.

"We have time," Castle said as he reached for his phone where his alarm was going off. He turned it off and then wrapped his arm around his wife to hold her tightly to his side. "Always have time for this," he commented. He felt her pressing her face to his shoulder and thought nothing of it, but suddenly realized that she was shaking or shuddering against him. "Kate?" he asked her in surprise.

"You know not a lot of straight men would worry about cuddling," Beckett said a bit after that. She'd had to control her laughter but just managed it before speaking and she continued with, "Though I suppose when you're concerned about the emotional aspect of what we just did…"

"As you are," Castle said. He and his wife looked at each other for a moment before they were breaking up into laughter. When they'd calmed down he said, "I do enjoy it."

Beckett nodded, not really wanting to speak to interrupt the way the word now was reverberating unspoken between them. But she did have to talk, and she said, "We do need to take a shower."

"I know," Castle said with a sigh. "Quick?"

"Very, we are leaving remember," Beckett replied as they reluctantly got up. "And it's Halloween so…"

Not surprised when she trailed off before she could mention the kids, Castle nodded in response and they went into the bathroom to take a very quick shower. As soon as they finished; with only a few kisses exchanged between them since they couldn't stop themselves; they dressed and finished getting ready before heading out to the main house. He looked up at the sky as they were walking and said, "I wonder if those Santa Annas are here."

"I hope not," Beckett said though she couldn't really feel any wind. "The way they were all talking about them makes me worried."

"Good morning," Skye said, looking to the sliding door as the couple walked in. "Wonderful Halloween morning we're having."

"The wind changed direction," Mary said in amusement. "If you couldn't tell by her tone of voice."

"It'll be cool but still a bit warm," Skye said. "Seventies today, near sixty-two tonight. Perfect trick or treating weather."

"Are we still-" Beckett started to say.

"Yeah, well," Skye began, looking at her wife. "Mary and I are, it's up to you if you'd like to join in. Though I wonder why you didn't just bring your costumes."

"They're a little warm," Castle commented since the investigator and doctor had warned them about the weather as they'd started packing for their stay.

"Very thick fabric, I needed to make sure they stayed warm out in the neighborhood," Martha said as she was coming down the stairs.

Seeing the baby in her arms, Beckett smiled and went to Josie saying, "Good morning sweetie," taking her in her arms. She kissed the six and a half month old's temple and smiled again when the baby gurgled. "And the kids?" she asked as her father, mother in law and the baby were the only ones downstairs with them.

"They're getting everything ready," Mary said with a smile. "Cameras… costumes."

"Will they be warm in their robes?" Beckett asked, recalling where they were going was further inland.

"We're going to tell the girls to leave those for tonight," Skye said. She turned with the others, as they could hear the kids coming down the stairs, and she then added, "But they're wearing their uniforms with the ties; no vests since those would be too much."

"Skirts or trousers?" Beckett asked, indicating the woman's five daughters.

"Zavisit ot devushki," Skye said simply, nodding to her girls.

Surprised that she'd said the words depends on the girl in Russian, Beckett turned and quickly saw what she meant as out of the five, Marie and Ivy were wearing trousers. "Eto imeyet smysl," she told her friend, meaning it makes sense.

"I know," Skye said, speaking in English. She laughed when she was pushed away playfully, and she called to her daughters to help set the table.

Once everyone was sitting at the two tables in the house they started on their breakfast, the parents and grandparents needing to keep an eye on the kids since they were eating a little fast at first. But they managed to calm down and they finished the meal in a reasonable amount of time though the kids were very soon after rushing out to the patio.

"I'm wondering if it's a good idea to go," Castle said.

"They'll have the energy for trick or treating," Beckett said wryly.

"He uses them as his candy beard?" Mary said.

"No, they just give him some of their candy," Beckett replied, smiling at her husband.

"I think they pity me," Castle said before they were leaving the house.

"Calm down," Skye was saying to the kids as they were clamoring. "Everyone have cameras?"

"Yes!" Julia said first.

"Costumes but no wands?" Mary asked.

"Duh," Marie said.

"Watch it lass," Skye said warningly though there wasn't much threat in her voice. "Then let's go!"

Dividing in the different cars, the two families were on their way inland and once they were in Griffith Park they went to a large parking lot and were walking together once they'd met outside them.

"Say it Mum," Kathleen said with a smile at the investigator.

"Welcome to the Los Angeles Zoo," Skye commented with a wide smile on her face. "Alright, now that that's out of the way let's go or else we'll have time for aught else," she continued before they were heading to the turnstiles since she already had bought their tickets.

"I think they'll be the tour guides," Liam commented to Jim and Martha as his two oldest granddaughters were rushing to a display window with their sisters and the other children.

"Most likely," Martha said before they started to laugh.

After they had reached the others, Beckett looked into the water and spotted something on the bottom of the tank before she noticed a sign. She heard Eliza gasp and was about to speak when Marie was doing so first.

"Don't worry, they'll go back up," the girl was saying hurriedly as the seal inside wasn't moving. "They can stay for fifteen minutes before they need to go up."

"Wow!" Eliza exclaimed.

"I 'ope 'e remembers to wake up," Fleur said seriously before she and the little girl smiled at each other.

"Come, up the stairs you lot," Liam said jokingly.

"Grandda-" Ivy started to say.

"We'll go with him," Jim said, knowing what the McDouglas girls were worried about. "We have to take the stroller after all."

"Do you want us to go?" Castle asked his father in law.

"We're fine," Martha said. "Just make sure you're careful Richard."

"I will be," Castle said with a slight smile as he was carrying Josie.

"We'll see you up top," Skye said, and they started up the stairs while the three went to the ramp nearby.

"Oh! Like in San Francisco," Eliza said eagerly when at the top of the tank there was a sea lion.

"Yeah, but not a ton," Kathleen corrected her.

"That's really cool to see," Julia said to her partner, friend and Clive. "Hopefully you guys go there one day."

"Me too," Mari said, smiling back at her.

Once the parents could get the kids away, they were walking up the main path and heading past some trees before they passed a kind of garden with different palm trees in it.

Watching the kids taking pictures, Mary told them, "This is the Baja garden."

"Like Mexico?" Iris asked.

"Exactly," Skye replied. "Let's head over there though."

"What is it?" Fleur asked, her voice so excited her accent slipped into the word is.

"Mum doesn't want us to say," Marie said wryly.

"Or Mom," Mary told them with a smile

"You'll find out soon enough," Skye commented as they were reaching a habitat.

"Kitties!" Eliza gasped, setting off the others laughing before she did herself since she knew what they were. She started taking pictures of the meerkats before her grandfather was stopping her carefully. "Did I do it wrong Grandpapa?" she asked him.

"Try it this way, since he's standing up and looking out," Jim told her gently, having her turn her camera. "If you want to."

"No, I like that better," Eliza said quickly, keeping her hands that way.

"What're you looking at?" Beckett said to her husband as she noticed that he kept glancing behind them. "And telling her?" she added before he could respond since she'd noticed he was talking to the baby as well.

"There are swans," Castle said simply. He wasn't surprised when his wife just stared at him and he said, "They're birds."

"Rick-" Beckett began.

"I told her they mate for life and we'll be doing the same," Castle replied. "Well, I said we'd be married for life."

"Should me or Lizzy say that?" Julia asked with a smile as she looked up at them.

"You'll say it enough," Beckett said, shaking her head though she was smiling. She touched her husband's arm and they shared a brief kiss before continuing.

"Do you mind?" Castle asked her in Irish as he let Julia take the baby so Josie could get a closer look at the birds in the water.

"No," Beckett said. "I think I told you I was a one and done type of girl."

Hearing the latter, and how firm her tone of voice was, Castle leaned down and kissed her again. He pressed his lips a little harder that time to hers and when they parted he whispered, "I don't mind, believe me."

"I know," Beckett replied, taking his hand and entwining their fingers tightly. They left the swans and went across to the flamingoes, sharing a smile as they could hear their baby laughing when one of the birds raised its head.

"She remembers these from Vegas," Julia said happily, looking at her parents.

"Most likely," Beckett said as the baby was almost chortling when a flamingo walked away from the group in front of them.

"Can we-" Eliza started to say.

"We'll wait and see what there is at the gift shop," Beckett interrupted her as she knew what she was going to ask.

"Maybe a shirt or something," Castle said. "But she'll be laying on a mattress of stuffed animals if we keep getting those for her."

"Keep walking sweetie," Beckett said with a smile as the girl pouted. She pinched her cheek gently, having let go of Castle as they were walking down the path again. They were going into a building shortly after that and she asked, "The LAIR?"

"Yeah, LAIR," Mary said wryly.

"Alright grá, come on," Skye said in mock exaggeration. When her wife nearly ran to her she smiled before they went inside.

Beckett, having a feeling as to what the building would have in it after she'd spied the gecko statue outside, glanced at her husband and her eyes widened when he pulled her to his side. She was about to ask him why he'd done that; though she was appreciative he'd been careful since she had Josie on her hip; when they heard the sound of disgust from Mary and a second later Iris was questioning her almost frantically.

"What's wrong?" the little girl said.

"Don't worry," Skye assured her. "Your mom doesn't enjoy these reptiles remember," she said, nodding to the large snake in the habitat that was slowly dropping off a tree branch.

"I hate to say this Mary," Martha was telling the doctor as the kids; Iris assured her mother was alright; were crowded together in front of the window looking in on the snake. "But I believe all your children are like your wife."

"It figures," Mary said wryly before she was laughing softly and then pressing a kiss to Skye's shoulder.

"Keep moving," the investigator then said. "We have a lot more to see."

Beckett, watching the way Mary was holding onto her wife, eventually glanced at her husband and said, "Do you want me to do the same?"

"No," Castle replied. He looked to see where the other couple was and assured they were far enough ahead said, "I was jealous of Skye," in Irish.

"Of course you were," Beckett replied easily as he let her go so she could take pictures. When she turned from her shot of a tiny frog, she had to smile at the expression on his face as he was staring at her intently. "Rick," she said simply.

"Yeah," Castle said. "I'll go with the girls-" he began before she was reaching out and stopping him.

"Let them spend the time right now with their friends," Beckett said simply. "But get Josie."

"Sure," Castle said, hurrying to Jim.

Beckett bit at the inside of her mouth at her father reluctantly giving her husband the baby, knowing he wanted more time with Josie. She knew already that Castle had promised him that and she said to him, "When is he taking her again?"

"Whenever she wakes up from her nap," Castle replied, not surprised she had figured that out.

"Ah-ba," Josie vocalized.

"I agree, the perfect time for you to spend with your grandpapa," Castle said, nodding seriously.

"Let's keep going," Beckett said with a smile and a soft laugh. They shared a kiss before they went though, as she'd grabbed his hand tightly since she'd been touched at the way he'd spoken to their youngest. When she saw where they'd come to she said, "Oh… I'm so sorry Mary," as the room widened from the smaller exhibits into floor to nearly ceiling acrylic set of habitats.

"We've been here," the doctor said with a sigh. "Luckily I don't mind fish and turtles."

"Those are the best," Fleur said with a smile.

"It's cool," Clive commented with a grin as a turtle was going up against the acrylic.

"Mary," Skye told her wife after they'd been watching the animals there for a while. "Grá, we need to move along."

"You move along," Mary said though she allowed her wife to take her to the next habitat which were some rattlesnakes before she felt a hand touching her arm.

"Zak's afraid of snakes too," Julia told her.

"I know, why he picked them up while they were in Idaho," Mary replied, shaking her head before they continued to the next habitat.

"He was trying to overcome his fear," Castle pointed out.

"Come here grá," Skye said, taking her wife's hand. She wasn't surprised when her wife wrapped her arm around her left one and she glanced at Beckett who they were next to. When her friend raised her eyebrow she shrugged, not surprised when Castle furrowed his brow as he was watching them. She didn't say anything, continuing past the lizards and snakes until they'd seen everything in that room.

When they left Mary seemed to relax and she went to their daughters, taking the slight teasing from Marie and Kathleen before they hugged her briefly.

"You enjoy doing that," Beckett said to Skye in Russian once she walked up to her.

Shaking her head, the investigator then told her, "I do," in Irish. "But really I see it as a way of thanking her for what she does for me when I need it."

Beckett nodded, as she could understand where Skye was coming from since she and Castle did that for one another as well. She heard Josie cooing and looked over to her husband to see that he was approaching her with the baby in his arms.

"She wants to pet," Castle told his wife.

Smiling Beckett reached over and let Josie grab her index finger telling her husband, "Could you hear us?"

"Of course," Castle replied, speaking Irish as she was. "And I'm glad we've done the same. Though I don't like the idea of you needing my comfort because of-"

"I know," Beckett interrupted him. "I don't either but…"

Julia, as they were leaving the outdoor exhibits, glanced behind her for their parents before she saw they were embracing with Josie between them. She was going to call to them, but they began walking so she turned back to Mari as they were walking together. "Are there more snakes and stuff?" she asked Marie and Kathleen.

"You'll see," the latter said with a wide smile as they entered the building.

"Why is it so hot?" Peter asked as soon as they stepped inside.

"Will she be alright?" Skye asked, looking back at Castle and Beckett and indicating Josie.

"She will," Castle said, looking down at the baby.

"We might rush through," Beckett warned the others.

"You mean I will," Castle said.

"We," Beckett told her husband firmly.

Though he wanted to speak, Castle nodded quickly and they walked around the building which had desert species like Gila monsters, California kingsnakes and a Sonoran toad. He kept a close watch on Josie, but the baby seemed alright until they reached the door and he was quick to take her outside first when she whimpered. "Close," he said to his mother.

"I noticed," Martha replied as she fixed the hat on the baby. "She's like her sisters."

"Yeah," Eliza said, coming over to them. "She loves aminals." When her grandmother had Josie, she took her father's hand and squeezed it once before he looked down at her. "I love you Daddy," she told him.

"I love you too sweetheart," Castle said with a laugh, picking her up. He threw her up above him carefully and said, "You're hungry," before she was giggling and pressing her face against his cheek.

"We'll go to lunch soon," Beckett said. "But we have time before that."

"How long are we staying?" Julia suddenly asked as they looked at an alligator type animal.

"As long as it takes to look through, or to closing," Castle said before his wife could.

"We'll get back in time for trick or treating," Beckett said while they continued to the path they'd been on leading to the LAIR buildings.

"I hope so," Julia said, walking with her mother. She smiled at Mari; as the little girl joined them and when they came to a habitat with small animals below them. "Look," she told her little sister who was still with their father.

"I see," Eliza replied, smiling widely down at the Tasmanian Devil that was running around below them. She took some pictures before she asked, "Can we go to Australia?"

"These are from Tasmania Lizzy," Julia pointed out to her.

"That's a place?" Eliza asked, her eyes wide.

"It is," Castle said since she was looking at him. "South of Australia."

"Oh," Eliza said, furrowing her brow.

"We'll see about Australia sweetie," Beckett told her before they went to the habitat across the path with kangaroos.

"I'm thinking," Skye said as she and Mary walked over to Castle and Beckett once they were walking again. "Of going to the restaurant that's by the gorillas."

Looking at the map, showing his wife where the investigator was talking about, Castle said, "Sounds good to me, if it were any further…"

"We'd never hear the end of it," Mary commented.

"What's here?" Clive asked after they'd passed the koalas and wallabies.

"You're tired of the kookaburras?" Marie asked him.

"You just like saying that word," Clive said before they looked at the girl's mother as she was talking to Beckett.

"Go ahead," she replied to what Mary had told her about the building.

"We're going to see some wombats next," the doctor was saying to everyone who hadn't been there before. "And it's very dark inside for them."

"You might not see them," Kathleen commented.

"Yeah, it's hard to," Marie added.

Since no one protested, Skye and Mary led the way, taking their three youngest by the hands and going inside. There was a whimper from Eliza at how dark it was, but the group went to the railing inside at the edge of the habitat. They didn't end up staying for that long as it was next to impossible to make out where the animals were. Though as they rounded the corner of the habitat to go to the exit, Julia and Mari spotted one against the wall before Castle was calling to them to hurry.

"You saw one?" Peter asked the two girls while they made their way back up to the churro place he'd seen on the way over there.

"Yeah," Mari said slowly.

"We saw the shape," Julia took up before she heard Clive let out a whoop. "Is he always hungry?" she asked her partner, since she saw a place with tables and guessed it was where they would be eating lunch.

"I am too," Peter replied with a shrug, smiling at the two before he hurried up to the others so they could eat and continue through the zoo.

"There are giraffes!" Iris said eagerly.

"Yes, but don't run," Mary told her quickly as she was holding the girl's hand.

"Don't sweetie," Beckett told Eliza since she was tugging on her hand a bit.

"I know but is Josa up now?" the little girl asked.

Turning back for a moment, Beckett saw her father was holding the baby and she said, "She is, but let him bring her over."

"Kay," Eliza replied before they got closer to the railing. "Ooh Mommy, they're right here," she said eagerly since there were some near them.

"I see," Beckett replied with a smile. She was taking pictures of the animals but managed to get a few of her daughter as well.

"Kate?" Castle said to his wife.

Turning again Beckett saw he had the baby and said, "My dad?"

"He let me take her," Castle replied. "But I have to take her back to him after."

Laughing softly, Beckett shook her head and said, "He'll let you keep her." She then checked the baby, studying her closely to make sure that she was alright. She wasn't sure Josie would manage to see the giraffes even though they were near them and she tried to follow her line of sight.

"It's coming closer!" Fleur whispered as one of the group came their way.

Hearing the baby vocalizing, Castle worried she might get too loud but the giraffe walked right by them before he felt Josie leaning against him. "Is she okay?" he asked his wife as she was checking her, not wanting to move the baby.

"She is," Beckett said. "She's just looking."

"I hope she saw that," Castle replied.

"I was thinking the same," Beckett said with a smile. "Should we go to what's next?" she asked, directing that to their daughters.

"Yeah, I'm ready," Julia said eagerly before they were all walking together. She went to her grandmother while they were doing that and she asked her, "Are you liking it here?"

"I am, but must there be so many hills?" Martha said jokingly.

"Thank the plates for that," Skye commented.

"The tectonic plates we're on," Mary said quickly as she saw the younger twins were looking confused. "We told you about earthquakes."

"I hope there isn't one for a long time," Iris said, her twin nodding in agreement with her.

"Look at these!" Eliza said eagerly when they reached the next habitat. "It's an okapi. Right Daddy?" she asked him since he was standing next to her.

"Right," Castle replied, shifting the baby as she was moving a little in his arms. "I need some help," he then said jokingly, looking around. "She wants to go somewhere else."

"Here," Beckett said. When her husband hesitated she told him, "I want to take her love."

Though he wanted to remind her she was taking pictures, Castle nodded and handed Josie to her. He shared a smile with his wife when the baby laughed suddenly, and he had to stop himself from leaning over to kiss Beckett. Once she had Josie settled on her hip they moved on to the next animals which were in different habitats that formed an arc. He walked a little bit behind the girls, watching them and then his wife before they were in another collection of habitats. His knee; which he'd been attempting to ignore; was screaming at him to rest so he sat down, thinking his mother had heard him since he'd been close to her when he'd spoken.

Giving Josie to her mother in law when they reached the chimpanzee habitat, Beckett glanced around and said, "Where's Rick?"

"I… oh, he said he was going to sit," Martha said. She was going to add he'd mentioned he was fine, but her daughter in law was almost taking off back the way they'd come. She smiled and then stopped Julia said, "Leave them be kiddo."

"Oh, I know," the girl said hurriedly. She smiled at her grandmother's surprised look and she told her, "I was just going to see if you were bringing Josa over here."

"I'll follow you," Martha said, smiling herself and taking the baby after Julia.

Glancing at one of the animals near him; what he thought looked like a baboon; Castle turned to the entrance to the habitats then as there was a person walking towards him. "Kate-" he began to say.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Beckett interrupted him as soon as she was close.

"I told Mother; you were talking with Mary," Castle said in defense as she sat next to him. "At least she heard me."

"Why would you murmur-" Beckett began before she nearly glared at her husband. "Rick."

Not surprised his wife was giving him a look Castle said, "I didn't want to worry you."

"I realize that," Beckett said, taking a moment to calm herself. "But it's something I want you to tell me."

"Yeah," Castle said absently. When she took his hand he immediately entwined their fingers saying, "I feel better now."

"Good, but if this happens again…" Beckett said, staring at him so he wouldn't break their stare as he spoke.

"I'll tell you," Castle replied with a brief nod. He brought her hand up to his lips and kissed it before he leaned over to her so they could kiss. It was brief, and he said in frustration, "This is annoying."

Laughing briefly, Beckett kissed his cheek and stood before she helped him and told him, "I know what you mean, but we'll be back at the house later."

"Yes we will," Castle replied. "And our costumes?"

"Before," Beckett told him reassuringly. She knew they needed to start walking but she looked at their hands and then moved to embrace her husband tightly. "Tell me if you need to rest," she told him imploringly.

"I will," Castle said. "I'm sorry Kate, I don't want to bother you or worry you," he then told her honestly.

Tilting her head up to him with a smile Beckett said, "You know there is the fact I'm your wife. I worry about you either way." She felt him tense slightly and she told him, "I know you do the same for me."

"Yeah," Castle said slowly. He sighed and told her, "I would tell you the same."

"Which is why I'm telling you this," Beckett said pointedly. She smiled when he brushed his lips to hers and after they parted she said, "Let's go."

"I want to hold Josie," Castle suddenly said as they were walking.

"You can, your mother has her," Beckett replied. They had to pass the chimpanzees; though they paused for a moment to watch the animals; before they continued and caught up with the others at more groups of habitats.

"Are you alright?" Jim asked his son in law.

"Yeah, just… my knee," Castle replied. "I didn't want to admit it," he said, startled that he was telling his wife's father that, and he hadn't said it to her. While he thought that he realized she was aware of it already and shook himself saying, "But sitting for a bit helps."

"I had a feeling," Jim said, wondering if the writer knew his gaze went over to his wife. He didn't say anything else, watching his son in law go over to take Josie from Martha.

"What's next?" Ivy asked as they were walking.

"This way," Skye said, leading the way though Marie and Kathleen were jogging ahead of them a little. "Girls," she said firmly. "Thank you," she told them when they immediately stopped and turned towards them. "You two know better than that," she said slightly sternly.

"We were going to stop anyways," Kathleen said first.

"Before the surprise," Marie added.

"What surprise?" Eliza couldn't help asking immediately.

"Here," Mary said in amusement as they came up to the habitat she knew the twins were thinking of.

"Tigers!" Eliza said eagerly. "Josa, look!" she said happily as she hurried to the baby.

"She's looking," Beckett said with a smile as the baby was. But since the tiger wasn't moving, Josie was looking to her making her say, "Hey sweetie," as she cupped her cheek. She kissed the baby's cheek before smoothing her hair after moving her hat out of the way and said, "She's enjoying it."

"I think so," Castle replied, stopping her from putting the hat back on. He kissed the top of Josie's head and put the hat back before he said, "Are there any more surprises?"

"One more, the main habitat of the zoo," Skye said. When neither he or Beckett said anything she smiled as she was aware they knew what that habitat was. She then turned to take Ivy's hand and they walked again, heading through the next animals until they were walking down a path that had no animals. She knew the others were looking at her; that hadn't been there; and she said, "We're going around to more, I promise."

Julia, hearing Marie and Kathleen giggling a little, tried asking them what there would be. She wasn't surprised when the two shook their heads and frowned at Mari and her little sister before they were finally reaching some animals. Looking at an exhibit of a tapir and a few other animals until she read where they were getting to. "Rainforest of the Americas?"

"This is the best place," Marie said eagerly. "Come on," she and her sister leading the way but not running.

Beckett was relieved the battery on her camera was lasting as she took several pictures of the animals they were passing until they were leaving and walking across the path to some Asian looking structures. She shared a look with her husband and they smiled as their second youngest was squealing since there was an elephant eating hay near them. She took pictures of all the kids after getting some of the elephant, and once she had stopped she took Josie and carried her over to the railing that she could see to the left.

"I see why this is the main habitat," Castle said, walking up to them as he'd watched her go. When he saw the way his wife was looking at him he told her, "I'm fine."

"I know," Beckett said, glancing at him as he reached up to push her hair behind her ear.

"Ma-ah," Josie vocalized while her parents were gazing at each other.

"Could I translate that love?" Castle asked his wife.

"Alright," Beckett said as the others were walking around the viewing platform around them.

"I want to keep moving, there aren't any elephants here," Castle replied.

"Wow, that's one efficient language," Mary said.

After they'd calmed down laughing, the group walked across to a stilt house, the older McDouglas twins leading the way yet again up a flight of stairs to the top floor.

"I don't- what's that?" Jim began before he heard screaming.

"Grandpapa, look!" Eliza squealed when she got to the railing.

Standing with her, Jim saw the noise was coming from some otters and he said, "They're… large."

"Giant River Otters," Mary said. "They love watching them," she said as the otters in the water went up the channel that made a river to the top of the habitat.

"But they left," Clive said with a frown.

"Wait," Kathleen said with a wide smile on her face.

Hearing the otters again, Beckett looked back in time to see them sliding down the channel at a rapid speed. She smiled when the kids laughed at the sight and cheered them as they went from one pool to another.

"You're not worried about Josie?" Martha asked her daughter in law.

"No, if she wasn't crying before she wouldn't now," Beckett said with a smile.

"At least she can see," Castle said, holding the baby while she was wriggling against him.

"Alright," Skye eventually said as it looked like the otters weren't going to repeat sliding down to the pools. "We only have a little left, so we need to go."

When they reached the bottom of the house the group looked at the piranhas before stepping out to a small pool with wide metal lily pads on it. The parents urged their kids onto them to take pictures before Liam was speaking to his daughter and daughter in law quietly so the other parents could hear while the kids were playfully jumping from pad to pad.

"What's left?" he murmured.

"Nothing really," Mary said first.

"The gift shops," Skye said.

"And they're going to be getting very tired walking about," Mary added.

"I'm surprised Eliza hasn't talked about that yet," Beckett said, looking over at the kids. "No splashing," she called, keeping her tone gentle as Peter was only pretending he was going to do that. "We should just go to the stores now and get ready to go home."

"Traffic's fine," Skye said as she was looking at her phone.

"And we won't take that long at the stores; we'll just go to one," Mary said.

"Why are you looking at me?" Skye said in mock annoyance before she smiled. "Kids," she then said.

Julia, holding Eliza's hand, was about to step off the pad they were on to the concrete when she gasped as her sister suddenly tugged on her hand. "Lizzy!" she said in surprise when she saw the little girl was on her knees.

"Rick," Beckett told him.

"Yeah," Castle replied, handing Josie to her. He went to Eliza as she was crying and scooped her up into his arms saying, "You surprised me."

Hearing that, Eliza soon managed to stop crying and she asked, "Why?"

"You walked for a lot longer than I thought you would," Castle commented. He smiled when she giggled slightly, and he said, "Now you can rest."

Eliza nodded before her father put her up on his shoulders and she leaned against his head before they began to walk. She looked around at all the plants there were, and she said, "This was a pretty zoo."

"They're also botanical gardens," Beckett commented.

"Oh good, someone else said something about the place," Skye said jokingly.

"Is that right?" Ivy asked her.

"That it is, we've seen all the gardens of course," Skye said to her, squeezing her hand firmly.

When they had reached the entrance of the zoo they went to one of the gift shops, looking around before the kids were getting different items.

"Is this good?" Eliza asked her mother.

"Is that for you or your sister?" Beckett asked with a smile.

"It's for me," Eliza said with a laugh, holding a stuffed snow leopard. "Can I pick something for Josa?"

"We already did," Castle said, showing her the shirt they'd seen for the baby.

"Oh, that's cute," Julia said as she was walking up to them.

"What'd you find?" Beckett asked her.

"These," Julia said, showing her the set of pens that had animals on them.

"Nice," Castle said.

"Let me see the shirt," Julia said as she let her father take her pens. She looked at the white shirt; with cartoonish baby animals on it; and she said, "Does she like it?"

"I think so," Beckett said.

"I made sure to show it to her," Castle assured the girls. "I knew you'd want me to."

"Yep," Julia said before she and Eliza laughed together. She handed the shirt back to Castle and she and her sister said a quick thanks to their parents before they hurried to their friends before they would leave the zoo and be able to focus on their Halloween celebration.

"I'm glad she's wearing a costume."

Looking at her daughter Beckett said, "What?" in her surprise. When her daughter smiled at her she rolled her eyes and said, "You really didn't think I'd let her have one?"

"I did but I didn't know that you would pick out the costume you did," Julia said, though she was also speaking to her father.

"No, your mom picked it," Castle was quick to say, handing his wife the new diaper for Josie since they'd given her a bath for that night and the baby's costume.

"I did," Beckett said, trying not to smile when both girls looked at her with wide eyes.

"How come you picked that one?" Eliza asked.

"Because I liked it, and your dad did and we showed it to your sister once bought it," Beckett said.

"At my insistence," Castle said quickly with a smile. "We're lucky she liked it."

"She would," Julia said. "It's all ruffles and everything, but not frilly and pink." She saw the look that her parents exchanged and glancing at her sister she then said, "What?"

"You know she might like that kind of stuff once she's older," Castle said as he watched Beckett put the baby into a shirt and pants; what she'd wear underneath her costume.

"I know, I was just joking," Julia said. "But… she might not. Lizzy didn't."

"How come?" Eliza asked before their parents could say anything.

"I think it's because you loved trying to be like your sister," Beckett said, smiling when Julia immediately started to blush. "And if she wore a blue shirt you did the next day at your insistence."

"All the colors?" Eliza said, smiling at her big sister.

"Not always, but most of the time you did," Castle replied. "And don't worry," he said as the little girl was opening her mouth. "If you didn't like those colors too then you wouldn't have wanted them." He wasn't surprised when she nodded, and he took Josie from his wife. "Now though we should head downstairs, dinner should be ready."

"Why did we have to change?" Eliza asked.

"We're having pizza," Beckett reminded her, holding her hand as Julia walked on the other side of her sister. "I don't want you getting pizza sauce on your blouses."

"At least we can wear them after," Julia pointed out.

Eliza nodded before they were going downstairs to the kitchen where they found the pizza had been delivered and she got a plate with a couple slices quickly. She went outside with the other kids and they sat together on one of several blankets that had been set on the grass to have picnics.

"Francisco will be here in an hour," Skye was telling Castle and Beckett as they were sitting with her wife on one blanket. Their parents and her father were at the table on the patio with Josie and looking at the baby said, "I remember Marie and Kath's costumes."

"It's fun to get to do that," Castle said.

"It is," Beckett said. "Just nothing cutesy."

"Marie was a pirate that first Halloween they were here," Mary said. "Kath was a lion, so… cute but not over the top."

"They chose?" Beckett asked her.

"With help from us," Skye said out of the corner of her mouth before they were all laughing together and returning to their meal.

When they had finished and everything had been put away, the older kids were hurrying back inside as it was getting darker. They changed into their costumes and went back downstairs just as the makeup friend of Skye and Mary was arriving.

"Francisco," Mary said, since she'd been friends with him first. "It's so good to see you again."

"She's right, you did a great job with that Johansson movie," Skye said, hugging him quickly. "Thank you for doing this for us."

"I don't mind," the man replied with a smile, his accent a little heavy. He shook Castle and Beckett's hands as they were introduced to him and he asked them, "Have you ever had makeup like this before?"

"I have," Castle replied, explaining about when he'd dressed up like a zombie.

"This is a little different," Francisco said with a smile. "But if you could handle that you should be okay."

"I have," Beckett said when the man turned to her. She wasn't looking at her husband; knowing that he was turning to her; and said, "Just something on my cheek one Halloween in college and I was fine with it."

"Okay, then we can start," Francisco replied.

"Go, we'll watch the kids," Liam said when his daughter looked over at him.

Leading the way into the living room; where there was still some light; Skye said, "You can go ahead and start on them."

"I need to work on you two first," Francisco said with a smile. "Since I know what I'm doing with you already."

"We'll be back," Mary said, she and her wife leaving for the bathroom that was nearby.

"Do you mind if I ask where you're from?" Castle said to Francisco since they were alone with him. "I'm having a hard time placing your accent."

"Peru," the man replied. "Most people don't recognize it."

"I don't think we've met someone from there," Beckett commented. "And if our daughters find that out our second youngest will ask if you have a llama as a pet."

"Or had one," Castle commented. "She loves the movie The Emperor's New Groove."

Francisco laughed but didn't have a chance to reply as Skye and Mary were walking back and he needed to prepare them. "Whose idea was this?" he asked as he was beginning with Mary.

"Mine," Skye said. "Since Rick and Kate weren't going to dress up this year, I thought we could go Dia de Los Muertos." She wasn't surprised when the man nodded before he was quickly applying the makeup to her wife's face. She smiled as the transformation happened quickly, and once Francisco was done she said, "Beautiful grá." She then turned to the makeup artist and shook his hand warmly saying, "You're the best."

"Thank you," Francisco said. "Now sit."

Beckett watched Skye laugh before she was sitting on the stool in the light and she turned to Mary. "How is it?" she asked.

"Fine, we've done this," the doctor replied. "Our first Halloween together but I asked someone else."

"That was a mistake," Skye said, speaking since Francisco was working on her forehead.

"Shh," the man said.

"Sorry," Skye told her quickly. She sat still, looking at her wife when she could open her eyes and once she was finished she said, "Thank you Francisco."

"You're welcome," the makeup artist said.

"We'll be right back," Beckett said quickly as she and Castle stepped up to the foyer and went to the bathroom. Before she could turn on the faucet she was startled when her husband grabbed her arm but lost that swiftly as she had expected him to do that. They kissed deeply but kept it short and she said when they parted, "What do you want to bet they did the same?"

"No betting, I know already," Castle said. He leaned over and brushed his lips to hers before they let go of each other and then began to wash their faces quickly.

When the two walked back to where they were Francisco asked, "Have you looked at the book?" since he'd handed one of designs he could do to them while he'd been working on the two women.

"Yeah, I'd like this one," she said first, showing him the picture. After her husband had shown him his choice she sat and let the man start on her. She felt a little odd with the makeup, but he was soon finished since she'd chosen a design with very little to it and moved for her husband to take her place.

"You look stunning love," Castle told his wife in Irish, not caring that the two women would understand him.

"I'll respond to that when you're done," Beckett said easily before he was being worked on. She watched while Francisco was making the design on him and she smiled seeing it progress.

When the makeup man pulled away Castle said, "Good? Not terrifying right?"

"No," Skye said in amusement. "It's just enough."

"Should we show the kids?" Mary asked her wife.

"Maybe," Skye said. "Are you sure you don't want to stay?" she asked Francisco as he was getting what he would need to clean up.

"I am, I have to get my own makeup done," Francisco replied. "I have a party I'll be attending," he told Castle and Beckett.

"Are you having similar makeup?" the latter asked.

"I am, but a full costume as well," Francisco said. He smiled and then said, "But your clothes work well for you."

"Well, where would you like to clean your brushes?" Mary asked her friend.

"I'll do it in the kitchen," Francisco replied. "That way you can show your kids."

"Okay, time for the reveal," Skye commented with a smile. She took her wife's hand and they walked with Francisco ahead of Castle and Beckett who went a little more slowly.

"This is interesting," Beckett said, pausing in the dining room where the women had a mirror. Her makeup was white over her entire face with a slightly deeper blue around both her eyes, nearly black, and the edges were scalloped in black. Her nose was painted black to resemble a skull and her mouth had vertical lines on her lips and on either side of them was a horizontal line. She had put on a dark blue blouse with thin white lines on it, her trousers black, she and her husband opting for comfortable clothes though more somber in colors. "I never answered you, you look amazing love," she told him, looking at him with a smile.

"Thanks," Castle said. "It's weird," he said. "But I like it," he assured her seeing her questioning expression. His face was white, and he had dark blue around the top of his eyes and black underneath, not scalloped at the edges. He also had lines over his lips, though his vertical ones were longer. He noticed that Francisco had darkened his sideburns a bit, shadowing underneath them to extend them. He had chosen a black shirt and trousers, and it seemed to fit the design on his face even better. "Okay, we need to go," he said, shaking himself.

Beckett nodded, and she and her husband walked quickly to the family room, seeing that their daughters were starting to walk over to the dining room. When they spotted her and Castle she smiled as they gasped and rushed the rest of the way over to them. "Do you like it?" she asked the two after they'd studied their faces for a while.

"It looks so cool!" Julia said eagerly. "You won't scare Josa will you?" she then asked.

"We'll find out right now," Castle commented as he noticed his father in law walking over with the baby. "Has she seen Skye and Mary?" he asked them.

"She has," Jim said quickly as he he'd been able to hear the question. "These are your mom and dad honey," he said to the baby, not surprised when his daughter was smiling.

Josa, staring at their faces, soon sneezed and then smiled when her family laughed.

"Well, I think you can take that as your response," Martha commented when they'd calmed down. She became concerned when her youngest granddaughter began to whimper, but Beckett was taking her in her arms and the baby calmed down.

"We're lucky," Castle told his wife.

"We are," Beckett said before she looked at him when he was scrambling to get his phone.

"We're going to take some pictures," Skye said quickly when she heard the ringtone. "Francisco's taking them and then he'll head out for his party."

Castle and Beckett were quick to thank the man before the latter murmured to her friend for a moment and they went with their family over to the TV in the family room. Setting up the Skype conversation, Castle ran around to his wife before their oldest appeared on the screen.

"H- wow," Alexis said, spotting her parents first. "Hey, sorry, I didn't think you'd have on your makeup already," she said with a smile at her family.

"It's six, time to get out to the neighborhood," Beckett said with a smile.

"Josa's not ready?" Alexis asked as she saw her grandmother handing something colorful to her mother.

"Not just yet," Beckett replied before she and Castle helped Josie into the costume. "We were busy with our makeup; we were with Skye and Mary too."

"What about them? I'd like to see theirs," Alexis replied.

"The makeup artist they asked to do this is taking their picture now," Beckett said first.

"They're in the living room I think," Castle said, glancing behind them though he wouldn't be able to see.

"The kids are all dressed," Jim said then.

"And your sister is ready," Beckett said with a smile at her father.

"Oh, she's so cute," Alexis said the second she saw her baby sister. "Is she someone's pet for Hogwarts?"

"No way," Eliza said, making them all laugh including herself.

"No, she's just a cute owlet… is that a word?" Julia started to say before she looked back at their parents.

"It is," Beckett said with a nod. She kissed the side of Josie's head as Alexis urged her sisters to tell her all about the zoo since she knew they'd be going. She then studied the baby, making sure her owl costume was okay after she'd put it on her so quickly. It had a lot of ruffles on the chest, in brown, blue, green and white with the sleeves being the same colors and ruffles too. The pants were brown and there had been booties in orange but they'd been too big for the baby so her husband had said she needed black shoes for her 'claws'. She smiled as Josie looked up at her, her head covered by a hat that had an owl face on it. She then felt her husband touching her arm and looked up at the screen.

"You like the makeup Ma?" Alexis asked, not surprised her mother hadn't heard her first question.

"I actually do, it allows me to dress up as I please," Beckett said, smiling again when her husband laughed at that. "How's the party?" she asked, since her daughter and Louis had been invited to a party thrown by the owner of the stables that night.

"Really fun," Alexis said though she was still at it. She noticed some people behind her family and said, "Skye, Mary, let me see your makeup."

"Hi," Marie said.

"Hey girls," Alexis said quickly so the McDouglas girls wouldn't feel left out. "You look ready for the Hogwarts Express, though I don't know about your owl."

"They left their pets at home," Skye said wryly as she and her wife got closer to the screen.

"Oh wow, that makeup artist is incredibly good," Alexis told the two women.

"Francisco is," Mary said, nodding rapidly. She smiled when her wife merely raised her eyebrows before they turned back to the young woman as the Castle family was saying goodbye to her, telling her they loved her all together before the conversation ended.

"She's right," Julia said while they were getting up to leave. "It's really good."

"It's why we chose Francisco this time," Skye commented. She and her wife had the same design, but the color on hers was a deep green that matched her green eye and her wife's had a blue that matched hers. They had similar eye designs as Beckett, but the colors were reversed and they had a design above their eyebrows with a small heart in black just above both. Their noses were black with lines vertical over their lips though they got smaller from the middle of them. The horizontal lines on either side of their lips connected to the color and black designs on their cheeks that descended from the sides of their faces. "We'll head out around this neighborhood first," she said once the kids had their pillowcases. "And then go out from there."

"Is that usually how you go around?" Martha asked.

"It is," Liam said.

"Are you sure that you wouldn't want me or Martha to pass out the candy?" Jim asked the man.

"I enjoy doing this," Liam replied. "And it's a bit much to walk that far around."

"And Grandda can see us at the house across the street," Kathleen said.

When they had reached the open gate in the front, the group left Liam at the chair he moved up there and sat in with a bowl full of candy. They went to the neighbor and they got the candy outside; one of the owners sitting outside the wall around the house as Liam had been; before the kids were going back to their parents.

"Look, full candy bars!" Julia said in awe.

"That's so cool," Mari said eagerly. She looked at her friend and when she saw the look on her face she asked, "What?" in concern.

"I wish your parents could have made it," Julia told her.

Shaking her head Mari said, "They were still working today. All our parents."

"Bad timing," Peter said. He smiled with the others and then told Julia, "She's right plus they're going to be able to stay a little longer next week since they worked on a Saturday this week."

"And next week is really important," Clive commented.

Smiling, as she thought of Paul's concert they'd be going to the next Friday, Julia nodded and said, "Okay, at least you got to talk to them."

"Yeah, but what about the candy?" Mari asked before she was laughing as Julia slung her arm around her shoulder and they were walking down the sidewalk again in a group.

Having been listening to the conversation Castle said to his wife, "Luckily they were able to this week."

"I know," Beckett said with a smile.

"They had to come," Skye said as her friend was looking at her. "They have tickets. I just hope Dani will be alright with Lenora," she told them.

"She will be," Beckett said, Rebecca and David deciding to have their youngest stay with the babysitter the next Friday for the concert. She felt her husband take her hand and she watched with him while the kids were getting candy at the next house and she looked over at him again.

"What?" Castle asked in surprise at her glance.

"She seems to be fascinated," Beckett told him since he was holding Josie and she was staring at him.

Castle was about to comment on that when Josie suddenly moved her arms and he and Beckett laughed before he started to speak again. His wife stopped him then, squeezing his arm tightly and making him look at her questioningly before she was telling him what was on her mind.

"I know, she's flying but don't do that with her," Beckett told him.

"I won't," Castle assured her. "I don't want her to get sick on her costume." He studied it and said, "What about next year?"

"We'll get her a new one, she'll probably outgrow this," Beckett replied, watching the kids heading up to another house.

"What about those booties that came with it?" Skye asked.

"That goes with the costume into storage," Beckett answered wryly. That made her think of something and she asked, "Have you done that with the twins' costumes?"

"We did, but only until they were six," Mary said. "They're in the attic."

"So are Eliza's," Beckett said. "And Julia's Anastasia costume."

"That was impressive," Skye said to Martha.

"Oh, thank you," Castle's mother said. "It was a joy to make since it brought the two of us closer."

While they were walking to the next house, Castle hung back with his mother and said, "Are you okay?"

"I am, let me have her," Martha said simply, taking Josie.

"Rick," Beckett said, having paused and looked back to see her mother in law walking towards her. When her husband reached her she said, "What is it?"

"She got a little emotional," Castle said, nodding ahead.

Turning, Beckett saw that his mother was with the girls and she smiled saying, "I don't blame her." She let him take her hand and once they caught up with everyone she said, "Why did we stop?"

"This is the last house on our end," Skye said. "We gather together to make sure we cross together."

"Do you let the girls run around?" Castle couldn't help asking.

"Go, if you want to reach more houses you can leave as soon as an adult is with you," Skye said to the kids besides hers and Mary's older twins. When they were walking up the short path to the house she said, "We do that since usually their friends here at the neighborhood join us."

"Why aren't they with us now?" Beckett asked.

"They didn't want to intrude since we have guests," Mary said before she noticed someone walking down to them with the kids. "Huascar," she said to the man. "Diane, how are you?"

"Doing well," the man said, shaking her hand and then Skye's. "We just wanted to come and say we've been enjoying watching you on the show."

"Oh, thank you," the investigator said with a smile, shaking Diane's hand.

"We've been voting too," the woman said.

"Thank you again, I appreciate it," Skye said with a smile. "I hate to run but-"

"That's alright," Diane interrupted her, smiling as Iris was tugging the woman's hand. "Happy Halloween," she said.

After they'd said the same to the couple and began walking across the street Beckett said to Skye, "I'm surprised no one else did that."

"Yet," Mary said. "Don't give me that face grá," she told her as her wife was wrinkling her nose. "A meno che non possa baciarlo," which meant 'unless I can kiss it' in Italian. "You know that everyone here knows what you're doing." She then turned to the other adults; as they reached the first house on the other side of the street; and said, "She doesn't want the attention."

"Tonight's for the kids," Skye said though it came out a little weakly.

"I know how you feel," Beckett told her friend in Russian.

"Heat?" Skye asked, using that word in the same language. When the writer nodded she said, "I guess I shouldn't be surprised, it's been in the news, papers, social media… everything like that."

"They're supportive," Beckett pointed out to her. She smiled when the investigator sighed and watched her go ahead to her daughters as Iris and Fleur were calling out to her. She felt her husband walk up to her and she took Josie from him, about to ask him why he suddenly had the baby when he was asking her a question first.

"Are you two talking about not taking recognition easily?" Castle said. He smiled when she looked at him in surprise and said, "I've been learning Russian listening to you."

"We should just speak that too," Beckett said though he hadn't taken to it as quickly as Irish. She then nodded, and said in Irish, "She's uncomfortable, she just wants to live her life."

Castle was quiet for a moment, thinking of how what his wife was doing with him led to her getting that same kind of recognition, but knew what she would say if he mentioned that she was the same. Instead he told her, "It's why I had her sing that song the other night."

Beckett just shook her head and took Josie from him, walking with the others again as they made their way through the neighborhood. When they'd gotten to the house on the other side of the McDouglases she checked on the baby, but she seemed fine. She also seemed to prefer being held, since every time one of them attempted to set her back in her carrier Josie began to protest with whimpers. But she watched her closely, as it was getting closer to when she would need to go back to the home.

"How far can we go?" Julia asked her father when they were walking together to another house.

"For a while, you don't have lessons or practice tomorrow," Castle told her.

"Did you forget you have that on?" Julia asked her father with a smile as he'd been about to scratch his cheek before stopping himself.

"I almost did," Castle admitted with a nod. He then hugged her tightly with one arm and said, "Having fun?"

"Yep," Julia said. "But Dad?"

"Yeah?" Castle asked. He waited for her to get candy at the house they'd come to before she returned to him and said, "What is it?"

"Could we have twenties costumes too next year?" Julia asked.

"Yeah, I want that too Daddy," Eliza said in a rush as she'd gone over to them and had heard her sister asking.

"We'll see what we can do," Castle said, looking at his wife as she was walking up to them.

"What?" Beckett asked since their daughters were rushing over with the other kids at the next house.

"You didn't hear them?" Castle said. When she shook her head, he explained what Julia had asked him and what Eliza had said as well. "It would be interesting," he said.

"It would, but we should wait and see how things are next year," Beckett replied. When her husband looked at her she said, "They might change their minds, especially Eliza."

Nodding, Castle reached over and gently pinched Josie's chin since she was in Beckett's arms. He wasn't surprised when she yawned, and he was about to suggest to his wife that she might need to go to bed when the baby was suddenly whimpering.

"We'll take her home," Jim was quick to say, walking over to them with Martha just behind him.

"Hold on," Beckett said with a smile, gently rocking the baby. "We'll have to take off the costume before I can get her to sleep," she explained to the two. "Help me Rick."

"Sure," Castle said quickly while he moved to step up to her. He took off the hat; the others continuing ahead of them; and then handed that to his mother. He got the top of the costume off the baby and said, "We can leave the pants."

"I'll take them off at home," Martha told her daughter in law.

"Thank you," Beckett said, gently rocking the baby. They were walking as well so it didn't take very long before Josie was slightly heavier in her arms. She went to where her father was pushing the stroller and set the baby down into it, careful not to wake her up before she and her husband said goodnight to her.

"We'll see you back at the house," Skye said when they'd all regrouped and Martha and Jim had let them know they were returning. After they watched them go she said to Castle and Beckett in Irish, "We were thinking of letting them head around for another half hour on their own."

"All of them or the oldest?" Castle asked.

"The oldest, our three youngest are coming back with us," Mary said first.

"And so will Eliza," Beckett said, saying her name since she was going up to a front door with the other kids.

"It's safe?" Castle asked, knowing already the women wouldn't let their two daughters go but wanting to hear for sure.

"Very, it's crowded if you haven't noticed," Skye said with a smile.

"How far will we go with the youngest?" Beckett asked when they were walking with the kids again.

Studying where they were for a moment, Skye said, "I think to the end of this block. It's been more than enough candy."

"We've gone five blocks," Castle commented. "That's a lot."

"You've been keeping track?" Beckett asked with a smile.

"Of course," Castle said easily. He squeezed her hand before they looked ahead at the kids calling out trick or treat to a home owner that was sitting outside the house. "I wish I could kiss you," he said, still speaking in Irish.

"Don't worry," Beckett told him soothingly, squeezing his hand. "We'll have time once the makeup is off."

Castle nodded before they were going the rest of the way on the block and he watched with his wife while Skye told all the kids who'd be allowed to go alone.

"But Mummy-"


"Mummy!" Ivy, Eliza and then Fleur said in protest.

"Girls," Beckett said when Skye looked at her. "You're a little too young to go off by yourselves and no we don't want your sisters and the boys to watch you. We want you to be safe."

"Plus you've had enough candy I think," Skye added.

"And it's later, they're only going twenty minutes," Mary said. "And we mean that girls, we'll come out to find you if we have to."

"We'll be back Mom," Marie and Kathleen said at the same time.

"Good, go ahead," Skye said. "You have your phones?"

"Yeah," the kids who had them said.

"Be careful, we'll see you in twenty minutes," Beckett said, her husband and the other two parents saying the same to the kids. They headed back with the four youngest and once they were at the house they watched the McDouglas girls going to Liam to show him their loot.

"I should tell you," Skye said once Eliza was rushing over to her grandparents. "We're going to have some guests on Friday."

"At the concert?" Castle asked.

Shaking her head Mary said first, "At the rehearsal before that."

"Can we know?" Beckett said when neither woman said anything else.

"That is a lot of candy girls," Liam said.

"Mummy and Mommy said we need to share with you," Fleur replied.

"Then I'll be dressing as Santa this year," Liam said jokingly.

"Are you going to England as well?" Martha asked him.

"I am, since my family is going," the pilot replied. He then smiled when Iris hugged him, and he asked, "What's the secret?"

"There are lots of Snickers," the little girl said.

"Oh, then I'm quite chuffed," Liam said, kissing her forehead.

"Girls?" Skye said. "Go on and play, there isn't much time until we're going to bed."

"B-" Iris started to say before her twin squeezed her hand.

"Marie and Kath said later," Ivy told her in a whisper. They heard their parents and Eliza's greeting someone and they turned together to see the person was walking up to the entry.

"Derek!" Eliza cried when she could see him. She ran over to the dancer and hugged him saying, "Hi!"

"Hey," Derek said with a laugh. "Wow, when you go to Hogwarts you're really serious about it."

Eliza nodded, smiling widely, and she looked at the others before she thought of her big sister. She wondered how much time was left and turned her attention to the singer while he was talking to Skye hoping Julia would return soon.

"This neighborhood was really good," Peter said as they were walking back to the house once their time was up.

"I'm glad all the parents let us go by ourselves," Clive added.

The others agreed before they were turning the corner to the house and when they were nearing it Julia studied the entrance before she realized someone new was there. "It's Derek!" she exclaimed when she saw it was him.

"Don't run," Beckett said, having been watching for the kids and spotting them.

"You came over," Julia said once she was at the house.

"I had the chance," the dancer replied. "And I was admiring the costumes here."

"Yours is nice," Clive said.

"How come a cowboy?" Kathleen asked the dancer.

"It just seemed like what I should do," Derek replied. "That and I couldn't think of anything else."

"It looks nice still," Mari said.

"Thanks," Derek said. "Are you finished with handing out candy?"

"We are," Skye replied. "We'll be heading in to look at their candy."

"Wait Mum," Marie said first. "You forgot our tradition."

"I told you, you lot were too old for that now," Skye said quickly.

Shaking her head Marie said, "They aren't."

Skye sighed, as the three youngest told her to do it, and she said, "Do you even know what that is?"

"No, but they said it was fun," Ivy said first.

"I think you're going to need to now," Castle said with a smile as they were all watching the interaction.

"Yeah," Skye replied with a sigh. "Grá?"

"I'll help as always," Mary said before they went in so they could close the gate.

"Where are you going to sing?" Mari asked the two while they went to the house.

"Did they tell you or did you suss that out?" Skye asked with a smile.

"I figured it out when you asked Mary," Mari replied.

"But I thought it might be singing anyways," Julia said, not surprised when her friend nodded in agreement with her.

"What are you going to sing?" Clive asked once they were inside.

"A Halloween song," Marie said with a wide smile.

"Ready?" Mary asked Skye as they were between the kitchen and family room.

"Take off your robes," Kathleen told the other kids.

"Do we get to dance?" Fleur asked eagerly.

"Yeah, we always try to," Marie said.

Since the girl was looking at her Julia said, "I don't know if we could dance to it if we don't know what the song is!" though she was speaking in mock indignation.

"You will right now," Skye said, nodding to her wife before she started the music.

"Oh, that song?" Julia said as soon as it started. That was all anyone could say, as Skye was beginning to sing shortly after that with her wife joining her after. She couldn't stay still for long and was glad Kathleen had mentioned taking off their robes as she and Mari were dancing, the others pairing off and even Derek dancing with Eliza and Fleur together as the two women sang while they looked on with the other adults.

I'm all dressed up with nowhere to goWalkin' with a dead man over my shoulderI'm all dressed up with nowhere to goWalkin' with a dead man over my shoulder

Waiting for an invitation to arriveGoin' to a party where no one's still aliveWaiting for an invitation to arriveGoin' to a party where no one's still alive

I was struck by lightning, walkin' down the streetI was hit by something last night in my sleepIt's a dead man's party who could ask for more?Everybody's comin' leave your body at the doorLeave your body and soul at the door

Don't run away it's only meOnly me

I'm all dressed up, nowhere to goWalkin' with a dead man, oh, walking with a dead manOoh, ooh, waitin' for an invitation to arriveOoh! Walkin' with a dead, dead man (with a dead man)

I got my best suit and my tieWith a shiny silver dollar on either eyeI hear the chauffeur comin' to my doorSays there's room for maybe just one more

I was struck by lightning, walkin' down the streetI was hit by something last night in my sleepIt's a dead man's party who could ask for more?Everybody's comin' leave your body at the doorLeave your body and soul at the door

Don't run away it's only meDon't be afraid of what you can't seeDon't run away it's only me (only me)Don't be afraid of what you can't see

It's only me

I was struck by lightning, walkin' down the streetI was hit by something last night in my sleepIt's a dead man's party who could ask for more?Everybody's comin' leave your body at the doorLeave your body and soul at the door

Don't run away it's only me (only me)Don't be afraid of what you can't seeDon't run away it's only me (only me)Don't be afraid of what you can't see

It's only meIt's only meOnly me…

Drying off her face, Beckett looked at her reflection once she had removed the towel and said to her husband, "Better?"

"A lot," Castle said as he'd taken off the makeup at the same time. When she had set aside her towel he was reaching for her, pulling her close and kissing her intently. He was relieved when she was doing the same with him and they were involved in that for some time before they slowly parted. "It took too long to be able to do that again," he told her, pulling her out to the bedroom since they were dressed for bed.

"I agree," Beckett said. When her husband paused and looked at her, she smiled telling him, "You didn't think I wanted that myself?"

"It's odd to hear you say that," Castle said. "But for a second," he told her before they were getting onto the bed. He immediately got on top of her and kissed her deeply while they held onto one another. When they slowly parted, he smiled down at her and said, "I enjoyed it tonight."

"No party?" Beckett asked. "No costumes for us?"

"I did," Castle said firmly. They moved together, and he laid back before he wrapped his arm around her once she was settled against his side.

"I did too," Beckett said with a smile. She then said, "I'm eager for the concert."

"So am I," Castle said quickly, rubbing her shoulder. "But back to Halloween, Josie looked adorable."

"She did," Beckett said with a nod.

Castle felt her kiss his shoulder and said, "What should we do now?"

"Are we finished with Halloween?" Beckett asked him.

"I thought you might be tired," Castle told her.

"Oh no, not yet," Beckett said before she was grabbing his pajama top and pulling her onto him.

Castle went willingly, kissing Beckett as soon as he could before they were wrapped up in each other. Not letting one another go, they kissed passionately and repeatedly as they spent some time doing that. But when they settled back down they murmured to each other, not falling asleep yet to allow their slight intimacy last for just a little longer to their delight.