
In Search Of True Heart

There are many hidden magical mysteries in this world that are unknown to mankind, beyond the laws of nature, and there are some magical powers that great saints who lived on this planet for centuries left behind. Only a select few people are still on the hunt to find and obtain these mysteries and powers; some are hunting to do good while others are hunting to achieve bad. Three miracle stones were hidden in a mysterious box and put in a mysterious cave that holds many mysteries. The box was hidden in a mythical cave, and only someone with a pure heart could uncover it. The person who went in quest of the box, despite repeated efforts to retrieve it, never came back. Rudra, who resides in a tiny town, is passionate about seeking out historical mysteries. While doing so, he came into a mystery cave that is home to certain magical abilities. He was hit just as he was ready to leave the cave. Nobody is aware of his current whereabouts. Ambika rudra wife was attacked by a bunch of individuals while trying to save her spouse. Jaishankar, the father of Rudra, spotted Ambika's bloody garments in the bush and learned that an animal had killed her. It remained a mystery why Rudra and Ambika had vanished. Rajeev, the son of Rudra and Ambika, is a doctor who leads a happy life and is well-liked by the residents of his little hamlet due to his kind disposition. He once came upon a gorgeous young girl with wounds in the woods. After that, he took her home and took care of her. He later learned that the girl had forgotten her recollections. The young woman Rajeev found is fascinating and is full of mysteries. Over time, Rajeev and her developed a relationship, leading to their marriage. Marriage has made a significant difference in his life. Rajeev was then repeatedly attacked, but the assailant was unable to hurt him since his buddy Ram and Gowthami were always defending him. Will Rajeev be able to learn the truth behind his family's untimely death? What challenges Rajeev faced during his life. Who precisely is looking for Rajeev? What about the enigmatic woman Rajeev wed

priyanka_princes · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
139 Chs


As Gowthami reached to put the book back on the top shelf, she once again climbed onto the small chair. This time, however, the chair was a bit oily from someone's lunch earlier in the day. She slipped, a gasp escaping her lips. But just before she hit the ground, Rajeev's strong arms caught her, and they tumbled to the floor together.

They landed with Rajeev on top of her, his hands bracing on either side of her head to keep from crushing her. He looked down at her, a playful smile tugging at his lips. "You always seem to fall on me like this," he teased, his voice a mix of amusement and warmth.

Gowthami laughed at his comment, her eyes sparkling with mirth. "Maybe you're just always in the right place at the right time," she shot back, her tone light.

Their laughter faded as their eyes met, the air between them charged with a sudden, electric tension. Rajeev's playful smile softened, his gaze growing intense.Rajeev examined Gowthami's face more closely and was struck by her allure. Gowthami saw Rajeev up close and noted her obvious fondness for him. They both turn to look at one other and lose awareness of their surroundings. He brushed a strand of hair away from Gowthami's face, his fingers trailing down her cheek.

Rajeev is about to kiss her since he finds her appealing.

Her hair was moving away as his finger caressed her neck, nearly making her tremble. His hands moved from the sides of her head and caressed her neck, shoulders and hands. He gently grabbed hold of her hands, held them out in front of her, and suddenly stopped. She felt safe even if he kept quiet. She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath as her heart beats impatiently inside her chest.

In a trance, he began to lean in, his eyes locked on hers. Gowthami's breath hitched, and she closed her eyes, her body instinctively responding to the magnetic pull between them. She felt the warmth of his breath on her lips, the promise of a kiss just a heartbeat away.

Suddenly, a book toppled from the shelf and hit the floor with a loud thud. The noise jolted Rajeev out of his trance. He pulled back abruptly, his eyes wide with shock. His lips were mere inches from hers, and the reality of what he was about to do crashed over him.

Rajeev hesitated to speak with Gowthami and said slowly , "I... I should go," he stammered, quickly getting to his feet. He extended a hand to help Gowthami up, his movements awkward and hurried.

Gowthami took his hand, feeling the heat rush to her cheeks. "Rajeev, wait..." she began, but he was already stepping back, his face a mix of confusion and regret.

"I'm sorry, Gowthami. I need to... I just need to think," he said, his voice tight. Without another word, he turned and left the room, leaving Gowthami on the floor, still processing what had almost happened.

He walked out of the room and began to think to himself,

"Rajeev, what happened to you? It's time for you to kiss her. What are you currently attempting? Just hold your composure, manage your emotions, and say to oneself, If I kiss her, what could she possibly think of me. She'll think the worst of me."

He inhaled deeply and walked up to the victim.

Gowthami felt embarrassed as Rajeev left the room.

She sat there for a moment, her heart pounding in her chest. She touched her lips with trembling fingers, feeling the ghost of the kiss that never was. Confusion and longing swirled within her, and she wondered what it all meant.

"Rajeev was about to kiss me" .

She felt embarrassed as she stroked her delicate pink lips.

When she began to question" what had just happened. "

Her cheeks became crimson with embarrassment as she reasoned that if he felt the same way about her as she did about him, then he must love her. She was ecstatic. She soon became unable to face him, so she took the book and left for her home.


Rajeev, meanwhile, paced in his room, his mind a whirlwind of thoughts. He cursed himself for losing control, for almost crossing a line. He had promised himself that he would never take advantage of Gowthami's vulnerable state, and yet he had come so close to doing just that.

He sat down heavily on his bed, running a hand through his hair. He couldn't deny the powerful feelings he had for her, but he knew he had to be patient. He had to let her find her own way, even if it meant keeping his distance for now.

As Gowthami remained on the floor, her thoughts mirrored his. She felt a strange mix of disappointment and understanding. She knew Rajeev was a good man, and his hesitation only proved it. But that didn't make the ache in her heart any less real.

For the rest of the evening, they both kept to themselves, each lost in their own thoughts, trying to make sense of the moment they had shared and what it meant for their future.