
In scott pilgrim world and traveling to other worlds with a system

The story is about a guy transmigration in scott pilgrim vs the world with a system he also travel to other worlds, anime worlds and movies and animation series and and games world. I know some of you probably don't know about the Scott pilgrim world but don't worry. MC doesn't have a tragic past or anything, he had normal life and had normal problems and then transmigration into the the Scott pilgrim world. The worlds: Scott pilgrim world konosuba world black clover world gamer manhwa world Cyberpunk: Edgerunners world (More worlds will be added later, he also don't leave a world for another one, he travel between them) Respective series mentioned are credited to their respective owners, I only own MC and oc It's my first time writing and English is not my first language

Alucard_7894 · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs

Chapter 33 Arcanletia

(MC pov)

Next day after Ramona and I went to crimson demon clan and kazuma and others went to Keele dungeon we are at the guild, kazuma and others are getting a reward for killing Vanir.

"We are rich"kazuma said

"Now that I think about it, we are rich in this place"Wallace said with a realized face

"Now you said that"Stacey said and they all turn their head towards me and looked us

"Give us money"they all said after a few second

"You guys"I said with a sigh

I take out bags of coin and give them to and Scott and other men went to buy things they wanted and or maybe they are going to the succubus shop, Scott find out about the succubus shop after he became friend with kazuma.

Only kazuma didn't went with them, maybe he already bought a ticket for the succubus shop.

"Didn't expect you to give them money"Ramona said

"Well the money of this place isn't really a trouble for me anymore"I said

"Hey Ramona come with us, we are going shopping"Stacey said beside others girls

"Yeah let's go buy some wine"aqua said

"And a new and powerful staff for my explosion magic"megumin said while drooling

"Okay"Ramona said agreeing to go shopping with them not buying wine

"See you later honey"Ramona said

"Goodbye baby"I said and kiss her

"Ah you guys don't need to show of to people"kazuma said

"Well find a girlfriend"I said

"You think it's easy"kazuma said with a little tear

"Anyway I'm going to wiz shop and tell her that Vanir is dead"kazuma said

"Wait I will come with you "I said 

We go to wiz shop and open the door.

"Welcome tricky boy and the guy I can't read his mind interesting, really interesting"Vanir said with a smile, he probably saw me in the memories of kazuma and others.

luckily Ramona mind have protection because with her power over Glow she can create a barrier for her mind so I'm not worried that he would read Ramona mind.

"Youuuuuui"kazuma said with a suprised face

I also faked my suprise.

After that Wiz come and explain why and how Vanir is alive and here.

"I see well, Edward I don't see any point in telling guild about this"kazuma said

"I agree"I said

"Man you are really a good friend"kazuma said and laughed.

"Well Vanir how about you teach me some skills"I said 

"Ohhhh, the weird guy want to learn my skills well why not "Vanir said

"Teach me curse and doll creation"I said after thinking a little

"Okay "Vanir said and teach me doll creation

"And for curse l will teach you the cursed darkness"he said and place his hand on kazuma chest

"Hey what the hell"kazuma said

"It will be finished soon"Vanir said and cursed kazuma and give him a woman breast!!!??

"What"kazuma and I said at the same time, I never saw Vanir could do something like that in the anime, maybe it in the light novel

"Huh they kinda"kazuma said touching his breast

"Feel nice"Vanir said

"Nooo, take me back to normal"kazuma said with a loud voice Vanir make him normal again

"Wow that's some scary curse"I said

"Cursed Darkness: Using the power of darkness, i can place any curse at the target, including removing or adding sexual organs, making mushrooms grows out of the target's rear, or even a death curse"Vanir said

"Wow"I said and take out my adventure card and see the skill and learned.

Vanir also gives kazuma a deal to make money, kazuma create the thing from another world and Vanir well them.

After that we said goodbye and went back to the guild and we chose a quest to do while others are shopping.

(5 days later)

In this 5 day the only interesting thing that happens is Kazuma dying by running lizards and then aqua resurrected kazuma and kazuma new sword is named chun chun maru.

Stacey and other also having a luxury live here and sometimes Ramona and I also went outside for picnic and quest.

Of course i didn't let them to become lazy and make them go on quests or I will kick them out of the manor.

Right now I'm inside my workshop room and take out a ticket, when I use it I get a bird like in the assassin's creed games.

I use the ticket and a light appears and after a second I look at my eagle in my hand.

My eagle is completely black wait a second this is not a eagle this is a raven.

You have got to be kidding me I thought I will get eagle but I think it's make sense, the ticket said it will give me bird not a eagle.

I thought it will be eagle like the games but there was a viking assassin who used a raven and to be honest I like raven more.

"Caw"raven said, suprisnl in a pleasant and calm voice

"Well you seem smart"I said

"Caw"raven said

"Wanna go outside and look around the place and try the sharing eyes ability"I said and the raven nodded

I open the window and the raven fly outsy and I check the sharing eyes ability.

Suddenly I find myself looking at below and seeing the manor, it's really weird and at the same time it's feel amazing, not the flying but the sharing eyes ability.

I could feel the raven and tell her where to go, yes her, the raven is a female.

Now that I checked the ability I tell her to come back in my mind and she did.

I put my hand on her head and put my aura inside her and awaken her aura.

She seems happy, now I don't have anything to do with her so I tell her to go and have fun and she go and fly around outside.

My clones come back with 10 sleeping dogs, I created clones and send them to bring some dog so I can use create darken beast.

They place them on the ground and dispose themselves.

I use create darken beast and shadow cover them after, a second they all turned dark and a shadow aura is around them, their eyes also turned red.

Damn they look coming out of the hell, I use observation on them.

[Name: shadow dog

Level: 10









Not bad, I command them and they really obey me, man I can feel it, in the future I'm going to be op, I couldn't help but to grin.

I put them in my shadow storage which is the first time I'm using it, I didn't put golem in it because I just want to put the good things inside it so I later create new ones or make the old one better.

I take out the mutagen of the growth chimera and i injected to myself and the pain begins again god damn it.

After 5 minutes the pain stop and I feel amazing.

[Because of the mutagen you gained a skill, bronze skin(passive) LV max]

Right Sylvia did had a strong body.

"Status screen"I said

[Name: Edward Kenway














Because of the mutagen my str and Dex and agi hit the 50 stats and the vitality of the beast get destroyed and I gained the body of the beast I also level up 10 times after killing all that devils when I was in crimson demon village there must have been hundreds of devils.

I put 30 stats point in int and I got mana talent and mana affinity got destroyed, I put the rest 25 stats point in my wis and my charm also went up a 5 stat because my body becomes better.

"Skills screen"I said



fighting LV 40

Body of a beast LV max

gamer mind LV MAX

Cold resistance LV 49

Mana skin LV 20

Bronze skin LV max

sharp shooter LV 49

Massager LV 10

Acting LV 12

Night vision LV max

Hacking LV 4

Create robot LV 3

Poison immunity LV max

Acid immunity LV max

Pain resistance LV 10

Mutagen LV 5

Nauseating flesh LV max

weapon mastery LV 10

Iron stomach LV 20

All Edward Kenway (assassin's creed) ability LV max


observation LV 55

focused hit LV 20

mana control LV 52

chakra control LV 52

meditation LV 55

shadow clone LV 55

mana shield LV 55

mana shield no2 LV 40

aura control LV 55

chakra strengthening LV 31

aura strengthening LV 31

flight magic LV 55

mana web LV 40

Armament haki LV 30

observation haki LV 49

spinning mana bolt LV 30

spiral mana bolt LV 20

spinning mana arrow LV 35

rasengan LV 25

Reinforcement LV 20

Basic magics LV 50

Cursed darkness LV 30

Unlock LV 40

Lock LV 20

Fireball LV 20

Freeze gust LV 20

Flash LV 30

Wind curtain LV 20

Inferno summons LV 19

Cursed crystal prison LV 10

Cursed lightning LV 20

Lightning strike LV 20

Light of saber 20

Teleport LV 29

Creation magic LV 9

Healing LV 20

Exorcism LV 10

Sacred shell LV 10

Putrefaction LV 20

Turn undead LV 50

Break spell LV 30

Darin touch LV 35

Create golem LV 39

Smithing LV 15

Tailoring LV 10

Alter self LV 20

Mana skin LV 20

Dream LV 5

Alchemy LV 15

Process materials LV 15

Acid magic LV 10

Magic hand LV 10

Mending LV 10

Message LV max

Alarm LV max

Enhance ability LV 15

Heat metal LV 10

See invisibility LV 35

Empowerment LV 25

Beast shape l LV 1

Ninja techniques LV 20

Transmutation LV 5

Umbrakinesis LV 7]

Huh it's seem some skills have been combined with eachother.

Okay let create a amazing golem, I want my first real golem to be one of my best and then I create normal one.

I take out tungsten, Tungsten is the strongest metal in normal world and Scott pilgrim world and then take out most of my manatite for giving the golem mana ability and most of my adamantite, they are near indestructible well this is what I heard and it's really expensive.

Then i use create golem and I put the manatite inside the golem and then mix tungsten and adamantite and after 10 minutes I finally created my first real golem, I don't count those stone golem that I created with my low level create earth golem.

I add some colour and it's look strong but for making sure I use observation on it.











Man this my golem is strong and because of the colour black and red it's looks like a evil golem so I changed it to dark light blue and black, now it's look better.

If I didn't have the shadow storage I couldn't be able to take this golem out of the manor.

Now a name for my golem, well he looks like a tank with a powerful strength so I will name it juggernaut.

With the rest of the adamantite I create a great hammer for him. Man I feel pride in what I created.

"What the hell is that?"Ramona asked as she enter my workshop

"He's juggernaut, it's my first real golem"I said

"Holy shit"Stacey said when she entered

And the rest followed her and enter my workshop and had the same reaction.

"This is the golem I created and why you guys are here, I said don't bother in my workshop except Ramona"I said

"Sorry Edward but it's about Kazuma and others they are going to Arcanletia , the City of Water and Hot Springs so please let's go"Edward said while kneeling in front of me

"Please"Stephan and young Neil said and also kneels

Arcanletia is a city in Belzerg that serves as the patron city of the Goddess of Water Aqua and headquarters the Axis Order that worships her.

Widely known as the City of Water and Hot Springs, Arcanletia is also the headquarters of the infamous Axis Order, who uses aggressive methods and scams to convert new followers. The sect is also responsible for the city's water control.

The city will also became a target of the Devil King's Army, with the general Hans being sent to pollute the hot springs in order to bankrupt the Axis Order, who constantly torment and spread fake rumours about the Devil King.

Although Kazuma's party during their trip to the hot springs uncovered the scheme and defeated Hans, the battle resulted with Aqua purifying all of the hot springs, turning it into pure hot water with extremely potent holy properties

Although the City has some weak monsters like goblins, there are more powerful ones, like the Beginner's Bane .

Beginner's Banes are catlike creatures bigger than lions or tigers, that sport black fur, golden eyes as well as a pair of long huge fangs.

It's seem a good place for resting and getting some new dark beast and I can't pass the chance being with Ramona in a hot spring.

I put juggernaut in the shadows storage.

"Wow"Scott and young Neil said when that saw how juggernaut disappeared

"So are we going"? Ramona asked

"Yes it will be good rest for us"I said

"Yessss"all of them said with a loud and happy voice

"Okay let's go"Ramona said

"I already know where is the city"Ramona said and created a door

"No we go with kazuma and others"I said

"Why?"Ramona asked

"Because this way feels more like trip"I said

"Okay"Ramona said

"Okay guys go pack your things"I said and they all went except Ramona 

"You are ready?"I asked

"I'm ready, I already know you won't pass the chance having sex in the hot spring"Ramona said and comes closer to me

"You really know me so well baby"I said and bring her closer and kiss her passionately

I start groping her breasts and she start rubbing my dick and we continue without knowing someone comes back to the workshop.

"Ahem, we are ready to go"Kim said 

We stop kissing and looks at Kim.

"Okay"I said without any embarrassment

(Kim pov)

Fucking assholes, showing off like that with a open door.

(MC pov)

We go to the place where kazuma party is getting a caravan.

When we reach the place we see aqua and kazuma playing rock paper scissor, i know where is that going.



Give me good name for the raven

And ideas for new Golems

Juggernaut picture in comments