
In Naruto World with Raphael

"In Naruto World with Raphael" tells the story of a young assassin journey after he's reincarnated into the Naruto universe as Sasuke Uchiha, accompanied by Raphael. Together, they embark on an adventure filled with discovery, friendship, and the pursuit of Sasuke's true potential in the ninja world. New author here but a long time reader of fanfic, I'm just trying out please support. Thanks Buy me a coffee @ https://www.buymeacoffee.com/drKsaMa

drK_saMa · Cómic
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Thy sharingan be skill!!

During the week off from the academy, Sasuke and Raphael focused on refining Sasuke's skills and abilities, including the transformation of his jutsu into skills and the evolution of his Sharingan into a Bloodline Intrinsic Skill.

As they delved into the process of converting Sasuke's jutsu into skills, Raphael observed the unique configuration of Sasuke's Sharingan—two tomoe in his right eye and one tomoe in his left. Recognizing the significance of this asymmetry, Raphael proposed a plan to unlock the full potential of Sasuke's Sharingan within a month.

"Report, Sasuke," Raphael began, "your Sharingan exhibits an interesting imbalance—two tomoe in your right eye and one tomoe in your left. This suggests that your visual prowess may be unevenly distributed between your eyes."

Sasuke nodded, intrigued by Raphael's observation. "So, what's the plan?"

"Report, we'll focus on equalizing the strength of your Sharingan by training both eyes simultaneously," Raphael explained. "Through targeted exercises and chakra manipulation, we'll work to synchronize the tomoe in each eye, allowing you to unlock the full potential of your Sharingan."

"Report, after analyzing the Sharingan's mechanics, it appears to function as a unique form of ocular ability deeply intertwined with the user's chakra system," Raphael explained, delving into his analysis of Sasuke's Bloodline Intrinsic Skill.

"Unlike traditional jutsu, the Sharingan operates on a principle of chakra manipulation, allowing the user to enhance their visual perception. An essential aspect of Sharingan activation lies in the harnessing of extreme emotions," Raphael continued. "It is through intense emotional stimuli that the Sharingan is awakened, catalyzing the activation of specific tomoe patterns within the eyes as well as its evolution to Mangekyou Sharingan . As we transition the Sharingan into a skill, its evolution will no longer require sacrifice or intense emotional stimuli but will instead rely on the user's proficiency and chakra control."

"With each use of the Sharingan, the user will expend chakra to fuel its abilities, gradually increasing its potency and effectiveness over time," Raphael elaborated. "Through diligent training and mastery of chakra manipulation, the user can unlock new tomoe patterns and ocular techniques, further expanding the skill's capabilities."

"However, evolving to Rinnegan require Asura's chakra as you already have Indra's Chakra accessing Asura's chakra, a fundamental aspect of Rinnegan awakening, does indeed pose a challenge," Raphael acknowledged, delving into the complexities of their task.

"In our quest to unlock the Rinnegan, we must consider alternative sources of chakra," Raphael continued. "One possibility is to harness the unique chakra affinities present in individuals like Naruto Uzumaki, who possess an abundance of Asura's chakra."

"By extracting and isolating Naruto's chakra, we can explore the potential for fusion with your own chakra," Raphael suggested. "This experimental approach may offer insights into replicating the balance of energies required for Rinnegan evolution."

Sasuke absorbed Raphael's proposal, recognizing the potential significance of tapping into Naruto's chakra reservoir but he has to be prepared about confronting Kurama, The Nine Tail Fox.

After that Raphael analyzed Sasuke's elemental affinities and recognized his innate talent for both fire and lightning chakra manipulation. Understanding the potential of harnessing these elements, Raphael decided to bestow upon Sasuke the skills of Fire Mastery and Lightning Mastery.

"Report, initiating elemental skill infusion, this will help in learning and controlling elemental jutsu" Raphael's voice resonated within Sasuke's consciousness as the transformation began.

Fire Mastery:

Derived from Sasuke's affinity for fire chakra, Fire Mastery enhances his control and manipulation of fire jutsu to a masterful level. With this skill, Sasuke gains the ability to conjure and manipulate fire with precision, unleashing devastating infernos and incinerating his foes with scorching intensity.

Lightning Mastery:

Leveraging Sasuke's affinity for lightning chakra, Lightning Mastery enhances his ability to generate and control lightning jutsu with unparalleled finesse. With this skill, Sasuke gains the power to unleash devastating lightning-based attacks and overwhelm his enemies with electrifying force.

"Report, adding other elemental mastery will require understanding and learning certain jutsu corresponding to the element" 

Throughout the week, Sasuke stayed indoors, focusing on exercises like push-ups, squats, and pull-ups to get stronger. Since he couldn't go outside, he spent time learning to calm his mind through meditation and practiced controlling his chakra. In the bathroom, he practiced a ninja leaf exercise with multiple leafs. Throughout the week, Sasuke stayed indoors, focusing on exercises like push-ups, squats, and pull-ups to get stronger. Since he couldn't go outside, he spent time learning to calm his mind through meditation and practiced controlling his chakra. In the bathroom, he practiced a ninja exercise where he tried to move multiple leaves with his chakra.

As the week came to a close, Sasuke eagerly awaited Raphael's assessment of his progress. With each passing day of rigorous training and focused meditation, he felt himself growing stronger, both physically and mentally. Now, seated in the quiet of his room, he awaited Raphael's analysis.

"Report," Raphael's voice echoed within Sasuke's consciousness, signaling the beginning of their evaluation.

"Your dedication to your training this week has been commendable" Raphael began, his tone conveying a sense of pride. "Your physical strength has notably increased, and your chakra control has shown significant improvement. At this rate, you possess the strength and skill comparable to that of a Chunin-level ninja. You now also have 2 tomoe in your left eye which means both eyes are synchronize"

A sense of accomplishment washed over Sasuke as he absorbed Raphael's words. To have achieved such progress in such a short span of time filled him with a newfound sense of confidence.

"However," Raphael continued, his tone growing serious, "your arsenal of skills still lacks depth. While your chakra and control are impressive, true mastery requires a diverse array of techniques. Your sharingan also need to practice so as to have better proficiency"

"Hai hai, Raphael-sensei," Sasuke responded, noticing the smirk when he said sensei he ask "Are you... smirking?"

"Report, It's your imagination" Raphael's said in neutral voice.

"Ok if you say so" Sasuke laugh remembering something.

Sasuke hype himself as from tomorrow he will start going to academy again and meet all the characters. But he is having headache thinking about how Sakura and Naruto will be annoying like in the anime. He plans to act honest and friendly so he can keep low key from the creepy eyes of Danzo and also to make Hiruzen think he is a good boy. He can also properly start physical training from tomorrow. He rests for the day think about what will happen tomorrow.

Have some suggestions about my writing? Comment it and let me know. Thanks.

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