
Chapter 1

My name is Alexander Mayfield and as you can probably tell from your decision to read this fanfic, I am dead, before I continue to break the forth wall lets start from the beginning.

I was a 29 year old male, I majored in computer science and biology I was interested in anime a huge weeb in every sense I was always envious of characters with powers to do the impossible, there were some anime and shows that would give some weird logic about getting powers from genetic alterations like the x gene from marvel or like the meta humans from DC.

I knew I couldn't get a job in biology because I wasn't as invested in it as I was in programming as a programmer I wanted to make an artificial intelligence that was maybe one fifth as good as Jarvis from marvel.

I learnt every programming language I could find while I wasn't successful in fulfilling my wish it did open up many doors for me for finding jobs, I made half a million a year at my job as a programmer, with my knowledge in every field of programming I was essential in my company an asset they were unwilling to lose especially since I was being recruited by other companies frequently.

I would use some of the money I earned to buy chemicals and tools to experiment on the human genome in hopes of giving myself powers or finding someway to unlock Ki or chi or any energy of some sort, I knew maybe I would never accomplish my dream but maybe in the future someone can figure something out as technology advanced but even, so I continued to do it because I loved it.

I kept in touch with friends and tried to help as much as I could, donating to orphanages sending money to friends and family in need while I was happy to help the main reason I did it was because of karma, I had seen many fan fictions about people getting powerful wishes and chances to reincarnate because of their karma was really good, it also gave me the motivation to continue with my biochemistry experiments and trying to develop artificial intelligence in a positive direction, I believed that while its good to be nice and help people you should always try to gain something from every action you take.

I surprisingly made a discovery in the field of human recovery; I studied the cells of reptiles with inspiration from Dr. Connors aka lizard man in spider man I decided not to mix any DNA as I didn't want any negative karma from causing an apocalypse.

I studied what allowed reptiles to regenerate while and looked at the similarities in humans. I noticed all animals heal but lizards heal faster, and their tails regenerate after a while. I had tried pumping them with chemicals, nutrients and all sort of thing to discover if I could slow down their speed of healing and things that could help accelerate it but enough of the boring stuff.

I was able to get results in somewhat speeding up the healing of humans It wasn't anything special but, in the future, it could be something big and I wasn't about to let possible karma go to waste so I reported my findings to multiple medical institutions and left it up to them.

I chose to send it to many in multiple countries because I know humans are greedy and are willing to keep information to themselves to make a profit and I wasn't going to let my chance of an Isekai be ruined by greedy assholes.

Things took off and many universities started working on theories from my data and I was quoted and given royalties, so I made even more money made more donations and continued living life to the fullest until my last day.

"I have updated all our systems security protocols, as well as improved the user interface to make it easier for those that are not tech savvy, hopefully we can save time on teaching new recruits on how to use the UI and instead teach them how to bring us profit"

I was giving my updates on changes I made to improve the company I was working in, had to remind them frequently why I was an asset

"Thank you, MR Mayfield, for constantly heling bring us closer to the future as usual, oh and congratulations again on the success you have achieved from your medical discovery" I was congratulated by my former supervisor now he is my equal in the industry with the speed I was improving.

The meeting ended the same as usual, I was eager to go home and binge a bunch of anime I had let pile up while I was indulging in my other hobbies.

*ring* . . . *ring*

My phone was ringing, fortunately I was basically done for the day, so I picked it up knowing who it was from the caller id

'Moshi Moshi, boruto's dad desu~'

I immediately hung up; I would not have such disrespect happen to me especially when I could completely avoid it

My phone rang again and after contemplating and taking a deep breath I decided to pick it up

"Can I help you?"

'Wow you really cant handle a joke; I mean I know boruto Is not the best, but you shouldn't take it to seriously maybe give it a try again it could surprise you with'

"Why are you calling me? There is no way you could be calling me to talk about that abomination of an anime"

'No fun as usual, the group is planning a get together to catch up on old times and most likely to congratulate you on your success, don't tell them I told you btw as far as they know I'm still great at keeping secrets, any who it will be tomorrow night at XXX hotel you know the 5 star one'

"Hmmm I guess it wouldn't be bad to catch up and hear the praises of everyone over my blinding success over fine wine and good food"

'Fine wine yeah… lets go with that I will just get vodka to be honest with you but Ill see you tomorrow at 6pm later'

The call was over, and I was excited if I were to be honest, there isn't anyone who doesn't want to be praised for succeeding in something especially when it is something they are passionate about.

I decided to stop at the supermarket close to my home to get some food and look at the magazines to kill time and maybe see some new anime that are available, I remember years ago when anime wasn't as mainstream, and you got bullied for watching 'cartoon porn' because the anime girls had big breasts

I arrived at the supermarket after an hour of driving to buy the few thing I needed and when I had everything I popped by the magazine corner and saw some manga, magazines on the newest anime and decided to browse though it, I saw something about boruto and I was immediately disgusted and wanted to stop and remembered what my friend was saying before cutting him off, maybe I could get some sort of inspiration so I spent some time reading the magazine.

I was invested in it and lost track of time, luckily the cashier didn't mind because I supported the store when they were in a financial crisis and I didn't have them pay me back so the owners always tell the new employees as well as the old not to disturb me even if I'm reading the magazines, my alarm went off I was shocked that such a long time had passed, the alarm was for my personal exercise.

I do to keep my body as sexy as possible, as much as I like anime and my other hobbies I also love sexy women and I have to make sure that when I finally decide to have sex, I don't have an out of shape physique.

I was checking out and I heard someone rush in, so I looked at the entrance and saw someone in a hood come in with a gun

"Put the money in the fucking bag!!"

I wasn't going to be stupid enough to say anything, so I just moved back and let him do his thing the store might lose money but I could help replace it as it wouldn't be bad since I get good karma and I also felt bad for the owner as he is an immigrant trying to provide for his family while I was lost in thought all of a sudden I heard a shot and everything went dark.

I was most likely killed by the robber; I don't know why I would be killed as I hadn't done anything to upset him the only thing, I could think of was that he might have been talking to me while I was lost in thought, and he killed me out of annoyance but what could have and couldn't have no longer matter since I dead.

I was in a white room with absolutely nothing, it was eerily quiet so I was just left alone with my thoughts so I just continued to go through the codes I had in my memory to kill time, I was upset since I was unable to complete my goals I thought I had gained enough good karma to have decent life I could have done more and earned more karma but I was unfortunate enough to die early.

I was glad and all since situations like this are what usually occur when someone is about to get isekai'd from what I've seen in anime, light novels and fanfics but I thought maybe with my karma it would happen after I died naturally but I guess I was too hopeful

A long time had passed, and I was still waiting for someone or something to arrive, there is only so much one can stand while alone going through their memories. Not too long after or at least I think so since my sense of time is all over the place a being walked in casually from nowhere and before I knew it we were both on a desk that I have no idea when it arrived, he was a handsome male in a business suit and looked like the serious type

[Alexander Mayfield, died from a shot to the head at a supermarket. Well, I'm sure you already know what is happening, but I will explain everything. Welcome to the start of your Isekai journey]


Hey, I set up a pa-treon, for those that want to support me and want to give ideas for where the story should go and read ahead of webnovel, I'll might dump a whole lot of chapters and thought I'd let everyone know for now. www.pa-treon.com/orithium
