
1 Starting with the rebellion against the village, a kaleidoscope of anger emerges

Now, it's dusk.

Konoha Village, residence of the Uchiha Clan, in front of the clan leader's residence.

A young man of short stature, only around eleven or twelve years old, was stopping here.

Behind the boy were two half-kneeling figures. Judging from their clothes, they were both members of the Konoha Police.

After pondering for a moment, the young man, Uchiha Natsume, asked coldly:

"How many are willing to go?"

"More than half, a total of 426 people."

The person behind him quickly answered.

"More than half? Looks like the clan members are really bored with Konoha!"

"Sir, all evacuation preparations must be made..."

Natsume: "Very good, let's get started!"

"Pay attention to my signal later. When the time comes, organize everyone to evacuate immediately. There must be no delay!"


"Also, kidnap that little Quan girl and her family!"

There was a hint of surprise in the eyes of the two people behind Natsume, but they still accepted the order without hesitation.

"As you command!"


Natsume waved his hand, and the two people behind him quickly disappeared.

It's just that he raised his head slightly.

He glanced at Konoha Noda Village behind him and sighed in a low voice:

"Unknowingly, it has been ten years since I came to this world!"

"The prejudices of the human heart. No matter which world we are in, it is like a mountain that is difficult to climb!"

"Konoha? Ha... Since you still can't tolerate the Uchiha clan, don't blame me for being cruel!"

"Tonight, let me rewrite this history!"

Then, Natsume looked away.

Taking one step forward, Diai Diao opened the door of the ancestral house in front of him.

Inside the mansion.

The front yard was empty, no one around.

But the figure that Natsume wanted to see was already standing on the steps of the main hall, seemingly waiting for him.

Uchiha Fugaku: Current patriarch of the Uchiha clan and captain of the Konoha police force.

"You come!"

Uchiha Fugaku opened his eyes, looking directly at Natsume a little sharply.

He is worthy of the title "Evil Eyed Fugaku".

"It seems that the patriarch already knows what I want to do?"

Uchiha Natsume smiled lightly, having expected it.

The other party is the leader of the Uchiha clan and controls the Konoha Guards, so he has great power.

It wasn't difficult to figure out the fact that someone was forming a group and conspiring to defect within the clan.

However, that wasn't what Natsume expected.

Even though Fugaku was aware of his actions.

But he still didn't stop and reported himself.

He even secretly hid many loopholes for himself!

Otherwise, his defection plan might have been known to senior Konoha officials long ago.

"Your plan is too crude."

"I cannot sit idly by and watch you lead most of the Uchiha clan to destruction!"

Fugaku looked at Natsume and said in a deep voice word by word.

"I have to stop you!"

Natsume raised the corners of his mouth and sneered:

"Could it be that if you didn't act like you did, the entire Uchiha clan could have survived?"

"At present, we can't match the entire Konoha, we have to wait for an opportunity..."

Fugaku retorted sharply, with a hint of struggle in his eyes.

No one understood better than him the huge gap between one clan and Konoha as a whole.

A reckless, albeit successful, defection.

He would only turn into powder in Konoha's endless pursuit.

Only through clever planning and surprise can we gain opportunities.

Because of that, he let Itachi join the ANBU as a spy.

Gather intelligence, wait for an opportunity, then carry out an administrative coup!

"If we can't compete now, can we compete in the future?"

"Or is your plan just relying on Itachi in the ANBU?"

"Maybe you don't know yet?"

"By now, your son, Uchiha Itachi, should have received orders from 'Gen' and is on his way here."

"And his orders were: to slaughter the entire Uchiha clan to save the life of his little brother, Sasuke!"

"Do you think this is fair?"

"Is there any point in exchanging the lives of hundreds of clan members for one life?"

"Should we be killed for Itachi and his brother?"

Natsume roared loudly, questioning Fugaku nakedly.

Hearing this, Fugaku's figure suddenly shook.

He seemed shocked by Itachi's decision, but also seemed angry because Konoha's highest leadership was so cold and did not hesitate to issue such harsh and crazy orders.

There was a brief silence in the air.

The virtuous Uchiha Mikoto walked to Fugaku's side at some point and put her arms around her husband's shoulders, sharing the pressure for Fugaku.


"If this is Itachi's decision, I choose to support him!"

Fugaku took a deep breath, held his wife's hand, and said firmly in a deep voice.

No one understood Itachi's talent better than him.

In his opinion, since Itachi made this decision, he must have chosen the optimal solution after a very painful struggle.

Even if it was for young Sasuke.

As a father, he can only compromise and support Itachi...

"Master Patriarch, I am not here to ask for your opinion."

"Whether you agree or not, you can't stop it."

"I am Uchiha Natsume, a member of the Uchiha clan! I will never be a lamb to be slaughtered in any sheep pen! I will never be led to the slaughter!"

"If you insist on stopping me, then I have no choice but to get rid of you first!"

Natsume roared.

Chakra burst out of his body, and he took action in an instant.

Fugaku also frowned and took action suddenly.

He wanted to see it.

How could his young nephew be as good as Itachi?

How could he win over so many clan members and plan to defect.

And took action against himself.

"Fire escape art ho fireball!"

Two huge fireballs, like tall buildings, shot out violently and collided.


A huge explosion shook the sky, countless flames burst out, and the dazzling fire light illuminated half of Konoha Village.

For a time, there was a fierce battle.

It even alarmed most of Konoha, causing many ANBU ninja and high level Konoha officials to follow the sound hastily

At this moment, Fugaku, who was in the middle of a fierce fight, was secretly frightened and clicked his tongue.

He never expected it.

Natsume's niece's 'Go Fireball Technique' is very powerful.

Not even weaker than myself!

You know, I'm already 40 years old.

Whether it is ninjutsu, chakra, experience, etc., he far surpasses most of the ninjas in the Leaf Village.

The boy in front of him, who was only ten years old, was able to use this 'extraordinary fireball technique' to this extent!

How large should the chakra content be?

To what extent do you understand and apply ninjutsu?

How evil is this? ! !

But this child was silent and hid his stupidity until now!

What a lot of plans!

Very deep plot!

While amazed, Fuyu showed no mercy.

After all, he had experienced two great ninja wars and was the leader of the uchiha clan that survived to this day, his strength was of course extraordinary.

[Powerful fireball technique]

[Phoenix Immortal Fire Art]

[Red claw imitation flower]

[The fire is out]


A large number of fire escape ninjutsu came to him at his fingertips, and they emerged endlessly, overwhelmingly bombarding Natsume.

Countless brilliant fire lights almost covered half of Uchiha's station.

Just looking at it makes your scalp tingle.

As for Natsume, there aren't too many interesting things at all.

Some are just [Fireball Arts] one after another.

Large enough!


Fast enough!

One after another, the huge fireballs collided with Fugaku's many fire escape ninjutsu, and were destroyed one by one.

If it were somewhere else, another battlefield.

Many ninjutsu with different effects may have miraculous effects.

But here, under the direct confrontation between two fire escape experts.

Natsume proves with the fact that with just one strong enough ninjutsu, it is possible to 'destroy all ninjutsu with one technique'!

Just like Madara, the uchiha ancestor.

One [Great Fire Extinguishment] can cover countless water discharges.

Fierce fighting continued.

A large number of fire escape ninjutsu almost dyed half of the sky red.

But in just a minute or two, dozens of Uchiha clan homes were enveloped in endless flames.

the same time.

A group of Konoha ANBU ninjas and high-level personnel also arrived here one after another.

And seeing the fireballs flying, the battlefield is very exciting.

These ninjas were all confused.

Initially, they all thought that Konoha had been attacked, which was why a fierce battle broke out.

But look at the results.

It turned out to be Fugaku, the patriarch of the Uchiha clan, fighting an Uchiha boy!

This makes everyone look stupid.

How are you?

Internal discussions within the uchiha clan? But there's no need to hit it too hard, right?

Or is this an internal split within the Uchiha clan?

However, even though there was internal strife between the divisions, it wasn't the turn of an early ten year old boy to take the lead, right?

Of course these doubts are small.

What really got all the ninjas in trouble was that they didn't know who to help!

Helping Fugaku quell civil strife? So that Fugaku can continue to lead the Uchiha clan in planning a coup?

Help that uchiha boy fight fugaku? Attacking the Konoha police captain for no reason?

Whatever you choose, it's totally inappropriate!

What's more, the fire escape fighting power between the two is also very strong!

Each blow was no less than a crushing blow from an elite jounin.

Ordinary ANBU ninjas are simply seeking death if they rush forward!

So much so that more and more ninjas rushed to the location of the fierce battle.

However, all of them were still hesitant to advance and did not dare to join the war carelessly.

I had to wait and watch from outside.

Or hold back sparks so that the fire doesn't spread.

At the same time, more and more Konoha ninjas are watching.

Even many ANBU ninjas who were ordered to monitor the Uchiha clan were interested.

At this point, Natsume also felt that the time had come.

Although the power of his [Great Fireball Technique] is indeed extraordinary.

However in terms of chakra reserves, he may not be as good as Fugaku, a standard Kage level powerhouse.

If you continue to fight a drawn-out war and exhaust yourself, it will only harm yourself even more.

There's bound to be an explosion!

"Clan leader, show strength."

"Just turn it on!"

"Do not disappoint me!"

"Tonight, let Konoha feel the pain again!"

"[Mangekyo Sharingan] - open!"

"[Susanoh] - open!"

next moment.

Yin and Yang reversed, and the turbulent pupil power roared.

A flash of extreme blood red light emerged from Natsume's eyes.

Soon after, the red skull of the Demon God Susan emerged from the ground, standing high in the sky, threatening all directions.