
in Naruto with biological Kekkei Genkai

random dude got reincarnated, a lot of au and gender bend , you have been warned , also a sudden inspiration so ya know Naruto --> naruko Sasuke --> sasuko also kushina and mikato are alive , you know what to expect ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

SamiOyakodonLover · Cómic
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62 Chs

the Uzumakis and the vixens 4

soon the change in the their bodies begin to appears, the big mean foxes disappeared and what appeared a two humanoid figures, each had a whopping 9 nine tails behind, one had bright orange hair, the other had dark orange and the tails with same color respectively, but otherwise both looked exactly the same, more than twins, but what baffled the pair how they look likes

naruko looked at the pair with starry eyes "wow!?, the big mean foxy become big breasts big sister! how did you do that!"

{ note : both kyuubis look like yasaka from highschool dxd, but to change of hair and tail Color }

kushina looked at her beasts with gap mouth as if a fly can enter and the redhead will choke to death ' damn! they so stunning! and their chest! I'm so jealous! how is possible to have boobs such as big! they even beats Tsunade's!' the redhead burned in jealousy

the pair looked at kushina with smugness and the bright one said "what~ did the fox bite your tongue?" and dark continued "or are you so speechless at our beauty~"

"how?! why?! I have so many questions!?" kushina said with shock, but her surprised didn't stop at there!

she looked around see what Saruto is doing and almost her eyes become a foot long!

here unlike the kyuubi pair who decrease in size, Saruto increased! at height of 182 cm, with defined muscles , and toned stomach, he got the legendary swimmer body! but with more muscles! in his excitement he forgot to create clothes, it's not his fault it's his first time doing that, give him a break

he conjured mirror made of chakra to see his reflection and thought to himself 'nice! I'm indeed look like adult toshiro, let's see other reaction and looked at the foxes and gaped and whistled internally 'damn! these vixens can Ara Ara me my whole life and I won't complain~' but he quickly collect his thoughts and looked at kushina who looked at him with cloudy eyes

there is one word currently in her chakra brain which is 'handsome!' she thought while drooling 'the last time I saw someone this handsome was that time I sneaked at kakashi while taking of his mask, at that time I had I nosebleed...' she thought lewdily but snaps out of it when she heard Saruto teasing tone "hey kushina, why are nosebleeding~?"

"shit!" kushina cover her nose to hide her blood but notice something amiss and then realized at immediately 'I'm chakra right now! I can't have a nosebleed!' and sure enough there is no blood at all! she removed her hands at looked at Saruto at anger mixed with embarrassment who the latter grin with smugness at the success of his trick she is about to lash on him but notice another outrageous things

"why the hell are you naked?!" kushina said while intensely staring at his dong area

"hmm? may I?" then he looked down and sure enough, he is

kushina looked at him with glare but heard a mutterr next to her

"...so that's man's thing...I only saw it in education books..." naruko said with red face and hand on her eyes but obviously leaving an gap having her eyes full focus

kushina hurriedly take her daughter and closed her eyes with her hands -which made the blonde pouts- and practically screaming at the young boy or in this case man "you damn idiot, cover yourself, you will traumatize my daughter!"

"it's not my fault this the first time I done something like this!" Saruto counters while flexing his third leg

"look at the kyuubis they have perfectly cover they bodies!" kushina shouts

"they probably done that alot! hey foxys help me out here!" he cried out for help

both foxes looked the scene with amusement , but decided to finally help out they approached and said "honestly we are surprised you can do this at first try! this requires extreme chakra control in addition to relatively high chakra, you have both! we are impressed!" they then put their hands in his shoulders , give him a bit of chakra and created clothes similar to his previous one

the moment Saruto felt the chakra enter him , his chakra reserve increase by double! just by tiny bit of kyuubi chakra!

"amazing! you took our chakra like a vacuum! normally anyone who takes it , will die at that moment!" bright said with surprised tone

"wait, was there a chance for me to die here?" Saruto while sweating a bit

"of course not! you have the old man chakra! even if that was a very tiny bit, our chakra couldn't possibly hurt his in the slightest, he made us after all" dark said with snort

Saruto sign in relief and looked at the daughter mother pair with teasing smile and said "so, do you like how I look~?"

"YES!..wait I mean, yeah, I guess..not bad" kushina said the first word in almost instantly

"hmm! Saruto looks super duper pretty boy!" naruko said with sparkling eyes

"pretty boy?!" Saruto filled on the green field and thought 'pretty boy! you kidding me?! pretty boy?!'

both kyuubi fall laughing at her wording and Kushina had to hold her laughter inside her mouth while naruko tilts her head wondering what's funny

Saruto had a wry smile and thought 'haaa, at least the tension atmosphere decreased.. let's hope it's continues'

soon the laughter died the kushina looked at the kyuubis with questioning glare "hey! how you are women?!"

"yeah, how?" I'm also curious but have an idea how

the foxes wanted to sneer at kushina but when he Saruto they stopped and answered bright " I said previously that we are chakra construction, we have no body, and as a result we have no sex either."

"then why you always sounded so grumpy and angry with a deep man voice" kushina said crossing her arms

dark sneered while saying "heh, if we had a feminine sweet voice, would you be as bitchy as you are now?"

"you! no matter how you look , you still a damn fox!...or in this case you are vixens! damn vixens who wants to seduce saru-kun!" kushina said while pointing at them

"hmm? seduce?" bright said

"we never thought of that? did we?" dark said

"yeah.. wanna do it though? sounds fun!" bright said excited

"hmm sure why not, anything that gets on that tomatoehead nerves I do it in heartbeat" dark also agreed

then both took each of Saruto hands pressed their HEAVY assets against his body

Saruto body shuddered at such assault, he regulated his breathing and said "how I can feel you so.. well?" it's wasn't big deal when he was a kid, he was held my his aunt and sometimes kushina and mikoto, his body won't react unless he actively seeks at by simulating his hormones by using his bloodlines ability , which he wouldn't do because it's would be unbelievable to have a boner at 6 years old

but he was different here, he fully functional adult, even if it's only chakra, such reaction could happened,so he hurriedly using biological manipulation to stop his body to react from kyuubis supple bodies

both kyuubis notices has lack of reaction and said "hmm? how are you not reacting, we did the same technique mito did on first hokage every time she wanted some action"

"was the lady mito...that active?" Saruto said while gulping his saliva , it's not easy to not get aroused on such simulation

"ohh, very! she is uzumaki for crying out loud! that clan is known for massive vitality and can live 200 years {edited from 100 years} and staying healthy, not so impressive for us since we are practically immortal, but for humans that's super rare! as a result of that massive life force her libido is equally big, same with tomatohead over there, she didn't give the 4th hokage a break!" dark said with a smirk at the last sentence

kushina was both tomatoe in hair and face in this moment, she wouldn't be this embarrassed normally, but she felt she won't like to have this information shared in front of Saruto , at least since he is adult for now

Saruto notice this and smack there bottom which caused the vixens to Yelp is surprised moan

"" ahhn~ ""

kushina quickly closed naruko ears to stop her from hearing such lewd voices

"don't be naughty." he said while continue rubbing their bubbly butts

"hmm~ this does feel surprisingly good!, isn't that right, dark?" bright said sensually

"hmm~ indeed, now I understood why both mito and kushina loved that, I'm quite interested to know how the rest of sensation they frequently did with their husbands~"

Saruto said while never stopping his hands movement much for he vixens delight said "hmm? you never felt this before?"

"y-yeah" bright confirmed with stutter and dark continued " both mito and kushina seals we highly concealing, we couldn't feel anything and only saw what happened, we are pretty confused why such actions done by them were occurring so much... but now we understand a bit"

"then why you feeling it now? the seal is still strict!" kushina asks while having a red cheeks while slightly envying the twin foxes '..I miss a touch of a man... should I...no! what naruko will think!' but shake her head at such thoughts

the foxes who are in good mood decided to answer kushina and bright said "yes, hmm~ but he has contacted us directly and above that he has the old man chakra, which despite it's shallowness can bypass such some restriction..ahn~ yes continue~" bright ended with a purr

"what old man?! you keeping mentioning him without explaining who he is!" kushina said in irritation

"he is hnn~ our father" dark said with a moan

"father! you have a father?!" kushina said in shock

"everything has a father. well except for Jesus." Saruto said while sagely nodding in concerning he doing the exact opposite of what a safe does

"huh? who is Jesus?" everyone in the house which they entered while talking and later on said on the table asks, even the kyuubis with their vast knowledge tilted their head in confusion

"oh, never mind" he said shaking he head and decides to start what he comes her in the first place "alright, time to talk about why I asked to have this meeting."

"oh yeah! Saruto why wanted us to meet the kyuubis" naruko asks curiously

Saruto smiles, removed his hands from kyuubis big asses much for the foxes displeasure and did the gendo pose and said "naruko, kushina, and the kyuubis" the girls listen to him intensely and said "I hear to ask you...to let go of past grudges and forgive each other!"

"""" NO FUCKING WAY!! """ three voices said in Union much to each other irritation

'ah..this is gonna be pain in the ass..' Saruto cursed in his mind and thought how will fix this ordeal...