What would happen when someone from our world was suddenly reborn into the world of My Hero Academia with a Gacha System that rewards him with abilities, techniques, and skills from Jujutsu Kaisen? Grand epic fights and crazy shenanigans as he goes through the story to cause chaos and change the world to his liking.
After throwing Toga's dirty clothes in the wash, I returned to the kitchen to start breakfast while she cleaned herself up. While I wasn't the greatest cook, I was decent at making essential dishes.
"Now then." I tied the straps of my black apron and washed my hands. "Let's see what to do. What to do…"
I walked over to my stove and flicked on the heat while placing a nonstick pan on the burner. From there, I walked over to the fridge and pulled out several ingredients for my planned meal: steamed rice, miso soup, grilled fish, and various side dishes.
A traditional Japanese breakfast.
Personally, I would have gone with some waffles and bacon, but I didn't know what Toga liked to eat. Well, other than sweets. Better to go with something familiar.
As I lost myself in the cooking rhythm, I heard Toga's soft footsteps approaching. I looked away from the cooking fish to see her clean as a whistle while dressed in some of my old clothes. They were from when I was a little younger, so they fit her pretty well. Her blonde hair was no longer crusty and dirty; it was now soft and with a bright sheen.
Toga paused at the entrance of my living room and looked at me awkwardly; her hands and feet moved around nervously.
"Go on, take a seat." I flipped my fish over to see some beautiful grill marks. "Food should be ready soon. Make yourself at home."
"Okay," Toga muttered and walked over to the dining table.
[+10 SP]
Taking a seat, she watched me cook with attentive eyes that reminded me of a curious house cat. I grinned at the mental visual. Soon enough, I finished cooking today's breakfast and placed all the dishes on the table.
After removing my apron, I sat in front of Toga and grabbed my chopsticks to eat. I paused as I grabbed some rice when Toga didn't grab her eating utensils.
"What's up?"
"Oh, it's just that you didn't give thanks." Toga lifted her hands and placed them together. "My… parents said to always give thanks before eating."
"Ah, right. Forgot that was a thing."
[+10 SP]
I nodded, placed my chopsticks down, and pressed my hands together. We both gave thanks and began eating our food. As we ate, Toga looked at me nervously and then over to the empty chairs beside us.
"Are your… parents not going to join us?" Toga said as she sliced a piece of her fish. Her chopsticks shook as she tore the flesh into pieces.
"Nah, I don't got any parents. They died during a villain attack a couple years back." I said in what I hoped was a calm tone as I sipped my soup. "It's just you and me here, Toga. So relax. No one's going to jump out and take you away."
"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that…"
[+15 SP]
This is weird. I'm so used to the crazy Yandere version of Toga that it almost feels like I'm talking to another person.
I couldn't help but wonder just what the original Toga Himiko went through in her years of running from the police and killing who she wanted for blood.
Living on the streets really does change a person.
"It's fine, it's fine. Now then... what do you plan on doing?" I asked as I turned serious, causing Toga to stiffen. "Once your clothes are done being cleaned, you're free to go. I'm not holding you here against your will. You're free to leave anytime you want."
"I…" Toga looked down at her half-eaten miso soup with unsure and reluctant eyes. "I don't... know what to do. I can't go back home. The police, my parents, everyone... they're looking for me. I-I don't want to go to jail."
"Hmm, then where will you go?" I placed my elbows on the table while I rested my chin on my hands. "You gonna leave the city? The country? What's your next move?"
[+10 SP]
Toga pressed her lips together and placed her chopsticks down. She brought her hands over her lap and squeezed them tight in frustration.
Damn, I feel scummy. I'm practically backing her in a corner. But still, this should benefit us both.
"I think-" Toga closed her eyes, but I suddenly interrupted her.
"Haah! Man, I sure do have a big house!" I leaned back in my chair with my hands behind my head; the abrupt loudness of my voice caused Toga to jump in her chair. Her cat-like eyes looked at me in surprise and confusion. "Living here on my own sure is lonely. It sure would be nice if I had a cool new, blood-obsessed roommate to share it with!"
"But where would such a person be?" I leaned forward and made an exaggerated thinking motion. I then grinned at her. "You know anyone like that?"
[+30 SP]
"I don't understand. Why? Why are you doing all this?" Toga asked with genuine confusion. "Why are you being so kind to me?"
Ain't that the million-dollar question?
There was no way I could up and say I wanted to keep her around to farm points.
No, that would be ridiculous.
Even if I did say that, I knew that statement wouldn't be entirely true.
In the original story, I always felt bad for some of the members of the League of Villians. Most of them were just the rejects of society who had no one to turn to until they found each other. I know they did some extremely horrible stuff, but none of that has happened in this world. At least for some of their members.
Just like my friend Jin, Toga had yet to do anything horrible. In my opinion, at least. Sure, she attacked and nearly killed her classmate, but that was an accident due to her mind cracking under years of verbal abuse and pressure to conform.
With that in mind, I can't help but feel a sense of responsibility towards her. Maybe it's because I see a different side of her, a side that's vulnerable and in need of help. This Toga could still be saved. She could still have a future—a happy ending.
And I wanted to give her that.
Not because I was some hero or pillar of Justice but because I couldn't ignore her pain.
It was simply because I wanted to do so.
I swear, Izuku was a bad influence on me.
"I wish I could say I was doing this out of the kindness of my heart. But humans aren't like that." I said while looking out at my courtyard from the still-open shoji door. "I suppose you could say I helped you out of a whim. But that just sounds like a flimsy excuse."
"Then why?"
"I guess… I just wanted to help you." I turned back to her and smiled. "I wanted save Toga Himiko. It's as simple as that."
[+50 SP]
A long silence fell over my living room as Toga stared at me wide-eyed. Her right hand rose over her heart, and she tilted her head down so her bangs hid her face. Her other hand rose and swiped across her eyes where hidden tears no doubt fell.
"You mean it?"
"I do."
"You don't think I'm a monster?"
"I don't. I told you already, didn't I? You're just a cute middle school girl with a pretty smile. You're not a monster or anything like that."
"…okay," Toga whispered before she sat up straight. She had a large, pretty smile as she looked at me with an emotion I could not quite place. "I'll be in your care then."
I nodded and smiled back.
"Welcome home, Toga."
[+150 SP]
"Himiko... Call me Himiko."
"You got it. Oh, by the way, my actual name is Shimizu Souta."
"Hmm, I like Sukuna-kun better."
x x x
[General POV]
"Izuku-kun! Over here!"
Midoriya Izuku looked over to see his blue-haired friend, Hase Keiko, waving at him from his classroom entrance. She had a bead of sweat on the side of her face from running across the school to come pick up her friend. Those still hanging around the classroom turned to her briefly before shrugging. Keiko's presence had been a repeat occurrence in the room.
"Hase-san!" Izuku said as he quickly placed his books into his school bag. "What are you doing here?"
Keiko grinned and lifted a packed lunch. "Wanna have lunch with me?"
"O-oh! Yes! Of course!" Izuku blushed in embarrassment as he stood up from his chair with his yellow backpack strung on his back.
"I just have to go buy some."
"Ah, don't worry about that. I made some extra, so you're welcome to eat it!"
"Are you sure? I don't want to be a-"
"You're no bother, Izuku-kun. Now let's go eat!"
Izuku smiled as he and Keiko walked through the halls of Aldera Junior High. The halls were rather packed, with students moving to their preferred lunch spots or heading to the cafeteria. Despite that, the two quickly reached their favorite place: a bench under a large tree in the school's open courtyard.
Once they were situated, the two began to eat Keiko's packed lunch. At the same time, they chatted about random topics, primarily topics revolving around the newest pro heroes around the world or All Might. In the end, they ended up focusing on the subject of the latest TV anime that was released a month ago.
"You know, I still can't believe how cool the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are! I thought the manga was great, but the anime adaptation somehow elevated several of the manga's panels!" Izuku said as he grinned in excitement while holding the last volume of TMNT.
Keiko nodded with a smile as she placed the empty lunch boxes into her school bag. "Right? I mean, four mutant turtles trained in ninjutsu living in the sewers—what's not to love? Oh! Oh! Who's your favorite?"
"Hmm, that's a tough question... I think I have to go with Leonardo. He's the leader and so disciplined. I really admire his dedication."
"Good choice! I like Raphael. He's got that whole tough-guy thing going on, but you can definitely see his softer side, too. I appreciate his passion. He kinda reminds me of Sou-chan a little."
"True! Raphael does have that intense attitude like Souta-san. What do you think about their dynamic as brothers?" Izuku asked.
"It's awesome! They balance each other out so well. You've got Leo's focus, Raph's aggression, Donatello's brains, and Michelangelo's carefree spirit. It's like a perfect recipe for adventure." Keiko said as she held up a finger with each point she made about the turtle brothers. "And it teaches a good lesson about teamwork. Even though they argue sometimes, they always come together when it counts."
"Exactly! Speaking of which, do you remember that scene where-"
"What the hell are you two nerds doing here?"
Izuku and Keiko both stopped their excited conversation to look over at the three newcomers.
Standing a few meters away were Bakugo Katsuki and his two ever-present followers. Katsuki had his hands in his pockets while an annoyed expression marred his face. The two followers behind him looked at one another with nervous expressions before they forced on looks of confidence.
"Kacchan," Izuku said evenly. Keiko frowned as she turned to Katsuki. "We were just having lunch."
"Oh, yeah? Well, keep it down. I don't need you and your little girlfriend bothering me with all your geek talk, Deku." Katsuki said with his usual loud bravado as he glared at Izuku and Keiko.
"S-she's not my girlfriend, Kacchan. Hase-san is just my friend." Izuku said with a slight blush on his face.
"Bakugo-san. Did you perhaps stub your toe this morning?" Keiko said with a kind smile, causing Katsuki to twitch and turn to her with a snarl. "Oh my, such a nasty look. Do you have something in your eye?"
"What did you say, you bitch?"
"It seems all your little explosions have caused you to be hard of hearing. You should get that looked at. It would be a shame if you became deaf in a few years." Keiko said as she placed her hands on her knees, a calm smile on her face. Izuku sighed and looked over to his friend nervously.
"Hase-san," Izuku whispered to try to calm down his friend. "Calm down."
To Izuku's knowledge, Keiko was usually a very happy and positive person. Over the last two years, she had been a bright light in his life. The days that he spent alone due to his condition were no more, thanks to her and his friend/teacher, Shimizu Souta.
Despite her usual bubbly attitude, Keiko quickly became upset with anyone who bothered or made fun of Izuku for his quirklessness. It was as if she transformed into a different person. This change was both frightening and flattering for Izuku.
"Who do you think you are, huh?!" Katsuki growled as he took a step forward to Keiko but didn't move any further. "That guy isn't here, yet you're so confident. You think you're stronger than me! Is that it?!"
Keiko suddenly lost her smile and stood up with her hands on her hips. "I don't like fighting, Bakugo-san. So, I'll use my words instead. Please leave Izuku-kun and myself alone. We only have a few minutes left of lunch, and we don't want to waste them bickering with you."
"Hah! You damn-"
"Kacchan!" Izuku stepped beside Keiko and turned to Katsuki with a nervous but stern expression. "That's enough. There's no need for us to argue. We'll tone down our volume so we won't bother you, okay?"
Katsuki looked stunned at Izuku's sudden boldness. His red eyes looked over Izuku's body to see that his lith muscles sat under his school uniform. Even the way he stood was steady and loose, as if ready for anything.
"Deku... you..."
Katsuki grit his teeth tightly as he stared into Izuku's unflinching eyes.
'Damn you, just how much have you changed Deku! Is it all because of that guy?' Katsuki thought angrily. 'Damn you! Damn him!'
"Bakugo-san. I think-" The boy with the long hair nervously said as he looked around the courtyard where several students were watching the altercation. Some were even whispering about how Katsuki was trying to fight Keiko, one of the student body's favorite students, due to her happy and bubbly personality. "I think we should back off before someone calls a teacher."
Katsuki spun around to yell at him and noticed that several students were indeed watching him. Some of them even had their cell phones out to record them.
Not wanting to get in trouble and possibly ruin his chances of getting into his dream school, UA Highschool, Katsuki sucked his teeth and began walking away.
"This isn't over, Deku, Twin Tails! Not by a long shot." Katsuki said as he and his followers left the courtyard.
Izuku sighed in relief and turned to Keiko, who was rubbing her head in exhaustion.
"That guy sure is a ball of nerves."
"H-he's not that bad."
"..." Keiko squinted her eyes at Izuku, causing him to shrink under her gaze. "I'll believe it when I see it." She then sat back down and grabbed the TMNT volume that Izuku had placed on the bench. "Now then, where were we?"
Izuku smiled and sat beside Keiko. The two of them fell back into their conversation until the school bell rang.
And with that, our resident Yandere is now a part of the fold! Her character was always a favorite of mine in the main series, and so many others. So it was a little sad watching her go out the way she did in canon.
Ah, I almost forgot. Regarding the poll to try and determine Souta's route. It was an extremely close poll, but Sukuna's route had the slight edge around ten more votes than Gojo. This means that Souta will be more selfish, as most of you have already seen. But I won't have him be a complete edge lord or a uncaring monster.
I decided that he would be about 70% Sukuna with 30% Gojo sprinkled in. A nice blend of chaotic evil and neutral good.
Now then, I have to say, I never expected you all to pour all your power stones into my little story like you have this week. I may have to rethink the PS requirements moving forward so I don't run out of chapters! But I'll leave that for next week.
This time, your next bonus chapter will be at 2000 PS! Good luck!
Until next time!