
Nameless Shadow

In the room, a humanoid figure wandered among the shadows, cracks, and debris fallen as a result of the explosion and battle of Theos and the Curse.

The figure, totally shrouded in darkness, could not be seen exactly, but it did not appear to be small, about two meters tall and a muscular figure.

He looked at the large crater caused by the explosion of the curse, he commented with a frown. "Well, it went rather better than I expected hahaha," he laughed madly, but despite the mad laughter, they sounded like little bells that could hypnotize any mortal just by listening to them.

But the laughter stopped abruptly, as if from one moment to the next his amusement had turned to anger. "That bastard... He's moving too fast, faster than I first imagined," he remarked solemnly, drawing closer to one of the hundreds of scattered pieces of the curse.