
Unraveling The Enigma

I woke up in my house, in my room, in my bed, in the same spot where I was before. But something was different this time. The drawing in the book wasn't finished, and the king was nowhere to be found. He had gone to the grave, even though it was closed and I couldn't see him there. Before I closed my eyes, he had gone there and closed his grave. Oh my god, what a day! I'm so tired, but I can't waste a second. I need to start solving the mystery. I turned to the second page and got the biggest surprise in the world. I saw a photo of my grandparents on their wedding day, even though I remember seeing it hanging on the wall when I visited their house. It was so sudden, and I needed King Malcolm to come back and explain why my grandparents were there. But then I remembered, it's all part of the mystery. All I knew was that I had to go to their house again to solve it. So I put on my clothes and headed there. When I arrived, I knocked on the door and my grandma answered. She was confused and asked why I was back since I had left just an hour and a half ago. I nervously replied, "Um... never mind. I have a project for myself about the pictures on the walls. I love discovering these things, and your house is the only one I know here. Can I check them?" She smiled and said, "Oh, my little guest, of course!" I went inside and looked at the picture. At the same time, my grandma went to the kitchen to continue cooking. As I stared at the picture, she said, "This is me and my husband, Mr. Alisson, when we were young. We got married at a young age despite facing many difficulties. Our parents didn't approve, but we did it!" I replied, "Oh, that's so nice. Can I take a closer look?" She nodded, and as I got closer, I noticed some strange numbers: "5618." I was confused and asked her, "What do these numbers mean?" She seemed nervous and replied, "Oh, numbers. I didn't know about them before. Maybe they're related to the people who used to live here." I didn't believe her, but I nodded.Sure, here's a rewritten version of your story:

I told Mrs. Beth, "Oh Mrs. Beth, I need to get home as soon as possible. Maybe I'll come back later if you want. Thank you for everything." Then I left in a hurry. She always had something to tell me, but I was in a rush. Even though she hosted me so well and she's a kind person, I had to get home ASAP to uncover the mystery. When I arrived, I rushed to my room. My mom asked, "Alley, where were you? I didn't see you all day." I replied, "Oh mom, I was busy." I couldn't tell her what happened to me or about the mystery. As King Malcolm said, no one should know. In my room, I opened the book and wrote 5618. Suddenly, the book lit up with a blue light. It was blinding, but there was a sentence written there: "You solved the mystery, the mystery is solved. You, the extraordinary talented boy, congratulations, the next king." I read it out loud, feeling as strong as thunder. The page transformed into a page full of keywords and abilities. I tried to fly and said, "Let me fly." And just like that, I was able to fly. It made me so happy. Since the mystery was solved and night had fallen, I decided to continue the rest tomorrow. All I wanted was to sleep. My mom called out, "Alley, are you asleep? Do you want to eat?" I replied, "No mom, thanks. I need to sleep. I have to wake up early." She said, "Oh, early? Not you. Okay, my little boy. Goodnight, sweetie." I replied, "Goodnight, mom," and went to sleep. But of course, after such a challenging day, I couldn't stop overthinking.I started thinking about everything I've been through, you know? All the rushing around, trying to solve this crazy mystery. And even though I managed to crack it and gain these incredible abilities, I couldn't help but wonder... why me? Why am I the one destined to free the kingdom? Every day, that question keeps spinning in my head, over and over again. It's like a never-ending loop. And as I drifted off to sleep, that question still lingered in my mind.