

juan_roman · Cómic
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5 Chs

legit filler

(my time skip is UNBEATABLE)

"stats" silan said in his head

level 5

strength 15

intelligence 25

agility 35


shop:need to unlock quirk

quirk:n/a not found

this was the stats of ten year old silan it was above the average ten year old, but weaker than the average man. His father had the quirk sun, while his mom had the quirk moon hence why the family is called "the eclipse".

"silan come eat" silan's mom yelled

"coming mom" silan yelled back

as silan made his way downstairs he smelled crispy, golden, bacon wrapped around eggs with some apple juice, he ran to the table and started eating, silan was happy for a lot of reasons one was because whoever put him in this world put me In a rich family, who had millions of dollars, he ran into the back house and trained all day.

he took a shower and then went to bed, silan smiled and fell asleep.

silan woke up, his parent's were in his room and they looked worried, "mom dad what is going on?"

"well son we were going to inroll you into a school when you got your quirk. But it seem's you haven't awakened it yet me and you're mom can't homeschool you. so you're gonna have to go to school the first day start's tomorrow"

silan didn't know why not having a quirk would be a problem so he agreed after all of that they acted as if it was another day. that day went by like any other day.

silan woke up early to go to school apparently it was a 1 hour walk from home, after silan walked for 2 hours he finally made it there apparently there was a hotel that he could stay at. But silan thought about how the person would react if a ten year old child asked for a room. but he still checked it out, the hotel looked like a 4.5 star hotel it had anything you could ask for, he walked over to the receptionist and she seemed to recognize him, he recognized them too it was the nurse that held him up when he was a baby."silan what brings you here"

"I need a room for school"

"ok room 162 on then 3rd floor"

silan checked the room it was like paradise simply amazing silan loved it, but he needed to go to school, the school looked less like a school and more like a mansion it was white had a gate and glass Door's, a person with a clipboard was checking off student name's he looked at silan and did the same symbol on the clipboard, after that silan went past the gate's he past alot of people his age as he made it to his class.

"I'm going to hang you over a cliff"


shut up

juan_romancreators' thoughts