
In MHA as girl?

Blue_Dragon_3038 · Cómic
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11 Chs

chapter 5 U.A

The morning of the U.A. entrance exam dawned bright and clear, the crisp air filled with the buzz of excitement and nervous energy. I stood before the towering gates of U.A. High School, my heart pounding in my chest. This was it—the moment I had been preparing for relentlessly. Failure was not an option.

The courtyard was filled with students from all over the country, each one exuding a unique sense of purpose and determination. As I took in the scene, I couldn't help but notice a few standout individuals among the crowd. A boy with messy green hair and intense, freckled eyes stood nearby, nervously mumbling to himself while clutching a notebook. Nearby, a confident-looking blond boy with sharp, explosive eyes surveyed the competition with a smirk.

"Hey, watch where you're going!" a sharp voice cut through my thoughts. I turned to see a girl with short, bobbed hair and a serious expression, her hands clenched into fists.

"Sorry," I mumbled, stepping aside to let her pass. She gave me a curt nod and continued on her way, clearly focused on the task ahead.

As the clock struck the hour, the massive gates creaked open, and we were ushered inside by the staff. The tension in the air was palpable, a mix of anticipation and fear. We were led into a vast auditorium, where a stage was set up at the front. The room buzzed with murmurs and whispers as we took our seats.

Suddenly, the lights dimmed, and a spotlight illuminated the stage. A figure stepped forward, his presence commanding immediate attention. He was a tall man with spiky blond hair and a pair of stylish sunglasses. His grin was wide and confident, and he radiated an air of infectious energy.

"Welcome, applicants, to the U.A. High School Entrance Exam!" he boomed, his voice echoing through the auditorium. "I am Present Mic, your host for today!"

The crowd erupted into cheers and applause, the energy in the room skyrocketing. Present Mic raised his hands for silence, his grin never faltering.

"Alright, alright, settle down!" he called out, waiting for the noise to die down. "Today, you will be facing a series of challenges designed to test your abilities, your resolve, and your potential to become the next generation of heroes!"

He gestured to a large screen behind him, which flickered to life with images of various robots and obstacles. "Your first test will be a practical exam, where you will face off against these mechanical foes. Each robot you defeat will earn you points, and your goal is to rack up as many points as possible within the time limit!"

The screen shifted to display a set of rules and point values for the different types of robots. The tension in the room grew thicker as we absorbed the information, the weight of the challenge settling heavily on our shoulders.

"But remember," Present Mic added, his tone serious, "it's not just about defeating robots. We will also be looking at your ability to work under pressure, to make quick decisions, and to act with the heart of a hero. So give it your all and show us what you're made of!"

With a final cheer and a fist pump, Present Mic dismissed us, and we were herded towards the testing grounds. My heart raced as we approached the massive gates that separated us from the exam arena, the reality of the situation hitting me with full force.

I took a deep breath, steeling myself for the challenge ahead. This was my chance to prove myself, to show the world what Akari Mizuki was capable of. As the gates slowly creaked open, I felt a surge of determination wash over me. It was time to step into the arena and face my destiny head-on.