
In MHA as girl? (not working on)

Blue_Dragon_3038 · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Chapter 1: Awakening in a New World

The sensation of consciousness returning was like wading through a thick fog. Gradually, my surroundings materialized, unfamiliar and disorienting. Blinking against the blinding light, I found myself in a room that bore no resemblance to any place I'd ever known.

"Where... am I?" I murmured, my voice echoing softly in the empty space. Everything felt surreal, as if I had stumbled into a dream I couldn't wake up from. My mind raced, trying to grasp onto any semblance of logic or reason, but it was futile.

Then, as if on cue, a voice resonated within me, gentle yet commanding. "Do not be afraid. You have been chosen for a greater purpose."

The words sent shivers down my spine, a mixture of fear and curiosity swirling within me. "Chosen? For what?"

"For the Quirk Enhancement System," the voice replied, its tone soothing yet filled with promise. "You now possess the power to shape your destiny, to become a hero in this world."

Quirk Enhancement System. The words echoed in my mind, a beacon of hope amidst the chaos. If what the voice said was true, then perhaps this newfound existence wasn't as daunting as it seemed.