
In Marvel With A Symbiote

I died and was reborn in a world I really do not know much about. Luckily I got two things, a minor gamer ability and a Symbiote that can't control me. Here's hoping I don't mess it all up! MC will be an SI. Rated M for language and implied illicit actions. I will try to keep the snu snu out of story, but hopefully romance will be involved. [Story will be updated when I feel like it. I'm a night shift worker and a pop pop of 4]

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56 Chs

I Feel Like A

Me: "Hot wife say what now?"

Abby just rolled her eyes at me.

Abby: "I want you to see what else you can discover. You have an astonishing amount of luck when it comes to discovering the unknown. .Or finding women. .So get out there and see what else is hiding on this world."

Me: "Okay, I heard all that. I really and truly did. But if I remember right, last time you said I wouldn't be able to and yet now you do. I just want to make sure you know what you are saying."

Abby: "No hon, I said you would not be able to find them all in one day and I was right. It took you one day to find A.O, but you spent nearly a week relaxing at her home in Nepal."

Me: "Okay, you make it sound like I was cheating you when you say it like that. I was enjoying the sights and the atmosphere of the area."

Abby: "I'm sure you were. ."

Me: "Okay, one, you suck. And two, fine, I'll see what else I discover. Will that make you happy?"

Abby: "Yes, I do love it when my man is hard at work."

Then do you have to sound sarcastic about it. Grr. Whatev's. I'm gonna go discover the most amazing find ever and make you jealous! You'll see! You'll all see!


. Half an hour later


It's been so long out here. I miss my family. I miss the home cooked meals. But most importantly, I miss my bed. And the rum. And the tea. .And maybe all the snuggles and cuddles. Le Sigh.

But at least I discovered where I was going all this time. So I decided to venture from there. Goodbye Nepal, goodbye amazing community, goodbye Fu you crazy fool you.

And by venture, I mean go to the local town and grab some food. I freakin' love me some good grub! The surprising thing though, was while I was enjoying some Yomari (amazing dumplings!), I spotted a familiar face. And body. And hair. And legs. And now I'm checking her out. Yeesh. Well anyways, It was B.W!

I wondered what the super spy is up to, so I did what any normal shadow creeping fella would so, I stalked her. Via shadows.

Gotta admit, I now understand why everyone focuses on her pants in my old life. She is really stylish and moves like they are made of silk. I'm kind of impressed, and I'm bonded with a Klyntar that forms into whatever I want!

She real sneaky. I'm watching her follow this guy who has no idea the shit he is in. I'm getting giddy watching her in action. Not checking her out. . I swear, I'm either becoming a pervert or Abby has been more of an influence on than I thought. Or maybe the bonding from day one has been slowly making us share traits. Heh, nah. That'd be silly.

Oops, glad I'm in the her shadow or I would have lost her. We're now in the building of her target.

Huh, that is kind of weird to see. She's quite the limber woman. She barely lifted the window in the hallway to sneak outside. Thus causing as minimal noise as possible. She closes it and crawls along the edge of the building until she gets to the targets' window.

With some awesome tech, called tape all over the window in a spider like fashion and some elbow grease, like she used her elbow to smash the glass, she was able to get in unnoticed.

And thar he blows! Sitting on his chair, with a water in hand, watching t.v. Too bad for him the infamous Black Widow is behind him. And holy beepin' diregedoo, she is strangling the guy! Did I follow the right B.W? Is this actually a murderer and I'm now a witness? Time to find out!

Me: "Seriously gurlfriend, did you just straight up murder a man?"

Yep, it's B.W, she went for the jugular and my jewels in one swift move. Only know one lady done that, so it gotta be her. Especially since she calms down when she realizes it is me.

B.W: "Mind telling me what you are doing here?"

Hey, no being calm! You supposed to be freaked out by me!

Me: "I was enjoying my dumplings when I saw you. So I naturally tagged along to see what you were up to. Soo~ why you kill him?"

B.W: "The yomari are delicious, try the rice meals yet?"

Me: "No, not yet. Wait a tic! No distractions! Answer the question."

B.W: "Sorry, official S.H.I.E.L.D business. And you never joined."

Me: "I could always get the info out of you, ya know? It wouldn't even be difficult."

B.W: "I don't see that happening. Besides, I would tell your wife on you. You wouldn't want that happening?"

Ohh, low blow.

Me: "Who says she would object? I might just be doing what she wants."

B.W: "Because I know she doesn't like harming women."

Me: "How did you know that?"

B.W: "I didn't. But I do now."

Oh you crafty bitch. Oh hey! She didn't kill the guy!

He was stirring awake while on the floor. And what did B.W do? She kicked his head and knocked him out. Oh my, that was rough handling. Kinda kinky with her in those heeled boots.

Me: "So. .I shared some info, can you tell me what's with this guy?"

She just gave me an exasperated look. Hey now, I'm curious! Come on, give me a bone here!

B.W: "Fine. You're not exactly harmful, so I'll share. He's the go between for the Inhumans and the local residents."

Me: "The wada whatzits?"

B.W: *sigh* "They are like the mutant children you look after. They are supernatural people and someone from their group is taking jobs that involve killing bureaucratic officials."

Me: "How do you know that?! Just how the hell have y'all gotten ahold of that info!"

B.W: "Are we going to keep playing twenty questions or can I do my job here?"

Oh well excuse me. Pfft. Fine, I'll stand here and watch. Well, I was going to until she called in for more S.H.I.E.L.D agents to transport the target. Wait a minute. I thought she was going to interrogate him? Like a super super spy. I guess she's only a one super spy material.

Me: "So see you around then?"

B.W: "Hope not big guy. A girl can only handle a guy of your size so much."


Well I decided I wasted an hour of my day so I took back off. Made me wonder about these Inhumans though. I never heard of them before and I'm kinda interested now.

I didn't find anything interested in Japan beside some Cthulu looking guy chilling on a beach with a few guys. He just waved his tentacle at me and I waved hi back before flying off. I knew where that was going and I didn't want to watch that.

And with a slow day, I returned home to see that A.O was relaxing in my home. Oh geez Abby, please don't tell me you're adding her too. I can barely keep up as it is! At this rate I need a shadow clone jutsu!

A.O: "Ah, hello Richard. How has your day progressed?"

Me: "Well I suppose. Abby invite you for some tea?"

A.O: "Actually, she has become a teacher for me."

Say what now?!

Abby: "It's true. It turns out that her being connected to the dark realm for so long has given her the ability to handle the magic that I wield."

Me: "Oh. Well dang. That's awesome. But doesn't the shadows drive people insane? I thought I could only do it because of our relationship."

Don't want to share too much. I do not think we will ever share what Abby is to anyone, and I'm fine with that. As well as Abby giving me an approving gaze by choosing my words correctly. Huzzah!

Abby: "And she's quite insane by drawing strength from a realm that could potentially kill her at any moment. For nearly 500 years she has bared that burden on her shoulders."

Me: "Wow, that is amazing."

A.O looked like she would blush. But she had practice keeping her face from reddening. Too bad for her, I could see the blush forming around her neck and upper chest. That's what happens when you wear loose clothing!

Me: "Oh also, I came across B.W when I started out my travel. And she mentioned about a new group of people on this planet. Inhumans they call themselves."

Abby: "See what I mean, your luck with finding information like that, among women, is simply astonishing."

A.O: "Oh I know them. Nice people. They live in the Himalayas and even asked me to help hide their city. What? Something wrong?"

Both me and Abby just looked at her like she was a juicy piece of meat. One thing me and Abby have alike, we love learning about new info we discover.

Slowly discovering the hidden powers in this world. And holy shitake mushrooms are there a lot! We got a school for mutants, what to do with the Inhumans. .hmm. .

Anyways, hope you still enjoy the story. Stay safe and be well everyone. /bow

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