
Chapter 81 Accept her

“I understand how you feel son, but give your mom time, am sure she will come to accept Christy”

“Dad when?, she didn’t accept her when she was ok is it now that she will accept her?”

“So you know she is not ok and you still brought her into this house?” Mrs. Brown voice was heard as if she was hiding somewhere listening to their conversation.

“What will that girl do for you now that she can’t talk, nor recognize you?”

“She will be fine mom, I know she will”

“Keep on dreaming, are you now a doctor? How do you know she will be fine?”

“Stop it both of you, and listen to me woman, you are going to support Paul and his family, there is nothing you can do at this point but to support them and for you Paul, you are not moving out of this house, we are going to stay as one big family and you have my full support.”

“Thank you dad,” Paul said looking at his mom, he couldn’t believe that his mom could turn against him overnight.

“I have been meaning to ask you, where is Sharon and why am I not seeing her in this house again”

“I signed the divorce paper maybe she’s gone”

“What! Am with those papers so how did you get them,?”

“She brought another one from her lawyer.”

“That can’t be and her mother didn’t call me?”

“Maybe she has accepted it and move on” Paul said. “you too should move on”

“I have to see her,” she zoom out of the house to visit Sharon’s mom.

“What! Sharon didn’t tell me anything” her mom was hearing this for the first time.

“You didn’t mean that?”

"Yea, I do"

"Sharon… where is this girl? Oh.. she is not here. Let me call her."

“Hello Sharon, did you divorce Paul without my knowledge”

“Mom is my life and I don’t want you getting involved anymore”

“You can’t tell me that am your mother”

“I know, but am old enough to make my own decision” She cut off the call.

“Sharon.. Sharon.. don’t hang up on me.. Sharon.”

“Can you imagine that?” she ask her friend.

“Don’t worry, is not her fault, Paul is not making it easy for her anyways”

“Talking about Paul I heard he married that girl with her condition who does that?”

“Are you asking me? Am beginning to think that she is not ordinary?” Paul’s mom said.

“What do you mean?”

“My Paul is behaving like someone who is possess by her, he is even threatening me to move out of the house because of her, I think something is wrong”

“I think so too” Sharon’s mom agreed.

“So what do we do?”

“What else do you want to do?” Remembering the fact that she almost killed Christy, she didn’t want to have anything to do with her matter again.

“How is Christy now?”

“She is in a vegetable state right now. And do you know I can’t say anything in the women's meeting again, everyone will shut me up because of Paul, I can not forgive Paul for what he did to me”

“Is ok my friend, what can you do with the children of nowadays?, You should just take heart”

“Ok see you then, bye”

Sharon has never left fineface house since then, she’s practically living in his house making fineface to struggle between sleep and keeping his hand away from her.

But now he is over joy because Sharon is now free to do what ever she damn like.

"So what is the next step for us?" Sharon ask fineface as she gave him the signed paper.

Fineface throw the paper away as he walk closer to her while Sharon keeps moving backward.

“What! Are you afraid of me?” Fineface ask.

“No, but you are not saying anything”

“That is because there is nothing to say”

Sharon’s heart starts beating fast, “what does he mean? Is this a trap to make me divorce my husband?”

Fineface look at the frightening Sharon and was …

“What? You look like your going to die the next minute”

“Yea, because you are scaring me”


“What do you mean by you have nothing to say?”

“Will you marry me?”

"Excuse me, what did you say?” Sharon wasn’t expecting that, she was expecting some kind of negative reaction from fineface.

“I said will you marry me?” he kneels down with a ring in his hand.

“Yes, yes, I will marry you,”

“Thank you, get up” Sharon helped him up and he put the engagement ring on her finger.

“This is beautiful, thanks”

Sharon rushed out to tell her  mother the good news.

“What! Fineface? How? No, you are not going to marry him”

“But why mom?”

“That boy work for us, is not possible for him to marry you, for all I know he will be taking advantage of the situation at hand”

“And your point is?”

“He could be a gold digger just like Christy and her family”

Sharon laughed at her mom. “mom, fineface is nothing like Christy and her family” she wanted to tell her mother about fineface and all that she has find out about him but no, let mom accept him the way he is before she will reviled to her who fineface really is. “He is not a gold digger, he is a gentle man”

"Gentle man indeed, how come he couldn’t wait for this to be over before he  propose to you?, That is because he can’t wait to carry out his plan”

“Mom stop, fineface is not like that, that is all I have to say for now, you will have to accept him that way and I don’t care if you like him or not, he is my choice”

“Your choice is not good enough, Sharon think, can’t you see the hand writing on the wall?”

“There is no hand writing mom, is you who can’t see, no offense though”

“No go ahead and insult me for trying to help”

“Mom I didn’t mean to insult you, but you have been helping me ever since, just let me do this on my own, if it works fine, if it doesn’t fine”

“Is ok, you can go ahead, I have nothing against you”

“Thank you mom” she hug her mom and left the house, rushed back to fineface and to tell him the news.

“That’s good news then, so when are we going to see  mom?”

“Anytime will be ok for me”

Meanwhile Paul and Christy moved out of the house to go and live away from his mother and father.

“Guy what is going on with you?, Moving out won’t solve this problem, you need money to continue her treatment, where are you going to get the money?”

“You are here wont you help me?” Paul ask James.

“Paul am not joking, helping you is not a problem but you have to move back to the house” James said not feeling happy about the whole thing.

“No, am not going back, I can find my way”

“So how is she doing now?”

"She is still the same, nothing much, she can’t recognize me Mann… not even her daughter, damnit” he curse hitting his hand on the table.

“Take it easy, everything will be fine”

“It better be, because am getting fed up, I need my Christy back, I need the women I fell in love with to come back to me” Paul said almost in a state of crying.

“Guy is ok, am here for you, anything you want just let me know”

“Is ok, what about Patrick?” Paul ask James.

“That guy has traveled”

“To where?”

“Outside the country, he didn’t tell you?”

“No, but maybe because I was busy with my own problems, I didn’t have the time to talk with him.”

Paul took James to his new house to see Christy and their baby.

“Guy is she pregnant again?”



“She was pregnant before they kidnapped her”

“Shitt.. thank God you find her, so what are the doctors saying about her condition?”

"Nothing much, they said she will gradually  regain her memory back, but guy when? When will that be? This is four months now still nothing”

They are still talking when Christy walk out of their room, Moving as if someone who has lost her mind.

“Guy this is not good, I see why your mom is not happy”

“Forget my mom, she has always never been happy for Christy and I.”

“Are you sure you will not try out the native way of treatment?” James ask.

“Well I would have loved to but I don’t know anyone”

"Ok, let me see, I have a friend who will take us  somewhere, I will call her tomorrow”

“Her!, Who is she?” Paul ask curious to know the lucky girl.

“Stop it Paul is not what you think, she is just a friend”

Is Paul’s turn to laugh at James.

“Why are you laughing at me?”

“Just friends?, who does that?”

“Look guy, are you ready to go or not?”

“Why not?, am ready to go with this your friend” Paul said still making fun of James.