
Chapter 172

“Says who?”

“Well I heard from a reliable source that you are so happy dancing and drinking and making merry with your friends in my own house, you turn my house into a club house but that's not the problem.

 My mum is to blame here so I don't blame you at all”.

“Look just stop changing the topic, that's not why I'm here, why are you talking about me drinking and dancing, do you want me to die?, were you expecting me to cry because you left?, that will not be Bianca again.

But all I know is that today, I'm coming with you to that house where you are staying.”

“No way, you can’t come there, I don’t want any trouble Christy is in that house and I don’t want you coming with me”

“That is not my business, all I know is that you're my husband and I'm coming there with you or better still you can come back home with me” she said looking around wondering that her husband own this kind of hotel and she is roasting, suffering with nothing in her account.

 She left the office and start walking round the premises of the hotel, moving from one place to another.

“Hello madam what can we do for you?”. The Secretary ask.

 She stopped and look at the Secretary from head to toe. “The question is like this” she said “What can I Bianca do for you”

“Excuse me” the secretary said.

“No excuse you”.. Bianca said “This hotel is mine, my husband owns this hotel so when you see your madam you should know, now am going to give you a sack letter” she said and the secretary went on her knees begging. But Paul walk to the scene and ask the Secretary to go back to her seat.

“Bianca what do you think you are doing?, let's go to my office”

“To do what in your office?, I just want to feed my eyes, can’t I even feed my eyes?”

“Of course you can”. Paul let her alone.

Bianca keep walking round the hotel and thinking how selfish that Paul can be. “So he owns this hotel?, that guy is swimming in millions and I'm here dying of hunger. I can't even wear designers shoes or designers bag, but my husband has all this kind of money. I know what to do to him. I will just be a good wife while I milk him” she said smiling at everyone passing and giving them a little “hi” as she walk past them.

“Who is she?” the workers discussing among themselves “I heard is the boss wife.” “No she's not his wife, the real wife is calm and beautiful too but this one;, this one is crazy are you sure she's not a mistress?”

“Who knows women of nowadays there's nothing they cannot do to take over someone else’s husband.”

“If she is the boss's wife then we are all doomed”.

“Don't say that she might be good, you don't know.”

“Forget it, that woman cannot be a good woman.” one of the workers said.