
Chapter 158

“Thank you so much Dr. Ben” “You’re welcome anytime.”

Sharon’s mum keep going from one place to another looking for solution, some of them told her she’s still alive, some of them said she’s dead.

 Others simply said she’s been taken by a mermaid and that she needs to do a lot of sacrifice before she gets her daughter back.

 She went back to the first prophet and the prophet said that he warned her but she wouldn’t listen, “now see what she brought upon herself.

“But I asked you to forgive her, I told you I will bring everything for the sacrifice, why do you still went ahead to kill my daughter” she yells.

 “Madam, I did not kill your daughter, your daughter got what she deserve, so don’t come here to shout at me. Go home, your daughter is still alive, but her where about is not clear to me”

 “Ok prophet” she went home.

Sharon was beginning to get worried about her mum,  she has stayed there for a months now.

“Are you missing home?”. Ben asked her one evening when he returned home from work and finds Sharon sad.

“Yes, I really miss my mum, I wonder what she’ll be thinking by now. She might be thinking I'm dead.”


“But why is her number not connecting?”. Ben ask.

“ That I cannot tell, the thing is I don't even have other people's number in my head, I don’t  normally store numbers in my head”

“Is ok, you need a little more time then you can go home. I will take you home myself”

“Oh thank you.. thank you very much Mr. Ben.” Sharon said so happy wondering if men like this still exist.

Ben treats Sharon like an egg, he did want anything happen to her, he always coil up to her when she needed company and make her stay there very warm.


Very early Sunday morning Ben walk up to Sharon with a very beautiful dress.

“I want you to put this on, we are going to church”


 Sharon can not remember the last time she went to church, in fact she doesn’t go to church.

“Yes church, you don’t go to church?”

“I..I…yea…yea..I do, I will go with you”

“Ok, don’t worry about your leg, I will help you”

Sure, the maid help her to get dressed and came out.

“You look beautiful” Mr. Ben said. Not able to take his eyes of Sharon.

“And you too, you look handsome than I have seen you before” she said smiling.

“Really? Thank you, should we?”


They got to church and Ben help Sharon walk inside and when the sermon began Sharon was all tears, because she has never heard of such sermon before.  It was like God was talking to her from heaven and when the time came for the altar call she came out and gave her life to Christ.

“Thank you” Sharon keeps thanking Ben as they drove home.

“It's nothing really, I thank God that you are happy and that makes me happy also” Ben said.