
Chapter 120 The fight

“Oh my God, what just happened?” Christy almost have a heart attack from the shock, she has never had to fight with a woman over a guy before is so embarrassing.

She drove home regretting why she has to go there but on a second thought, “ am his wife and the first wife at that; maybe I should fight for what is mine, No Christy don’t be stupid you have enough money to live life the way you want, that woman is not worth fighting with”.

Her phone rag interrupting her thoughts.

“Hello Christy how are you doing I hope you are not hurt?”

“No, am fine and you?”

“Am fine, please forgive me for what happened is all my fault”

“No problem am fine, just greet my daughter for me, I didn’t have the time to meet her”

“Yea I will tell her that you love her and her daddy so much” Christy could only smile at the other end.

“Ok, see you tomorrow”

“Yea… tomorrow bye” Paul hang up and took the phone to his chest “Oh thank goodness she’s not angry with me, that’s my Christy yes!.. yes!!..”

The next day Bianca stood at the door as to prevent Paul from going out.

“What’s the meaning of this?”

“You are not going anywhere”


“Meaning that you are staying in this house with me if that’s the only way to keep you away from that husband snatcher”

“Please I don’t have time for this is too early ok”

“Am not leaving the way, do what ever you want to do” she lock the door and put the keys in her pocket.

“Look, am going to work, and my daughter is going to school can you just open the bloody door?”

“No, the maid can take her to school but you are going nowhere”

“Hmm, what’s all this?” Paul remembered  hitting Christy when she was pregnant that led to them loosing their twin babies, he didn’t want to touch Bianca so it doesn’t repeat itself.

“What do you want from me?” Paul ask in a cool voice.

“I want you to stay at home with me”

“And do what? You know I have to work”

“Daddy am running late for school” Sharon said, she has been standing there seeing everything and getting upset in her little mind.

“Let my daughter go to school”

“Am not holding her, or am I stopping you?” she ask little Sharon looking at her with a scorn.

“Is fine Sharon, the maid will take you to school”

“Ok dad” she opens the door for the maid and Sharon and lock it right back.

“Why are you doing this?, You are embarrassing me in front of my daughter”

“If that is what you call it, because you embarrassed me in front of my friends and that woman you brought in here. How do you think I felt?”

“Ok am sorry, can you let me go?”

“I said no, you are not going anywhere today”

“For God sake what is all this temptation?” Paul walked back to the room and lock the door, he brought out his laptop and start work from home, he made some few calls and everything was set for the day.

“Are you not coming to the office, am at your office right now” Patrick shouted at him on the phone.

“Guy relax, am on house arrest as we speak”

“What? What happened?”

“I will tell you when I see you not now, by the way why do you want to see me?”

“Is that a question, so I can’t see you again except I explain myself?”

“Is not like that, chill ok”

“You know my wedding is in two weeks, I came to give you sample of the suit I want you to wear”

“I will see you tomorrow”

“Ok bye, house arrest? What a joker, he didn’t want to go to work today and he is just coming up with nonsense” Patrick murmured while returning to his car.

“Did you see Paul, did he like the sample?” Sharon ask Patrick.

“No, I went to his office but he was not there, I called him on phone and he is talking about house arrest”

“I don’t understand, what do you mean house arrest?”

“Are you asking me? I don’t even know”

“Are you sure he is ok?”

“What?.. no way I didn’t think about that, maybe something is wrong, so what do we do”

“Let’s go and see what is wrong with him”

“Ok, let’s go.. let’s go..” they hurried out of the house into their car.

“Drive faster” Sharon told Patrick.

“Am driving, this is the fastest I can go”

“Please try, he may be in danger” Sharon said.

“Am trying”

They got to Paul’s house and hurried down only to meet the door locked.

“He’s not around”

“But he told me he is under house arrest, maybe something is really wrong”

“Let’s call the police” Sharon suggested.

“No let me call him again”

“He took out his phone and call Paul”

“Guy what’s up, where are you?”

“I said am in the house”

“In the house? So why is everywhere locked?”

“Am you in my house?”

“Yes, am at the front door  with Sharon”

“What? Sharon, my daughter?”

“No my wife”

“Ok, am coming out, just wait for me”


“What happened is he in?” Sharon ask almost in a panic.

“Yes, he is coming out”

“Ok” they waited for one minute but Paul isn’t coming out.

“What’s holding him inside?” Sharon ask.

“Bianca please open the door my friends are outside”

“No one is going out or coming into this house today”

“I don’t understand you, you said I should not go to work and here I am, but you need to let my friends in”

“Let them go back, except you want to beat me” she keeps vibrating.

After 40 minutes Patrick and Sharon knew something is wrong with Paul, “let me call him again”

“Hello Paul, what is going on? You said you are inside”

“Yes am inside but something came up”

“Paul something is wrong, why are you not telling me, are you in danger?”

“No.. not at all”

“What do you mean? And you refuse to open the door?”

“I will explain to you when I see you” he hang up the phone.


“What is it?” Sharon ask.

“Sharon; something is definitely wrong with Paul, we need to break this door, but wait… let’s go through the back door”

“Ok”, they went to the back door and start hitting on it.

“Who is that?” Bianca ask walking to the back door.

“Paul open this door”

She opens the door and they almost push her aside.

“What’s the meaning of this? Why do you people want to break into my house?”

“Oh.. sorry, we…we..are here to see Paul but the front door was locked so we thought something might have gone wrong with him.

“As you can see we are fine, you guys should go”

“Oh.. ok thanks, Sharon let’s go” they turned to leave but Sharon stopped.

“Wait, if we are here we should at least see Paul and make sure that he is fine” Sharon said.

“Look let’s not disturb the couple maybe they are trying to make a baby who knows” Patrick said regretting ever coming here because he thought maybe they are having couple time.

“I don’t think so, that woman didn’t look like someone who is trying to make a baby, something is wrong.” She went back and start hitting the back door.

“Look you people should not get me angry, if I open this door you won’t like me” she came back with water and throw it at Patrick and Sharon.

“What? Why will you do that?” Patrick ask.

“I told you something is wrong” Sharon turn to look at Patrick wiping the water of her face.

“Look, I wouldn’t think twice hitting you so move out of the way” Patrick threatened.

“You can’t do anything to me, just get out of here” she starts pushing Patrick.

“Please…please don’t touch her, let me face her woman to woman” Sharon told Patrick and he step aside. Before Bianca knew it she is on the ground with Sharon punching her while Patrick rushed into the house to look for Paul..

“Paul…. Paul….where are you?”

“Patrick… am here” he open the door and came out.

“What are you doing indoors? Hurry your wife is fighting with  Sharon”

“What!” they rushed back and Patrick pull Sharon away while Paul hold Bianca.

“What has come over you? This are my friends, you don’t have to fight them”

“Let them stay in their houses, what are they doing here”

“For goodness sake am tired” Paul yell.

“Paul what is this?” Sharon ask. “We came here to check up on you and this is what I get?”

“Am so sorry, please let’s go inside”

“No, they are not going inside my house” Bianca blocked the way.

“Paul are you serious? Is this what you put up with?” Sharon ask looking at Patrick.