
In love with the killer

Lilith_Kurumi · Fantasía
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5 Chs

The dream: Introduction

It started like every other dream I had, me waking up in this weird house, walking in the halls hearing people scream behind the locked doors and a tall faceless man in a black suit sitting at a table in the dining room. I don't know why I always have the same dream, ever since I was a little girl me and my mom have always lived in small towns, moving constantly, like we were trying to get away from something. When I ask my mom why we move so much she always answers the same "I just love a change in scenery" she would smile at me and continue whatever she was doing before.

The beginning of the dream is always the same, while the ending is always different. The first time I had the dream was when I was five, I awoke in a room I had never seen before looking around for a bit before getting up and going to the door, it's locked. I find the key in the closet inside an old vase with candy paintings decorated onto it. I unlocked the door and am meet with a hallway with many doors. I look around and decide to go left, I walk for about two minutes, listening to the screams coming from each door. I'm find myself at the top of some stairs looking at the rail thinking that its clean enough to touch, I put my left hand on it and begin walking down the stairs.

When reaching the bottom of the stairs I walk straight to the dining room and the faceless man is sitting at the table, there is nothing in front of him he's just sitting there he looks at me and stands up, I don't move, there is no reason to, I have never really tried talking to him before but I've talked to many others in this dream. Because the ending is different every time I meet a different person well at least I think they are people some of them don't really look human but they do have arms, legs and a head like most creatures on the earth do. So far in my life time of have the dream I have only met four people, all men, actually Toby acts more like a child than an actual adult. We are actually the same age, 19 he is two months older than me yet he acts like a child. the other two, masky and hoodie, I call them the second and third color duo because masky has a orange hoodie and hoodie has a yellow hoodie and those are the second and third colors of the rainbow. Then there is eyeless Jack or EJ now he is the I don't know if they are human, because like in his name he has no eyes instead black tar fill his eye sockets. I don't know anything else about them because I don't really ask and I don't see them at the end of every dream.