

RanaManav12 · Ciudad
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5 Chs



Hey guys the name's Emily and I am local resident of this beautiful city and I am proud that I was born here. This city is full of cheerfulness although the old people and this abomination we term as "SOCIETY". Yeah society I hate this term and everything related to it sigh but there is no use of saying this because in our life somethings are made to be followed by us like slaves.

6:25 AM, in the morning, my alarm clock brings me back from my world of fantasies

In where I had the freedom to choose what I wanted and wasn't binded down with these shackles of society. I get up as I stretches and yawns while looking outside my window hearing the chirping of the morning birds as I smile. I walk towards the window and lean out of it a little as I take a deep breath and smile looking at the beauty outside it. A bird comes as it sits on my right hand making me smile as it tweets happily and soon another bird comes and sits next to it as they start tweeting happily with each other making me wonder.

"You both are so lucky to have a free life although it's perilous and harsh at the same time, but at least you are free to fly" I say as I look at them as they tweet something melodious and fly away. They were Nightingales.

Soon after getting refershed I go down into my kitchen and prepare my breakfast. I am a huge coffee addict and I love toasts too . I sit down on a couch as I enjoy my breakfast while reading the newspaper as I read my horoscope giggles Yes I believe in horoscopes and Zodiacs , after all I am an Aries and we start the chain of Zodiacs.

I flip to the respective page of the newspaper I was interested in and looks for my horoscope.

"Aries , Aries where is it ...yes here so what does it say" I think while reading it.

"Some of the planetary movements are going to be the most INTENSE that we have experienced in over 100 years and you can clearly start to feel their impact on the whole world right now, let me mention few : The planets Mars and Neptune form a hypersensitive square, then there is the period where Jupiter retrogrades in a powerful Quincunx with Mercury. Without any doubt you will witness the effects of the Penumbral Lunar Eclipse at the beginning of February. The are also multiple conjunctions with our strongest planet Jupiter and several retrogrades occurring in the same months, which you need to understand.

The Transit will mark a new favorable period for you and will have many positive repercussions notably as far as your love life is concerned but also from a material point of view and for the realization of a project that you have had in mind for a long time now. In what follows I will give you all the details about this Transit, this will discuss your current situation, as well as the events that will happen between Wednesday, November the 11th 2020 and Monday, February the 22nd 2021 (the period when the most intense and powerful energies will be at work in your astral sky) ."

I chuckle as I read that "Love Life? And me? That's impossible I have been already shackled" I say as I get up putting the newspaper aside and go into my room to dress up and collects my stuff as I am a teacher in Redwood-High it's one of the most prestigious High-schools . I go to my school as I enter the main building and goes to the principals office to mark my attendance. I open the door and look at a familiar face.

"Good Morning Mo...um... Principal mam" I say while signing my attendance.

"Still angry on that matter from a month ago , Your Opinion doesn't matter Emily, you'll follow what I say I am your mom"the principal says as I roll my eyes and walk out of her office clenching my fist and then sigh as I have no choice but to go along with it.

I walk through the hallway as I see a face I dislike , I mean hate , this the face I am stuck with all my life and I don't even like him and love that's a century away.

"Good Morning my wife"

"I am not your wife yet Clinton, heck we aren't even engaged so just stay away from me " I say as I try to walk around him and go for my class but to my Ill luck he pulls my wrist back as he hugs me from behind.

I gasp as I try to get out of his grip "Leave me Alone , Clinton" I say as I stomp his feet using my pointed heel shoes making him loosen his hug as I break free and smirks as I walk away.

"You'll be mine know that Emily, Just Mine" Clinton says as I sigh and walk into class 11-A ignoring his comment . I smile as the students get up in unison and wishes me a "Good Morning".