
Chapter 4

“ But how are sure she is going to accept the work or her mum is going to accept her to work as a maid in the city and is she going to allow you to take her daughter with you, you know how that woman hates you, “ Bella says.

” I know she hates me so much but I know they need my help right now, “ aunt Teresa says.

” How do you know Mum ?” Bella ask.

” Cause Clara to call me this morning that she needed my help she wanted to lend some money from me so I will call and tell her I have very good work for that pays but I’m not going to tell her that it’s a maid work cause her mum allows doing come with me I am going to convince her when she gets to a city you know she is a village I am not going tell her the amount cause I will take eighty percent of the money, “ aunt Teresa says as she smiles.

”Wow Mum you think so fast good you don’t let this opportunity pass is so you are going to stop this cleaner job wow nice maybe this is also an opportunity for me to to get close to Timi Clara is going to be a stepping stone for me, “ Bella says as she laughs.

” His fiancé is very tough except if you can challenge her and play your game well, “ aunt Teresa says.

” Of course, mum what is seducing for you had a good idea for not letting me be a maid wow thank you, Mum, when will you call Clara, “ Bella says.

” I will call her tomorrow morning before going to work so I can give Timi feedback, “ aunt Teresa says.

Its the next morning already aunt Teresa calling Clara on the phone Clara’s phone ringing she was still sleeping her mum woke her up “you are ringing “ claims says then she woke up and saw The Who is calling “ it’s aunt Teresa calling why she calling me by this time maybe she wants to lend me the money I ask for yesterday “ Clara’s says and picked the call “ hello aunt Teresa good morning “.” Good morning how was your night? “Aunt Teresa ask.

“ My night was great aunt and yours? “ Clara says.

” It’s was great as well guess what, “ aunt Teresa says.

” I can’t guess aunt just tell me, “ Clara says.

”I saw a great job for you in the city here that you can use I taking care of your sick mum and brother or don’t you want your brother to continue his studies back “ aunt Teresa says

” Off course aunt, I want, “ Clara says as she smiles “ but what kind of work is that? “Clara asks.

”It’s a secretary's work you will work in an office and the pay is high so tell me are interested “ aunt Teresa.

” Off course aunt I’m interested but aunt you know I’m a drop pour are you sure they are going to employ me, “ Clara says.

“ Yes, he will employ you so my boss too, “ aunt Teresa says.

” you work there too oh that’s nice of you aunt Teresa I’m very much interested, “ Clara says. As she smiles.

” Ok I will ask for permission at work today so that tomorrow so I can come and pick next, “ aunt Teresa says.

” That’s so soon aunt, “ Clara says.

” Yes dear it’s because we need a secretary urgently, “ aunt Teresa says.

” Ok aunt Teresa I will e expecting thank you “ and they both ended the call. They both are excited about their different intentions.

“ Oh my gosh Mum you are too much wow and she believes just like that she is such a fool, “Bella says.

” Didn’t I tell you I will convince her? “ aunt Teresa says and she laughs and goes to work.

” Wow good Clara you're such a fool thanks for being a stepping stone for me Sharon or whatever your name is ready for me Bella cause Timi is mine, “ Bella says.

” Wow Mum aunt Teresa just got me a job and she said the salary is some huge sum of money Mum we will able to save so I can you can cure your sickness I’m so happy, “Clara says as she smiles but I mum is not happy “Mum you nit happen

For me what happened why are you it you should be happy this calls for a celebration Mum then from there you can open a new business from you have fully recovered so Ben can continue his school “ Clara says.

” I’m happy for you is just that I don’t trust Teresa I have known her for a very long time she is so corny and dangerous besides what kind of work “ Clara’s mum says.

” She said it is a secretary work she said works there either that they need secretary urgently that she will coming to next Tom to pick me cause she said will ask for permission, “ Clara says.

” Teresa is very tricky I have known her for a very long time I don’t trust her are sure you want to do this “Clara's mum says

“ Ted mum I want to do this a very big opportunity for us Mum I can’t afford loos this opportunity Mum, “Clara says.

”I’m scared I don’t have think I want you to go for this job my mind is telling Teresa is lying, “ Clara’s mum says.

” Mum there’s nothing to scare about I will be fine, “ Clara says.Clara’s Mum is it ok about the idea of Clara going to the city with aunt Teresa but Clara Is so excited about the news.

Aunt Teresa got to work and head to Timi’s office and knock “ yes com In “ Timi says.

”Good morning sir, “ Aunt Teresa says.

” Good morning, “ Timi says.

” I have come to tell you about the girl I wanted to bring for the maid job” aunt Teresa says

“ what about her I'm listening to you ” Timi says