
In Kumogakure after adopting Hinata Hyuga.

Hachiro transmigrated into the world of Shinobi, better known as Naruto. He's reborn in the Raiden clan located in Kumogakure as the cousin of the Fourth Raikage. As the 'darkness' of Konoha fights each itself, he cheers on as the Third Hokage and Danzo, slowly kill Konoha from the inside out. Making use of his Lightning God system, he makes a name for himself in the Third Ninja War, and is gradually acknowledged as the ninja with the strongest lightning style! After snatching Hinata Hyuga, he adopts her as his daughter and proudly shows her off to the rest of the world. _____________________ I ended up sticking to the MTL quite heavily for the first 20 chapters, it's harder to actually tell it's a translation after that. This is an edited version of machine translation, just making it clear. MTL- https://mtlnation.com/novel/im-in-cloud-shinobi-village-grab-hyuga-hinata-at-the-start/ ps: I don't think I will edit past the Naruto arc (Chapter 200 or so), but I'll try to post two chapters a day.

Crystal_Cat · Cómic
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128 Chs

Chapter 2: "You could be the next Raikage, brother-in-law"

"Brother-in-law, I heard that we're going to sign an alliance agreement with Konoha. Are we really?"

Standing on top of a house on the south side of the village, Atsui, who was only 5 years old, asked curiously.

He wasn't really all that noteworthy. But that all changes once you mention his sister's name,



In the original book, she is one of those few rivals Tsunade has when it comes to comparing... knockers?

Nevermind, back on topic.

"It's true. We're also going to try instigate some internal conflict, if we can."

Hachiro smiled and after making sure no one else was nearby, he gave a quick rundown on his mission.

Atsui revealed a surprised expression,

"Uhh… Brother-in-law do you think the Hokage will really back down and try to negotiate?"

"Threatening them with war is quite severe."

Even though Samui was only 15 years old, right now, she was still a pleasant sight for the eyes.

Actually, she and Hachiro were well acquainted as they had been placed on the same team as genin.

During the shinobi war despite only being a twelve year old, he had lead and commanded a company of shinobi and revealed his ability to flexibly use strategies.

He even tried to be 'innovative' and tap into the well of knowledge, called his past life.

It was a one of the reasons he gained so much notoriety during the war.

It was a pity that the final battle between the two countries had taken place close to the land of Fire, causing his uncle, the third Raikage's death.

Hachiro, looked around shinobi village as he threw an arm around Samui and said emotionally.

"Kumogakure is the best village ever!"

Unlike the darker tanned skin of most people in the village, Samui's shared a softer pastel colour, that people from other villages possessed.

After failing in her struggle for freedom, she simply gave up and let him hang his arm on her.

After the end of the third Shinobi War, she basically accepted their relationship.

Atsui just liked playing pranks and calling him Brother-in-law made him get extra excited.

They saw a few people wandering about the streets below them, and buying from food stalls.

The living conditions in the land of Lightning were not as good as that of Konoha where most tourist's and refugees gathered.

The land of fire occupied the most fertile land in the whole ninja war, it wasn't an opinion but a fact.

Although the cloud didn't have the best, it wasn't the worst either.

The political situation in the cloud was very different from the mess led by Hiruzen Sarutobi.

The politics in Kumogakure was much 'cleaner' and 'straightforward'.

It was probably what helped them develop two perfect jinchurikis, Killer B and Yugito.

There was no one wanting to stab you in the back at a moments notice nor was there anyone trying to weaken the others faction so to speak.

In the cloud, strength was what dictated politics

So far they hadn't had any declining old men holding onto authority as if it was their one and only purpose in life so it wasn't all that bad.

To Konoha, if they succeeded in the kidnapping, the cloud shinobi were simple playing a dirty game and pushing their luck.

But from their own perspective It was purely for the village.

You can't really fault them for that.

What's more, his cousin Fourth Raikage, although he was impulsive and irritable, he doesn't unreasonably push his views on others or try to manipulate them.

At the very least as long as the interests of the village aren't in danger then he is rather lenient.

This is also why Hachiro never insisted on defecting and joining the leaf.

On one hand, he was afraid of attracting the attention of a certain sociopath who's methods often involve enslaving someone with a seal and if that doesn't work cut off their head.

In the past, White Fang committed suicide due to rumors, and in the future, Uchiha Shisui committed suicide due to conflicts between the family and the villagers.

"It's all thanks to brother-in-law's hard work in the shinobi war. Now the Land of Frost is a subject of Kumogakure. Brother-in-law could be the next Raikage!"

Atsui harped in with some flattery.

"Oh, I don't have much interest in being Raikage. It only really involves sitting in an office doing paperwork."

Hachiro let out a faint chuckle.

He's interested in becoming a strong shinobi no doubt, but the position of Raikage... Fighting is more his thing.

While saying this, he secretly gave Atsui a meaningful stare.

Atsui, gave a knowing grin, and exclaimed,

"Ah! Oops, I haven't finished my homework for school tomorrow. Brother-in-law take care of my sister for me. I'm leaving!"

After finishing his speech, he dived off the roof and sprinted off into the distance with a maniacal laugh.

He left their field of vision within a matter of moments.

Hachiro smiled brightly, and then pulled Samui into his arms.

"Oh well, looks like it's only going to be you accompanying me to Konoha!"

"Don't think too hard about the mission and just relax."

Samui clawed at him angrily.

He smiled even more, grabbed her chin before snaking his way inside.

So sweet!

One minute later he picked up Princess Samui soft waist and jumped off the roof and carrying her inside the house.

The land of fire, the village hidden in the leaves.

The fourth Hokage Minato Namikaze died under the assault of the Nine Tails fox. Before the election of fifth Hokage, the third Hokage Hiruzen Sarutobi, who had abdicated by choice, returned to the position of Hokage, below one and above all others.

Konoha, the administration building, in the meeting room for the highest personnel.

Hiruzen Sarutobi asked his three old teammates that had tasted the authority of the highest level for over half a century

"I didn't expect Kumogakure to send us an invitation to an alliance at this time, but I can't really think of a good reason to reject them, what do you think?"

Nowadays, Konoha has only one publicly known Kage-level ninja roaming inside the village, Hiruzen Sarutobi.

Aside from Danzō Shimura, they had Koharu Utatane and Homura Mitokado who were close to kage level.

These four people were the reason the inheritance of Hashirama and Tobirama Senju had fallen.

Note: I know chinese authors like titles like Invincible and all but do you think I should go back and change it to 'One of the strongest shinobi' or something similar. Maybe Thunder God, Lightning God, something along those lines.

(Half Rewritten.)