
In Jujutsu Kaisen with Time Cursed Technique

Uchiro Madara, a modern otaku is transmigrated into Jujutsu Kaisen world with a God like Cursed Technique.

David_555 · Cómic
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63 Chs


" Ma?!!!" Madara immediately reacted in shock, as he saw his mum staring at him with squinted eyes and his dad looking at him with the " Well done boy." look.

" Oi young man, you have some explaining to do. You're out here kissing a girl when you're supposed to be in class? Who taught you that?!!" His mum screamed from afar as she and his dad walked closer to them.

" Hey, you think she's going to like me?" Yuki whispered to Madara who looked like a little boy caught stealing candy.

" I-I don't know." Madara spoke as he gulped. He was wondering what was going to happen in a confrontation between his mum and Yuki. Both of them were like fierce lionesses who wouldn't show any weakness to the other.

" Hello, mum, my name is Yuki Tsukumo." Immediately they got near them, Yuki immediately gave a respectful bow and introduced herself with the best smile she could possibly give.

" Mmm, not bad at all, blonde hair, tall, long legs, big boobs, big ass, extremely beautiful." Mina immediately examined Yuki from top to toe and from front to back as she made a quick assessment.

" Ummm, Mrs. Yuki can we talk a little in private." Mina gave Madara side eye and walked away with Yuki while smiling joyfully.

" Gosh." Madara immediately sat down and steadied his breath, as he slowly patted his chest. He might be indifferent towards the world and his enemies, but in the presence of his loved ones, he was still the Madara they knew and loved, and like they said, the strongest man in earth was still a little boy before his mother.

" Damn boy, you got game. I'm proud of you. I guess you inherited it from your old man." Kishimo sat beside his son who seemed to have entered a state of shock and chuckled to which Madara rolled his eyes.

" Mrs. Yuki, tell me more about yourself." Mina smiled and gestures to Yuki who cleared her throat and began immediately.

" My name is Tsukumo Yuki, 20 years old Special Grade Jujutsu Sorcerer. " Yuki smiled and said, hoping she could use the honor and respect of being a Special Grade sorcerer to entice the woman in front of her.

" That's all you have going for you?" Mina frowned immediately and shook her head.

" I'm also a teacher, I have a degree in advanced Physics, and I'm a master Chef." Yuki added, as sweat trickled down her neck.

" Why didn't you say so?!!" Immediately Mina's frown directly changed to a huge smile. Yuki was well damn sure that if the only thing she had going on for her was her Jujutsu Career, she would've definitely been rejected by the woman in front of her.


" So son aren't you going to tell me about the girl you were kissing huh? Who's she? She a teacher? Student? " Kishimo asked, as he planned on embarrassing Madara even further.

" Her name is Yuki, she's a fourth year student, and she's a Special Grade sorcerer." Madara said as he rolled his eyes.

" Whooo, she's not even a first year and she's even a Special- - wait what??" Kishimo was about to laugh when he stopped abruptly and turned to look at Madara with his eyes widened in shock.

" She's a Special Grade? Damn! " Kishimo spoke out in shock as he sat down quietly and tried to digest the fact that his son was having a relationship with a Special Grade beautiful girl.


" Oohh Yuki you're so funny!!" A few minutes later, Yuki and Mina came back from wherever they went with smiles and laughs all over their faces like two sisters.

" Uuugghhh, What is going on?" Madara asked as he cleared his throat.

" Don't worry son, it's alright, Yuki examined everything to me. Just remember, you're only 16 so learn to keep your thing in between your pants." " Mom?!!!" Mina said with a laugh , as Madara embarrassingly sighed.

" Oh my God, you must be mum and Dad!" Immediately, a bunch of figures arrived, namely Satoru, Suguru, Ieri and Mei Mei, as Satoru immediately bowed respectfully with his signature cocky smile.

" Ohh how are you guys. I don't recognize both of you though." Mina said as she recognized Suguru and Ieri.

" Allow me to introduce myself ma'am. I'm Satoru Gojo. The most handsome and the strongest sorcerer to ever live." Satoru introduced himself in the grandest way possible as Mina sighed.

" I'm Mei Mei, Madara is a good friend of mine." She spoke with a shy expression as Yuki rolled her eyes.

" Ohhh, another beautiful girl, the blue seems a bit off, but she's really beautiful." Mina examined her also and made a quick assessment before flashing Madara a small wink.

" Oi! You're that brat from the Gojo clan huh." Kishimo stood up and walked to Satoru before examining him.

" You know me Sir? " Satoru asked with a smile. " Of course I do. You're the splitting image of that old man of yours.You even have his signature cocky smile and the wild hair." Kishimo smiled as he clapped Satoru's shoulder real hard, causing him to yell in pain.

" How is he now?" Kishimo asked. " He isn't doing very good after mom passed away." Satoru spoke with a sad smile. " It's alright kid. Tell him I'll come visit him when I have the chance." Kishimo patted Satoru's shoulder which caused him to smile happily.

" Oohhh it's nice to see you again Suguru, and Doctor Ieri, thank you once more for what you did for us back then. I have my family back in one piece because of you." Mina smiled and patted Suguru's shoulder and shook hands with Ieri.

" It's alright ma'am. I only did my job." She only smiled and bowed.

" Oh I forgot to ask. Yuki, What were you doing with Madara all alone in this quiet place." Satoru asked after remembering why they came here in the first place.

" These two lovebirds were kissing when we got here. Unbridled right?" Mina spoke with a slight smile, as Yuki blushed and turned away, while Madara let out an embarrassed sigh.

" Oi Yuki senpai, you said we were going to fight over him fair and square. How dare you make such an underhanded move?" Mei Mei faced off against Yuki as everyone looked on with laughter. The most uncomfortable person here was probably Madara who felt so embarrassed he wanted to go live in seclusion.

" Anyway are you guys hungry?"I brought lots of food in the car. " Thanks Maam!!!" This time Satoru couldn't resist and gave Mina a huge thumbs up. Nothing was better than eating free and delicious food.

" Right. We also came here because we wanted to invite both of you." Ieri remembered and spoke, as Suguru nodded along. " Invite us for what??" Yuki asked with a raised eyebrow.

" Beach Party!!!!!!" Satoru made a grand gesture with his hand as his face cracked into a wide grin.

" This is literally the perfect time to relax a bit. And thank God, Mrs. Mina brought us lots and lots of delicious food!!! " He spoke as he grabbed unto Suguru's shoulder and shook him rapidly.

" You know what you're right Satoru. Maybe it's time to relax a little" Yuki smiled and said. " Alright it's settled then. Let me contact Utahime and the rest to see if they'll be interested." Ieri smiled picked up her phone.

" Wait a minute! I never agreed to any of this! You guys want to use my food to host your beach party? Not a chance." Madara immediately spoke with injustice, causing the others to look towards him with wondering expressions.

" Madara dear, you are going to go to the beach party with your friends right?" Mina immediately looked at Madara with murderous eyes which caused even Kishimo to flinch. " But mom?!" " No buts young man! You're going out with your friends and that's final." Mina sternly spoke which caused Madara who wanted to rebut to shut up immediately as the others laughed.

Madara's antisocial character was something even Mina with all her motherly love found trouble around. Even when he was young, he'd always stay in Kishimo's huge ass library and read till he wanted to go to the washroom or eat or sleep.

" Since that's settled, you guys follow me to my car, and pick up the food." Mina smiled and waved her hands towards Satoru and Suguru who followed her with large smiles.

A/N: ✌🏿