
In Jujutsu Kaisen As Tenjou Yuuya

Thrusted into the world of JJK by the higher beings to become their toy for entertainment follow Damon's journey who now possessed the powers of Yuuya Tenjou along with his door and cheats as he ventures into this unknown world of curses. *** Author here! First of all thanks for reading this. This is my first work so I hope you all won't me mad if I somehow mess this up. The protagonists won't be any good guy like tenjou Yuuya was and would be more of villain and lone wolf kind of guy so I warn you to not read this if you hopes of getting nice and naive kind of main character. I haven't thought of romance as I want this to be more focused on action but I may change my mind in the future. As for Harem or Not? Well that depends upon the future me.. once again thanks for reading

Dragon_7454 · Cómic
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23 Chs

Annoying Visitors


Inside the Great Devils Nest, where no normal human could ever imagine to enter, a loud bang reverberated throughout the area, causing the monsters who were enjoying their peaceful lives to panic and run away.

"Now it's getting boring."

Looking down at the goblin elites whom Yuuya had just killed, he let out a bored yawn as he collected the items.

It's been a whole month since Yuuya transmigrated. For the entire month, he had been holed up inside the other world hunting monsters, gaining experience, leveling up, and learning more from the scroll about curse energy.

For the entire month, he rarely went out of the house, only to buy necessities and personal items, which he had all been storing in the other world, completely giving up on his house in the real world.

In this time period, he trained hardest while leveling up his stats to the point where he could kill dozens of goblin elites alone because of his physical stats and skills he had honed by living in the wilderness in this month, putting Yuuya's amazing talent to good use.

{A/N: I ain't showing status and skills now; you already know, but the novel's status and skills accumulation are a total mess and completely unreal, which I can't keep up with. So yeah, I won't bother with it now, but yeah, I will compare MC's growth with other characters just to give you a rough idea.}

"I have been leveling up and investing all my stats points in physical abilities, though a bit on intelligence, but have completely disregarded magic."

Yeah, after pondering about it a little, Yuuya has decided to completely focus on curse energy and physical abilities instead of magic for now to grow stronger, as either way he can't use magic anyway.

Yeah, for using magic one needs a magic circuit, which is unique to the inhabitants of this world. Yuuya, in the original novel, was also able to use magic because of the magic circuit he gained from the sage after finding his remains, god knows where.

Yuuya had tried searching for the remains of the sage, but looking at how big the forest is, he decided to give up on it momentarily.

So coming back to Yuuya's training... it has been great, with the pre-recorded lectures of Tenjou Kuuya, he was able to master the basics of curses and some great tricks, making Yuuya more adept at using curse energy.

As for his physical training, he had been sparring with monsters on a daily basis and getting familiar with different martial arts styles he had gained mastery over because of his skills.

With his stats now, he can't confidently place his position in, but yeah, he can definitely say he is physically a lot stronger than Yuuya now and gained transcendence.

Unlike the original who didn't actively level up and train his body in the novel, Yuuya has worked a lot harder and was able to gain high physical stats, but he still thinks that's not enough.

In the novel, Yuuya was a beast, but as everybody knows, physically he wasn't that great. All of his powers relied on the skills he gained and different power systems, but physically his strength though was amazing by human standards, but still lacking compared to the majority of those he faced.

"If I recall Toji's strength during Shibuya... I don't think I am near him."

Yeah, he can't shoot hundreds of bullets made up of debris in a matter of seconds through a flick of a finger, but yeah, he can then also defeat most sorcerers if they don't have any techniques that provide physical augmentation easily, I guess with his strength alone.

Comparing myself to Toji? Haha, that monster is just a different breed!

Everyone knows how strong that monster really is, so Yuuya also is well aware that it would take a lot of time and hard work for him to catch up to the likes of Toji.

Coming back to his wooden house, he went straight into the kitchen where he had bought himself a giant refrigerator to store edibles and cold drinks he had brought himself.

The refrigerator isn't an artefact but a simple refrigerator that he had brought from the real world, and how does it still work in this world with no electricity?

Well, that's thanks to the generator-type artefact Yuuya had gotten. Defeating an eel-like monster in the nearby pond, Yuuya obtained an artefact that could generate electricity from just water as a drop, through which he had connected all the modern appliances he had brought from the real world into this magical house.

"One day, after everything is settled, I would love to study about these artefacts."

There are so many magical artefacts in this world, from the ones he received from the sage to the ones he got from the drop, Yuuya is very curious about these artefacts and would love to know more about them, but now is not the time, is it?

His first priority is to get stronger, and after a whole month-long training, Yuuya also has gained some confidence in himself to be able to defeat Sukuna... okay, that's too much, but yeah, he had gotten some hope to be able to put up a good fight against him if he continues to train like this.

Ding Dong!

As Yuuya was enjoying his cold drink while looking at the beautiful view of the forest, as he pondered, the doorbell of his house in the real world rang, breaking him out of his train of thoughts.

Ding Dong! Ding Dong!

The door to the other world was opened wide, and the sounds of loud doorbells echoed throughout the place.

"Who the fuck is it?"

Ringing so many doorbells without any patience and banging on his door, Yuuya was annoyed by whoever this uninvited visitor was.

Wearing casual clothes, Yuuya made his way to the door with an annoyed expression and opened the door loudly, meeting the perpetrators behind his displeasure.

"Hey! Who are you?! Where is that ugly bastard?"

Looking down below, Yuuya looked at the two individuals, the twin brother and sister Tenjou Youta and Tenjou Sora, his so-called siblings.


Hey, Guys!

Hope you enjoyed the chapter! Just two chapters more, and I would officially start the JJK plot. I have been rereading the whole manga to make sure if there is anything I am missing.

Oh, and by the way, with that being said, just close your eyes and once again pray for the poor characters whose lives that motherf***er Gege took...

Rip Choso! Rip Everyone!

Anyways, with this, I conclude today's chapter, and yeah, please, please check out my new novel, "I Stole The System."

I have already uploaded 8 chapters with almost 10k words, so please check it out!

You might not have much hope with it, but please, for your poor author's sake, can't you check it out please? I know it's pathetic to beg for views like this, but what can I do, you all aren't listening to me at all.

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