
In HOTD with The Satou System

Note: This fan-fic assumes the HOTD timeline starts around 2013, and this is fan fic will have a harem. For those of you unfamiliar with who Satou is, look up Death March to a Parallel World Rhapsody, and you will learn about the system he has. My name is Victor, and I reincarnated into the HOTD world several years before the world went to hell with several gifts God gave me. Having been through military school, thanks to my father having no time for me, I learned all the skills and knowledge I needed to survive this post-apocalyptical world, and then some. Now all I have to do is keep the people I care about, and those who will follow me safe from harms way though that is easier said then done when the undead start mutating. Follow me on my journey as I go from High School Student to Warlord, and the crazy journey it takes to get there. ***I don't own the cover photo. If it is yours and you want me to remove it, let me know.***

ManOfCultureLeon · Cómic
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115 Chs

Chapter 84 - The Hunting Trip

Following me around the settlement as I did my rounds, Rory and I stopped at the training area to see how things were going. Seeing the Ryōzanpaku and other Martial Arts Masters hard at work, I saw others running through weapon drills. Observing them for a while, I noticed that Pucca, Tuka, and Yao competing with one another in an archery contest. Deciding to stick around and see how things turned out, Rory plopped onto my lap after I sat down. By this point I was done telling her my lap wasn't a seat as she didn't appear to care what I thought.

"Do you like Elves?", Rory asked me noticing where I was looking

"I do.", I replied.

"If you like those two, why not try courting them?", Rory questioned out of curiosity.

"I have talked to them several times, but neither of them are very keen on relationships at the moment.", I said with disappointment, "They are more focused on getting back to their families than anything else. I can't blame them, they got separated quite suddenly from them and I am sure they are worried."

"That's to be expected though, Elves usually like to stay within their groups. It's hard living among other races that die so quickly with respect to an Elf's lifespan.", Rory stated from experience, "Even I have to agree with that, it's hard making friends because inevitably you have to bury them one day. It is a part of life, but it doesn't mean we actively want to watch the people we care about pass on."

"Isn't a bit weird for you to say given who your Deity is?", I inquired, "I mean he is the God of Death."

"I know it sounds weird, but there is a difference when it's people you don't know well versus those you hold dear.", Rory told me, "Do you think it was easy to attend my childhood friend's funerals? No...it hurt a lot having to lay them to rest, but on the flipside they get to enter reincarnation and live a new life."

"You have a pretty optimistic view of death.", I chuckled.

"It comes from years of watching the world around you change while you remain the same.", she remarked, "To change world the old world has to die, whether it's a violent end or a peaceful one is for the living to decide. I have seen both endings throughout my life, and it's like reading a book. That said, having you around means I won't be alone, and won't be bored."

Chuckling at that, we continued watching them compete with one another as they bumped each other to throw their aim off. Seeing the smiles on their faces, it did at least seem they were enjoying themselves. Looking over the rest of the groups training, everyone seemed to be doing good...except Piña's group. Running through very primitive military drills, I was starting to see a problem.

The way the knights were trained, they worked better as individuals and not a group. Ideally Piña should be honing both areas to maximize their battlefield effectiveness. Jotting that down on a note on my HUD, I would address that problem on Monday. Getting up from where we were sitting, we continued on with our walk.

Checking out the progress on defensive structures, more greenhouses, and accommodations for new residents everything seemed to be progressing smoothly. There were some hiccups like keeping the quality of the structures up while also trying to keep up with the influx of new people. Since we were unlikely to move within the foreseeable future we needed to ensure the buildings stood the test of time and the brutal winters we would inevitably have. While we were doing inspections, noticed that we had people following us.

"You going to do something about our guests?", Rory laughed glancing back at the three women who were trying to camouflage themselves, "They are terrible at trying to hide, they stand out so much."

Seeing Piña and company holding branches to try and blend in, their armor made it obvious they were hiding in the bushes.

"Ladies...this is becoming a problem.", I sighed motioning for them to come over.

Standing up and looking at us with embarrassment, they came over looking like children that got their hands caught in the cookie jar. Asking them why they were following me, they replied that they wanted to patrol with us. Questioning why they didn't just ask, they said they didn't want to be a bother. Telling them we had just finished up our patrol, I did offer to take them hunting with me and a few others. Accepting the offer, they said they wanted to change as it was hard to hunt in armor.

---Thirty Minutes Later---

"Meat!! Meat!! Meat!!", Lucy, Zero Two, and Ilulu chanted as our hunting party gathered.

"Do you love meat that much?", Bozes questioned.

"Yes, especially bacon!!", Ilulu told them with sparkling eyes.

"Is it better than sweets?", Piña asked.

Looking at her for a moment, Ilulu struggled to come up with an answer for that. To her both bacon and sweets were good which made it hard for her. On one hand she could eat as much bacon as she wanted, but on the other she had her sweets intake regulated. With that in mind, Ilulu made her decision.

"Sweets!", Ilulu replied, "Victor's White Chocolate Raspberry Cheese Cake is the best there is!!"

Hearing that I patted her head, and thanked her for the compliment. Making sure that everyone was armed with the necessary equipment, namely Piña, Bozes, Hamilton, and Zero Two, I almost teleported us when Pucca came running over. Stating that there were three more people that wanted to hunting, I turned back to see Tuka, Yao, and her already in hunting gear.

Seeing two Elven beauties in tight leather was a very nice change of pace, but I couldn't stare too long as they were shifting uncomfortably under my gaze. Taking a mental snapshot, I would be saving that one hell of a happy memory. Asking if they were sure they were okay with it, the three of them nodded their heads.

"The only way we are going to settle our dispute is to aim at moving targets. Since you are going hunting this is a chance to show our skill, and bring back fresh meat.", Pucca snickered, "I have to show these two who the superior archer is."

"No, I think you mean that you are outclassed.", Tuka laughed in a playful tone, "We both have a lot of years on you. Not only that, the forest is our home so we have the advantage here."

"Agreed, but obviously I am the better shot.", Yao stated with a grin.

"Haha, you wish.", Tuka giggled.

Telling them it was fine since we could use all the meat we could get, I once again was going to teleport us when a hand grabbed my shoulder. Looking back I saw Rika in her hunting gear with an unamused look.

"You forgetting me?", Rika jabbed hitting my shoulder, "You aren't going to tell me it's too dangerous are you? My big, strong husband will be there to protect me right?"

"I thought you had training today?", I questioned with chuckle, "Not only that, since when did you need your big, strong husband to protect you? You are a damn good shot with a gun."

"I left it to Claire, Jane, and Jill as they are damn good shots too.", Rika remarked sticking her tongue out, "Also, I may be a good shot but having you around is very reassuring. After all, we got a baby on the way to worry about."

"A baby!?", Bozes shouted, "You are having a baby!?"

"Yes, courtesy of Victor's big-", Rika started to tease.

"Rika...don't mess with them.", I sighed, "You will frazzle them."

"Too late.", Rika giggled watching steam pour out of their heads, "Too easy ladies, you got a build up a tolerance to these sorts of jokes if you want to hang with the family. I mean you want to move in with us right and be with Victor?"

"Yes...", Piña said before realizing what she was agreeing too, "Wait!! I meant as in hanging out with the family!!"

"Hehe, sure you did.", Rika teased.

Once I was certain this time that we were good to go, I teleported us away to a remote area I had visited during the liberation effort. Dropping us in the middle of a large forest, the women looked around to get an idea of the terrain we were to be hunting in. Pulling a throwing knife out of my sleeve, I flicked into the forest and struck a deer that we had startled with our arrival. Hitting it in the base of the skull the animal died instantly without any pain.

"Wow...", Yao said, "That was quite impressive, is that how you are going to hunt?"

"One of the ways yes.", I replied pulling the kill over to me with telekinesis so I could stow it in storage, "You all want to break into small groups, or stay together?"

"I figure it's safer to stay in a group in case we run into a wandering horde.", Rika stated as she loaded her rifle.

They didn't realize it, but this area was clear of enemies as I had swept this area about a week ago. All the animals that were here weren't infected nor was there a chance of running into a horde. Still though, I was happy she was trying to be conscious of potential danger. Casting a spell on us to make us completely invisible to our surroundings, I led the women towards a nearby herd of caribou that was resting in a clearing.

"Nice!", Rika whispered getting her rifle setup, "We are in a nice spot to take a shot."

"What are these animals!!", Piña gasped, "I have never seen anything like this in our world!!"

"Princess Piña...we are in another world.", Bozes replied.

"Oh right!", Piña said remembering being told that this morning, "I am sorry, it's just I haven't ever seen anything like this."

"You never gone hunting before?", I questioned.

"...no...it wasn't good for a Princess to hunt...", Piña complained.

"Haha, fuck that.", Rika laughed, "I would have just done it to piss them off."

"I would have if I could, but the castle security was very tight.", Piña sighed, "I plan to use this opportunity to fulfill that dream!"

"Yes!", Bozes and Hamilton agreed, "Let's do this!"

Getting their bows ready I glanced over to Ilulu, Zero Two, and Lucy who were waiting for my instruction. Telling Lucy and Ilulu to use their power to cleanly sever two caribou heads each, I told Zero Two to mimic what I did earlier. Nodding their heads, they said they would go on my que. Holding ten knives in my hands I told the women to fire at the count of three.

"One, t-", I started to count.

Before I finished saying two both Ilulu and Lucy let their attacks fly, and to their credit they cleanly removed the heads of four caribou. Scaring off the herd, we all looked over towards them. Asking them why they went early, they looked at us with confusion.

"Doesn't it go one then three?", Ilulu questioned.

"Yeah, that's what Saya told us.", Lucy remarked, "Why didn't you all attack?"

"Ahem...Saya said it goes one, two, three...", Zero Two sighed, "Were you not paying attention?"

"You were!?", Lucy gasped.

"Yes, Victor said it was important so I listened.", Zero Two replied.

"Oh...we are sorry!", Ilulu apologized.

Sighing I told them it was okay, and that mistakes happened. Smiling when I patted their heads, they said from now on they would wait till I said the word three completely. Thanking them I pulled the corpses over and into my storage. Teleporting us to a new spot along the caribou's path, we all got situated to take another shot. This time I got the count right, and we all fired...though not all of us hit our target.

"Yes!! That's three!", Tuka replied.

"You shot one of mine, that doesn't count!", Yao remarked.

"I got two and a half.", Pucca stated, "Yao, don't count the one you shot that was already downed by me."

"It was still twitching.", Yao replied.

"That's because my arrow was embedded in it's nervous system!!", Pucca shouted.

"I got a tree!!", Ilulu laughed.

"I got a boulder!", Lucy added.

"I got three caribou.", Zero Two proudly proclaimed.

"Tsk tsk ladies, I got five.", Rika teased.

"Piña, Bozes, and Hamilton how many did you...", Ilulu went to ask before noticing the arrows in the ground.

Looking at them, the three of them were flush with embarrassment. Thinking about it logically, archers were supposed to be their own class which was divided between horseback and on foot. The three women were knights which specialized in the use of sword and shield tactics as well fighting on horseback, a bow wouldn't really be all that useful when your movement was restricted by heavy armor.

'Another thing to take into consideration when I make their equipment. Based on utility, I think making them brand new armor sets is the way to go at this point. Since Shigure is handling the other knights, I can focus on these three in particular.', I thought.

"You not know how to use a bow?", Tuka questioned.

"It...it has been three years since we touched one...", Piña replied trying not to die of embarrassment.

"Bows...they aren't our specialty.", Hamilton informed us, "Knights usually don't use bows when they only participate in color guard..."

Realizing that she had stepped on a sensitive topic, Tuka apologized to them. Walking over to them I asked to try their bow to see if their bows were any good. Notching five arrows, Yao and Tuka looked at me like I was being over confident. Letting the arrows fly, they sailed through three caribou each. Doing the same with the other bows, I confirmed that they were at least well crafted.

"You can do that!?", Yao and Tuka shouted.

"Yes, is that a bad thing?", I inquired.

"Is that a bad thing!? Not even the best hunter in my village could pull that off!!", Yao said, "You just did it three times in row!!"

"Agreed, even my father couldn't do that and he was one of the best archers in our village.", Tuka added.

"Ladies, who do you think trained me?", Pucca proclaimed.

Shaking my head as she started to brag to them, I looked at the three women who were shocked I was skilled with a bow. Asking me if there was weapon I didn't know how to use, I said that I had mastered every weapon I had ever used. Realizing that there was a lot more I could teach them, the three of them looked at me with excitement.

"Ahem...could you...show me how to use a bow?", Piña asked me trying to hide her nervousness.

Nodding my head I told her to come grab the bow. Notching an arrow, I stood right next to her so I could look where she was aiming. Feeling her tense up as I held her hands, I told her focus.

"You need to hold the bow steady, and move it as little as possible when you go to shoot. The smallest shake can throw the arrow by a large margin.", I advised, "Now feel which way the wind is blowing and offset your shot accordingly."

Doing as I said, she started to lean her body against mine as she got into the zone. Slowing her breathing down as she honed in on a caribou that had become disoriented in the chaos. Steadying herself, she let the arrow go when she was ready. Pegging it through the side of the head, she pinned it to a tree.

"I...I did it...", Piña said softly, "I did it!! Bozes and Hamilton did you see that!!"

"Yes...Princess Piña...", Bozes replied looking at her with a flush red face.

"Your Highness...are you comfortable?", Hamilton teased.

"What do you mean?", Piña questioned.

Glancing over her shoulder, she realized that she was leaning into me with her butt snuggly notched into my crotch. Turning bright red she jumped away, and apologized for her behavior. Telling her it wasn't a big deal, I motioned for Bozes to come over next. Giving Bozes the same guidance, she to just sunk back into my chest as she took her shot. Managing to hit a big buck through the heart, the creature went down quickly much to her delight. Unlike Piña, Bozes knew what she had done and gave her butt a shake before Piña and Hamilton scolded her.

"Bozes!!", Piña shouted, "What are you doing?"

"I...I was just happy I took such a BIG animal down.", Bozes said turning red after saying it.

"Oh no you don't!", Piña said pulling her away, "The three of us made a deal!!"

"Princess, I am sorry but I couldn't help it.", Bozes told her.

Giving Hamilton a go next, she was the only that managed to keep it together and thank me properly. Apologizing for the other two that were fuming over each other, she said that this happened frequently because of how close they were. Telling her it was alright, I leaned forward to whisper into her ear.

"If you need private lessons, I can provide them...one on one.", I teased.

With that her dignified expression shattered, and steam came out of her head. Running over to Piña, she told her what I said and the two women immediately stopped arguing. Looking over at me and then looking away, I could tell I would get those requests.

"Having fun teasing young maidens?", Rika questioned with a smirk.

"I don't have the slightest idea what you mean.", I chuckled, "Think we got enough food?"

"I would think another twenty would be better...", Rika said motioning to Ilulu and company, "They can probably eat one by themselves."

"This is true, alright then lets keep hunting.", I stated.

Once we had bagged twenty more caribou we headed back to process the meat.