
In His Hands(365)

A young prince gets captivated by a lady bathing in a lake. He also saves her from unexpected crisis and expects an exchange for that. "Only 365 days."He said."After which you will go back home unharmed."He assured her of that."Don't worry about your sister and your friend. They will be provided the things they will need to stay alive. I promise. Just act as my wife . It's the only way I can succeed the throne of Vilgaria." "You saved my life Prince Damien and I thank you for that.As long as those I love will be happy,then it's a deal. Only 365 days. Not more than that. I come back and you become successful."Clara said shyly. "Then it's a deal." Will Clara act as his wife for 365 days or more or not? Tales of romance,lust and drama awaits them. And will they get out peacefully or will the unexpected occur? Ah well...... Be the judge.

Rai_Se · Fantasía
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20 Chs

Chapter 11(Can you stay?)

"Yeah you didn't."Azumi said fanning herself.


"Micah. I see you are very curious."

"Yes."She happily said."I like my sister a lot and I want to care for her. She has never had another friend apart from Azumi ."

"Apart from her?"Damien said wondering. No wonder Azumi is always concerned about her.

"Are you her friend?"

A friend? He wished she was in his bed with he wrapping his hands around her.

He just smirked at it.

"Yes."Was all he said."I am her friend."

"Do you like her?"She asked again."You can tell me. I won't say anything."


In reply,Micah nodded her head pleading for Damien to agree to her.

"I like her. She's cute, beautiful,an angel. She's the perfect bride any one can ask for."


"So you promise not to tell her nor Azumi ?"

"Yes."She quickly agreed.

"Pinky promise ?"

"Yes "

And with that, they agreed.

"Azumi!!!!! Do not think you can hide here with my money!!"A grown woman barged in.

"She's here."

"But you must make things right."Clara told her."You must make her understand things. She's your god-mother after all."

"No Clara I can't. I have nowhere else to go."

As she was about to pick the cloak,Clara stopped her."Go to her."

"I said no."

"Where is that girl?"The woman asked."I know she is right in this house."

"And who are you talking about?"Damien asked.

"That girl Azumi . That pathetic fool. She has my money and I'm not leaving this house without her." Damien could see she really meant what she said and she was looking very serious.

"You can't hide you rat!"


"Azumi ..."

"Imbicille!!!.....You wait and watch."


"Aha! My dear please bring my money."The woman said sarcastically hiding the anger she felt within.

"Your money right? Such a pity it isn't. It's mine now and I think we all know it."

"You.....Give me my money."

And with that,the woman ran to Azumi and just as she was about to hit her,Clara intervained but unfortunately,she was no match for her. She had slapped Clara and pushed her to the ground.


Now Damien was approaching his wicked side. You dare hit his woman? Let alone push her to the ground? There was no way this woman would get it out so easily.


"Clara.....Why are you doing this? Can't you just give me my share?"Azumi pointed."No wonder you are the only one living in that house of yours."

"Shut up!!"

"You shut up!!! I'm done with your foolishness."She shouted."I am not giving you this money so get out of here."

Without wasting much time, Azumi dragged the woman out. She was already giving her a sinus headache.

"When I find my parents,I will make sure you pay."


"Clara....."She went to her in tears."I'm sorry. Why did you do this? I deserve that already."

She could see Clara was not ready to give an answer and she understood it perfectly.

With Clara in Damien's arms,he lifted her to her room.

"I'm sorry...."


Like a precious gem in his hands, Damien placed his woman on the bed.

"I should have ripped her tongue.How can she just barge in and say whatever she likes?"He said adjusting her hair."And why did you even do that? Now your face is all swollen?"

"It's nothing. I....."

But he stood up and left and that felt piercing to Clara's heart and it made her cry.

He came back later with a bowl of water and a towel.

To avoid further embarrassments,Clara hurriedly wiped off the tears.

"We leave tomorrow and I want you to look lively."

"But I haven't..."

"Shhh.....Don't waste your voice."He cut her off and started cleaning and soothing her swollen cheek."When we get there,you can say whatever you want now keep quiet."

She listened and stared at his eyes and felt his warmth on her. He was soo close to her that it was as though he was about to kiss her. She even felt like he should be with her till the end of time.

His thick dark hair fanned her face and his breath calmed her mind.

Her heart beating to every rhythm of his breath was the top of what she felt. She had always asked herself why she always acted abnormally with him but deep within she somehow knew why but she was not ready to accept that fact.

Was it because he saved her?

"Now you can rest."

It was such a pity she had to leave her fantasy world and come back to the present.

"Can you stay?"

Now she created a scene of embarrassment and that surprised Damien.

"I don't know Clara but I might go a little bit far staying with you if you don't mind."

Her heart skipped a beat upon hearing those words from his seductive tone but she did not want to answer. She just wanted him with her.

"So my angel is asking her man to be with her. How romantic."He said and sat beside her.

"So tell me. Do you like me?"

She blushed upon hearing that."No...?"

"Are you sure?"He asked and drew much closer to her and held her hands.

"Go on. I'm listening."

"Damien....I ....I don't."

"Are you sure? Your temperature is getting high."He seemed more seductive than before.

Damien took off his shirt and stroked his hair as Clara with redness on her face stared at his sweat rolling down his well chisled chest and abs.

"I see you are admiring."He said."Don't worry. you are my angel after all. You will be well treated and be given authority and respect in Vilgaria but second to me. I promise no man alive will hurt you or even be worthy of you but me and I will slice the throat of that person who will even dare to think about it."

Clara was speechless upon hearing those promising words. For once she felt worthy and precious in her life. She felt like she was this diamond in his eyes and if Damien could see that in her,then no other man can even think about it.

He stared at her innocent eyes and begun to stroke her smooth dark hair to her delicate face and caressed her cheeks smiling at every shy expression Clara made on her face.

He reached out for her chin and smirked as he lowered his gaze to her precious lips. Of course she was his angel and she needed to be treated as one.

She clenched her fists as she continued to stare at those sharp eyes of his. The distance between the two became much closer until they could hear each other's breath.

Clara knew what was about to happen and she was ready to embrace it.

"Clara!!" Micah interrupted knocking the door loudly.

Damien cursed at that.

"Can I come in? I want to see you."

They were so much disappointed.

"Children..... "He was very annoyed but had no other choice than to dress."Sorry it had come to an end."He told his angel and caressed her cheeks."There will be plenty of time for that. Take some rest."

He said and went as soon as he was done .