
In Harry Potter with Cheat

Reader_With_Ideas · Cómic
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7 Chs

A butterfly flap

Hermionie was calmer now as she was no longer sobbing and actually talking back so I popped the question.

Hermione : Okay fine. let's go somewhere else and then I'll talk.

We both then went out of the bathroom and started going to the tower top as the view was good and calming.

We were lying on the ground which I had transfigured into a comfy blanket with warming charm while looking at the stars.

Jason : So you calm enough yet? Or should I do some more decoration?

Hermione : Yeah I am. How did you do that though?

Jason : This? This is just Transfiguration of stone to blanket. Didn't you do match stick to needle? This is similar but on a larger scale as the dimensions and shape of object also changes a lot with properties. Basic stuff. So what happened?

She started explaining how she heard Ron make fun of her, insult her and got all angry and stuff.

I just listened to her whole rant and kept silent.

Hermione : Why are you silent?

Jason : Well you are a little girl after all. Why are you upset about a ferret and pig shouting at you? Just talk back instead of crying and moping. You are smartest witch in our year apart from me but I have no plans on becoming the smartest so you get the point.

Hermione : Heh. You never change even in this situation huh. Yeah you're right, though, what should I talk back?

Jason : Are you being serious right now? You don't even know how to talk back? How much of a approval seeker are you?! C'mon girl! Have some more confidence in yourself! Channel your anger into insults that will make them speechless and unable to do anything!

Hermione : Hey! I don't seek for approval. Plus my parents taught me well. Why do you expect me to be not good? Also, don't underestimate me. If I want, I can give out insults that will cut them so deep they won't be able to get back at me even if they want to.

Jason : Oh? Let's see then. When will the show be? I want front row seats.

Hermione : Humph!

She just turned and looked up not speaking anymore but was recovered quite a bit, judging by the smile on the corner of her face. But I decided not to push her too much as her fists were still balled up.

So I just decided to give her time and help her if I could as she was really a great girl. No idea why she was wasted on Ron. Well he won't be having her with me here anyway.

After a while of just laying down, we start to head to the dorms as it will be curfew soon.

The next day was a great one.

During the timee between lectures, before lunch, Hermione was once again insulted by Draco, and Ron and Harry did not do much against him apart from superficial verbal argument which was not even about her.

As I was about to step in and take her away, I was surprised as I realized that my friendship with Hermione has brought a butterfly flap in this world and the golden trio will no longer be a trio at least with Hermione.

The way she was looking at her friends was not good and what I guessed was true from their next conversation.

Draco : -expected this from you Weasley as you will only get together with a mudblood as you are a shame to the noble families.

Hermione : Okay, I will stop you there. First of all, he has no chance of getting together with me ever. No matter who he is unless I give permission.

You are just a brat who cannot do anything independently without your parents especially your father. I doubt your future spouse will like you asking your father's opinion in your life even then.

As for you two, I thought we were friends, but I guess I was wrong. No matter since fortunately I have a true friend here who is willing to help me and support me. As once friends, I will give you an advice for free which will help you but up to you weather to act on it or not.

Ron, get over your insecurities. Nobody cares about them. Learn some table manners and you might be able to get a girl in ten years. Also, seriously think about your future and where do you want to end up after hogwarts.

As for you Harry, start by getting general knowledge about the Wizarding world, and get to know who your parents were and what responsibilities you have. Get yourself together. Just because you never had friends doesn't mean every person who is nice and willing to listen to you is one. That is how you will get taken advantage of and fooled.

Also, after you get the knowledge about the world, then decide what you really want to do instead of following what everyone is doing.

Well I have said my part and whatever you do is none of my business. So, if anyone needs help studying, you can ask me as you probably already know that I can do well.

Good day!

After that, she turned around and started walking off with a smile of confidence and relief on her face while skipping towards the library.

But before she could get far, Jason started clapping and soon everyone was clapping as they were surprised and impressed by it, but nobody knew who started clapping first.

In the library.

Jason : I have to say, it was a good speech. I more expected you to insult their IQ.

Hermione : Well then they wouldn't have even understood the insult and would just be confused so I just lowered it to their level.

Jason : Haha! Good job though! You looked amazing! Also, that confidence and smile suits you very well.

Hermione : Thanks! Well anyway, can you explain me this spell?

Jason : Sure. So this is...

That was the incident that I would later pat myself on the back for.