
In Douluo with Sasuke talents

Clark died and reincarnated with gifted talents offered by god in Douluo dalu world.

Villain116 · Cómic
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3 Chs

Chapter 1- Reincarnation

"Where am I?"

A white illuminated figure floated in a dark space void until a person appeared in front of it.

"Who are you?" Clark, the white figure who died on Earth while playing computer games, inquired the mysterious person.

"Well, sorry boy, I killed you because of my mistake," said the golden-haired person with a smiley face, which irritated Clark because this mysterious person killed him with no sympathy in his words.

"Who are you, and what are you going to do to me now?" Clark asked bluntly.

"Don't be angry, boy; I am a god to a specific dimension, and because you died due to my error, I will allow you to reincarnate in another world, and whatever that arrow points out will be your powers?" The god spoke as there was a large wheel with a pointed arrow at the centre.

It began to spin as Clark's mood darkened and he prayed that the arrow should not point out the waste talent.It came to a halt and pointed to the number seven as the Wheel vanished and two illuminated cards appeared.

The god smiled and nodded his head, appreciating his good fortune. And Clark was overjoyed when he saw the two cards and looked up at God's smiling face, thinking it wouldn't be a waste of talent.

"Well, not bad, your luck is decent, and check out your talents," the god said as he passed him two cards, which flowed into him as he learned the type of powers in the Cards with joy.

"This is Sasuke's prime talent and Uzumaki's body talent," Clark exclaimed, knowing how lucky he was, but everything was gone when God showed him what the remaining talents were in the Wheel.

"What the hell?"

Rimuru system, Alucard, Kaido, Anos Voligoad, The Great Red, Chuthala .... seeing the list of talents in the Wheel his heart was broken.

"May I spin that wheel once more?" Clark pitifully inquired, but God simply shook his head blankly, as there was only one chance, and suddenly a portal formed behind him, sucking him into it.


Douluo continent, Star Luo Empire-

A six-year-old boy with fair skin and black hair leaving bands on the sides of his head and black-purple unique iris eyes lives in a small village called Valley village. This cute boy was Clark, who was reincarnated in the Douluo world.

At first, he thought he only had Sasuke's talent, but also his memories, which were very brutal as he couldn't eat or think for weeks and had many nightmares because of the memories, but he gradually adopted these feelings.

"It's been three years living as an orphan in Douluo was difficult but it's not that bad I was able to live freely," Clark said, wiping sweat from his brow with his hand after working out early in the morning at the top of the green hill behind the Village.

After obtaining Sasuke's memories, his first attempt was to produce chakra, but it was futile because he noticed that every world has a distinct power system, so he couldn't obtain the chakra and he didn't know any cultivation techniques to increase the Spirit power or even to try some Naruto skills he had to first awaken his Martial soul.

"Tomorrow is Spirit Awakening Ceremony, and I can't wait to find out what my Martial Soul will be," Clark said as he walked down the hill to his house.

There was smoke in his backyard from a metal bucket on fire, and water was boiling inside the bucket, which he intended to use for bathing. After bathing, he went to the blacksmith shop to learn how to do forging and the general concept of weapons and metals in the Douluo continent.

"Haha kiddo you came early" laughed Su Ling, a middle-aged man with brown skin whose Martial Soul was Spirit hammer and Spirit Elder power rank and who worked as a blacksmith in a Mercent Alliance.

He was born in the Valley village and returns there on occasion, where he meets Clark, who impresses him with his intelligence at such a young age.

"And this is the weapon you requested?" Su Ling asked as he threw the Kunai, which was sharp and dark in colour, swinging it and throwing it at the wooded pillar to test it out. Clark nodded his head with satisfaction, even though it still needed to be improved.

"It's good uncle, and I'm carving for more," Clark said as Su Ling smiled and nodded his head in agreement.

"And tomorrow you will awaken Martial soul, so today don't do anything unnecessary," Su Ling said.

"Okay uncle, no need to worry, and I can't wait to learn about my martial soul," Clark said with a cheeky smile, thrilled and looking forward to tomorrow.

Then he spent time in the blacksmith shop hammering the metal according to Su Ling's instructions because he had many ideas for new weapons and, more importantly, he especially wanted to learn about essence tools.

"Uncle, do you have any information about how to make the Essence tool?" Clark inquired.

"Well, you didn't give up after I told you about essence tools, but metals required to make those things are extremely rare kiddo, and take this book in which I noted down my experience and all metals listed in it," Su Ling said as Clark's heart felt good when he took the book.

"But uncle, when are you going to get married?" Clark asked, Su Ling's face flushed with rage at his question.


"Shut up kid, mind your own business," Su Ling said as he bonked his head with his fist. Suddenly, the door opened as customers entered the shop, and Su Ling went to greet them.

Clark smiled as he began to practise forging the metal and in the evening he went to his home.

The day flew by, and today was the Martial Spirit Awakening Ceremony, with many children lined up in rows and their parents standing behind them, nervously hoping that their children would be blessed with good Martial Spirit.

A man in his mid-twenties dressed neatly stood in front of them who works under the Spirit Hall, and the children were terrified when they looked at him. He had a frown on his face as he had to face the children, and he was irritated because he had just completed the Awakening Ceremony in another village.

"Okay, children, don't be afraid, and come one by one to awaken your Martial Spirit," Li Lu said with a smile after taking a deep breath. As the Awakening Ceremony began, many children were unable to awaken a good Martial Soul, while others were able to obtain Level 3 to 5 innate talent. Clark's turn to participate in the Ceremony had arrived, and he placed his hand on the strange crystal.


Essence tool is a space storage tool for storing limited items in it.