
In Dc As Spiderman

Unknown_God_ · Cómic
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So the MC will be reincarnated in the DC world with Miguel o'hara and spiders man Peter. Paker who had the ability to turn into a swarm of spider

This will be a mix with young justice, teen titans, and of justice league world.

Now for the MC information

Name: Miguel parker

Age: 19

Race: Meta human

Powers: Superhuman Strength: O'Hara possesses the proportionate strength of a spider. At his peak, he possesses sufficient superhuman strength to lift up to 10 tons. O'Hara's great strength also extends to his legs, allowing him to leap great distances. He has been known to leap to heights of at least 30 feet in a single bound.

Superhuman Speed: O'Hara can run and move at speeds that are beyond the natural physical limits of the finest human athlete.

Accelerated Decoy: Allows O'Hara to move so fast that he can leave behind a body double for enemies to attack.

Superhuman Agility: O'Hara's agility, balance, and bodily coordination are all enhanced to levels that are beyond the natural physical limits of the finest human athlete.

Superhuman Reflexes: O'Hara's reflexes are similarly enhanced and are superior to those of the finest human athlete.

Superhuman Stamina: O'Hara's advanced musculature generates less fatigue toxins during physical activity than the musculature of a normal human. At his peak, he can physically exert himself for at least several hours before the build up of fatigue toxins in his blood begins to impair him.

Telepathy: Miguel O'Hara's shown to be able to communicate with others on a telepathic level. The full limits of his telepathy has yet to be explored. However he's shown to easily communicate with others. It's believed that his telepathy is an extension of his spider sense, manifesting in a different way.

Superhuman Durability: O'Hara's body is harder and more resistant to certain types of physical injury than the body of an ordinary human, though he's far from invulnerable. His bodily tissues are conditioned to allow him to withstand great impact forces and he has resisted impacts, such as falling from a height of many stories and being repeatedly struck by a superhumanly strong opponent, that would severely injure or kill a normal human with little to no injury to himself. He once fell off a building and effortlessly walked to a hospital, where a doctor said that with broken ribs and massive fractures, it was amazing that he could even stand up.

Telescopic and Night Vision: O'Hara's visual acuity is considerably beyond that of a normal human. O'Hara can see objects at much greater distances, with perfect clarity, relative to an ordinary human. O'Hara possesses this same level of clarity at night, enabling him to see in near-complete darkness. It is possible that he is able to see into the infra-red end of the electromagnetic spectrum, enabling him to see a person's body heat. The flicker-fusion horizon (the speed at which some objects appear as a blur) in his eyes is superior to other people. What appears as a blur to most people, he can see perfectly. It also acts as a type of early warning, not the degree of a spider-sense but he is able to see attacks coming from far away. His vision also gives him the ability to see energy waves.[33] Early on, Miguel took to wearing sunglasses at all times when out of costume to deal with the newly-developed hypersensitivity in his eyes, but kept wearing them even after growing acclimated.

Superhuman Tactile Sense: Miguel's sense of touch is extremely acute and far more sensitive compared to regular humans.

Superhuman Hearing: Miguel is capable of hearing sounds from a far greater distance than any human.

Regeneration: Miguel O'Hara's genetically-enhanced metabolism/physiology affords him a self-healing ability that lets him regenerate damaged bodily tissues at a highly-accelerated rate. Injuries such as slashes or puncture wounds can heal completely within a matter of a few minutes. It isn't known if O'Hara's healing powers afford him greater resistance to toxins or diseases. O'Hara's healing factor isn't sufficiently enhanced to regenerate severed limbs or missing organs.

Advanced Longevity: Miguel O'Hara ages at a very slow rate due to the rapid regeneration of healthy bodily tissues & cells.

Talons and Fangs: O'Hara possesses elongated canine teeth that secrete a paralyzing, though non-toxic, venom. He also possesses short, retractable talons at the tips of his fingers and toes that he uses to dig into surfaces, enabling him to crawl along them as a spider might. The talons are also razor sharp and, coupled with his great strength, are able to rend materials as durable as cinder block.

Organic Webbing: Both of O'Hara's forearms contain a set of spinnerets that release a very strong and sticky web-like substance from the back of his wrists. O'Hara can use this webbing to swing from building to building with or as a means of restraining an individual. Unlike the original Spider-Man, O'Hara's webs are organic and are chemically identical to real spider silk.


Genius-Level Intellect: O'Hara is highly intelligent and gifted geneticist.

Skilled Hand-to-Hand Combatant: He is also formidable in hand to hand combat, despite the fact that he's had little formal training. He uses a special freestyle of fighting that allows him to make full use of his strength, speed, and agility.

Computer Skills: He was able to hack the computers of Doctor Doom, Iron Man, Mister Fantastic, and Sam Beckett.[67]

Marksmanship: Spider-Man was able to hit a hostile holding a hostage multiple times with a pistol, with a bullet only grazing the hostage.[

Height: 6'1

Occupation: Anti hero

Affiliation: justice league, young justice, teen titans, ???????