
In danmachi as a vampire

Alex wakes up in an unknown place, with no memory of who he is and where he is, but he knows something, he has a thirst, a lot, and nothing will stop him until he is satisfied, while he satiates his thirst he realizes a small and important detail... ================================== Read the auxiliary chapters pls

Alexander_sama15 · Cómic
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21 Chs

Chárter 12

I'm trying out a new way of writing on the recommendation of a comment.


Previously on danmachi as a vampire:

And it's a lucky thing that Alex has arrived at the meeting place of the two parties....

~Scene change, Zeus family meeting house~.

At the same time Alex and Fels were meeting, in a room two people could be seen arguing about something.

-Let me get this straight, we have to delay our raid to the deep floors, to scan all floors from 1 to 18 in search of the *boy* who escaped from Alfia, right? -said an irritated Maxim, as they had been planning and gathering resources for this raid for a month, and now his god was telling him to delay the raid to find a *boy*.

-Yes, you must also be curious about the individual who was able to escape from Alfia like that-, Zeus replied, already wanting to meet this *individual*.

-I'm certainly curious, but I don't think that's reason enough to delay the raid-, Maxim protested.

-Don't worry, I'm pretty sure we could get something good out of this-, said Zeus, clearly uninterested in what they could get, he just wanted to satisfy his curiosity.

-Sigh... All right, I'll tell the others about the changes in plans, and order the wagons back-, Maxim could only sigh and accept his god's order, for he knew how stubborn he was.

Maxim proceeded to leave to report the changes in plans and go find the *individual* as soon as possible so he could get the raid back on track.

-...- Zeus couldn't help but crack a small smile, for although he is a big pervert, he was still a good god and had a great affection for his children.

Although he was curious about the *boy* who managed to escape from Alfia, he still knew that it wasn't reason enough to change the plans just because of him, but something inside him told him that he had to find that *boy* before anyone else, and as Zeus had always trusted his senses, he decided that this time it wouldn't be different.

Zeus wasn't blind, he knew he wasn't the only one who wanted to *catch* the *boy*, so he resorted to stopping the raid and putting all his children out to find the *boy* to try to find him before anyone else.

Although Zeus didn't know if he was a *unique human*(possessing a unique ability) or some kind of dungeon mutation, hence his great curiosity and haste to find him.

As if realizing he was done with what he had to do here, he turned to leave....

~Scene change, back to Alex~.

(1 hour after the meeting with Fels and Let)

Alex didn't know what to do, at this point he was following Fels and Let to a temporary XENOS shelter to see if he decided to stay with them or walk alone.

So he decided to remember how he ended up here in the first place.

(30 minutes earlier)




There was only silence after Fels finished explaining what he knew about Alex.

-...Are you really a monster? Or are you a user of a unique ability?- asked Fels since depending on Alex's answer, he would decide what to do with him.

-...a monster...- although he had thought about the possibility of having some unique ability, he didn't think that the cause of all this was an ability, and since he appeared in the dungeon instead of somewhere on the surface, he could only think that the dungeon created his body from one of his memories, or that he had literally suddenly appeared in the dungeon with a body that wasn't his own.

He thought the second option was more valid, because if the dungeon had created him, he wouldn't have appeared in the state he was in when he woke up and swallowed one of the monster crystals to see if it made him stronger, only to have a horrible stomach ache for a couple of minutes.

He could only ignore the way he got here and with all that on the table, he could only say that he was a monster....

-That's great, but I don't know what race you are, I mean, you look like a surface person like another, but it's just the appearance, do you have any clue of your race amm...- answers Let but hesitates at the end of the question, as he doesn't know the name of this person.

-...Alexander- he hesitates for a second but answers, -I always thought Alexander was a cool name- thought Alex in his mind.

Let knowing the name of the person said - my name is Let and this person is Mr. Fels, Mr. Alexander, do you know what race he is, or any clue about it?

Alexander as if making up his mind said

-My race is one called vampire- Fels was very confused by Alex's statement, as he had never heard of a race of monsters called *vampire* .

-Are you sure?- Fels couldn't help but ask, but Alex answered again -yes, absolutely- .

Fels decided not to ask any more questions as it seemed he wasn't willing to answer or give any more clues about his race, and he was right, Alex knew that Fels would report everything to Ouranos and although Ouranos was good, he was a great manipulator if needed, so he decided not to divulge information about his race, at least, not easily.

Let as if he had an idea he said -why don't you come with us, the surface people are looking for you and I can introduce you to the others to see if you will join us-.

-...-Fels said nothing and just waited for Alex's answer.

-I don't think that's a good idea-, said Alex with some regret.

Let, not wanting to leave a *companion* asked him the reason and alex replied -Well, it seems that after escaping from Alf.... Silent, several people are looking for me, and they are very dangerous- He was about to mention Alfia but quickly corrected.

Although Alex was really grateful for the offer, he knew that he could put the whole group at risk if he hid with them.

Let wanted to protest but Fels spoke before him -the Xenos are a group of monsters with similar intelligence to yours, if you join them they could hide you-.

Fels also didn't agree with leaving this new type of *Xenos* to their fate, as he knew that the families of Freya, Loki, Hera and Zeus were looking for him, so it would be best if he joined the group, since in any case if they were found they would die, whether they were with him or not....
