
Chapter 16

The car bounced to a stop…Kurt looked across the car at Mike. His partner was curled forward, both hands on his head, face a mask of pain.

“Mike, talk to me.” Kurt ordered. He gripped Mike’s shoulder.

“Hurts so damn bad.” Mike’s tone was raw, close to a whimper.

“Hang tight. The chopper should be here in the next five minutes. They’re supposed to be sending a medic.”

Those minutes ticked by in silence broken only by Mike’s harsh, uneven breathing. Kurt kept a hand on Mike, rubbing his back, hoping the pain would lessen. All the movement, all the jostling and banging around on the stupid ass road must have triggered this, because less than an hour ago Mike had been up, and moving, albeit slow and not terribly steady, but not in the level of agony he showed now.

Please please please let him come through okay.

He finally heard the thudding beat of the approaching helicopter.