
In BNHA as the Butler Hero

Butlers....... Beings that are omnipresent and wish the best for the people they serve...... Meet Seyama Yoshinobu. The soon to be best Butler in the world.

Why_Duece · Acción
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Prologue: A small price to pay for salvation

In an all white space we can see something..... No, SOMEONE sitting on a chair. This unknown being is wearing all white clothing, has a super long beard reaching towards the floor, and is currently looking down at Earth using it's crystal ball. *sigh* "Why is there nothing to do?~ Is this my curse for having such omnipotent power? To sit all day and do nothing? I'm a God for Christs SAKE."

The being said while looking at his crystal ball with boredom. If you haven't caught on already, this being is the god of Earth, and right now, currently, he is indefinitely bored. I mean, if you were a God who did nothing all day but watched the progression of a planet like Earth, wouldn't you also be bored?

'Ahh~ The only reason I still watch this stupid planet is because of the Anime/Manga.' Thinking about these things the being couldn't help but smile. 'With such genres like Adventure, Action, Comedy, and Isekai.....'

Suddenly the god grinned, "Hoooohhh~ My genius..... it's sometimes frightening." He said while the image on the crystal ball turned into a blur.


Walking out of the store with a smile on my face, I stared at the thing in my hands which made me extremely happy, it was a Nintendo Switch. People might say that being happy for such is thing is weird but I spent a lotta money on this. Unlike some people, I'm not granted with a lot of money from birth. I'm not granted with a silver spoon in my mouth like other people. So it made me extremely happy for me to even be able to afford something like this.

Walking Home with a smile on my face, I started to think about how happy I would be when I got home. Suddenly I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard a noise. Looking ahead of me, I saw the cause of the scream. It was a little kid. No older than six or seven. He seems to have ran into the middle of traffic while trying to get his ball that rolled out of his hand.

*HONKKKKKK* Hearing the sound of a something, I turned and saw truck moving at him while.... "IS THAT FUCKING IDIOT SLEEPING WHILE DRIVING!?!?!?" Suddenly I felt like I was having a migraine. Thankfully with this many people here, some was bound to save him.




'WHY HASN'T ANYONE TRIED TO SAVE HIM YET!?!?!?!? NO BETTER YET, WHY IS THAT CHILD JUST SITTING THERE LIKE A DEER IN HEADLIGHTS!?!?!?!?' Feeling like I was about to pop a blood vessel I tried to calm down.

'Anyways, seeing as no one's trying to help him..... should I?' looking one more time at the truck moving closer and closer with nobody seemingly wanting to help, I pushed my way through all the people and reached the front. Seeing the Truck so close to the child I was really wondering if I should save him. After all it was common knowledge of someone really did try to save him, with the truck that close, only one would survive.

*sigh* "I guess I still have a soft spot for kids huh....." I muttered to myself while fixing the Nintendo on my left hand. Then I rushed forward, put my hands out and pushed the child out the way while also pushing the Nintendo to the child too. Giving it to him as I knew I would die right now.

Then I heard flesh hit metal as the truck SLAMMED into me. Completely breaking most of the bones in my body. Coughing blood, I smiled as I saw the kid looking at me, shocked while gripping tightly on the Nintendo Switch. Feeling my eyes going heavy, I felt myself feeling tired.

'So.... this.... is it..... huh? That's absolutely crazy.' I thought to myself while still smiling and seeing black spots appear in my vision. "C-Call an Ambulance and no, it's not for me!!" I heard people yell.


In an all white space is an old man wearing all white. But strangely enough, he wasn't the only thing there. There was also a soul there. The soul was, as you probably guessed it, the man that just died just before.

Confused, the soul looked around at where he was. Then he saw an old man which was sitting down on a chair which oddly looked very comfortable. Seeing the old man, the soul spoke, "Uhm.... you wouldn't mind telling me where I am would you?"

Smiling, the old man spoke, "You're in my domain. As in MY personal domain. Now you might be asking why you're here right? it's because I have chosen you to reincarnate into a world of MY choosing with two gifts." I said while emphasizing the fact that I get to choose the world. After all, I'm a God and he's a mortal.

The soul look on in shock..... "Huh?"