
In Between Time

A 26-year-old girl aiming to become the greatest scientist accidentally travels back in time and turns ten years younger. She meets Alex a boy who possesses dangerous dark magic who has a goal of destroying the world.Will she help him or will she light his dark heart. And what of her? Will she return back to her time and forget about him?

Rie_Gloria · Fantasía
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18 Chs

Chapter 15

Fred listens silently and about half an hour passes.

"So this Alex was like your best friend... and died? I am so sorry you had to go through that. Although I know it won't bring your friend back..."

I remain silent.

"That's why I must go back to save him!" I say determined no one was going to change my mind and I knew my best friend would support my decision or at least I thought so.

"You can't! Interfering with unknown forces and going against nature is not something we should do! Look, Brie I know you're friend died but you can't save him...he was meant to die..."

"Don't even say such a thing! He was not suppose to die..." The tears I was holding back overflow.

"I'm sorry but think about it this way if people could save anyone who died then there would be no reason to for dying. I knew you feel sad but think about what you friend would have wanted. Would he have wanted you to save him?"

I remain quiet.

After some time I say, "I am going home!"

"Actually... your sister sold your apartment for your burial."

"What where is she right now?"I ask worried.

"You won't like it... She is with your parents..."

"Mom and Dad? I'm sorry I have to go..."

"Not in those clothes!"


I'm am taken for shopping and I dress into a navy blue dress.

"Thank you I will refund you later..."I say to Fred who shakes his head.

"No need think of it as a gift." He says smiling.

"Oh thanks again! I have to go. See you later?"

"Are you going to walk there?"

Sure enough my destination was far but I was not going to trouble him again.

"Maybe I should drive you there?"

"Oh... Yeah..." I end up going with him.

We drove silently and when we were about to reach my parents mansion I ask him to stop.

"Here? I could..."

"Fred, really thanks but I can walk from here don't worry I will call you." I say getting out of the car not waiting for his reply.

I walk silently on the ever clean path. I did not believe I was back. After walking for some time I stop. I looked at my parents mansion.

The place I once grew up in. I felt melancholy as I remembered the last time I was there. Breathing heavily I ringed the bell.

Few minutes later the house keeper Nancy, opens the gate. She stares at me in surprise.


I smile at her as she opens the door for me. I walk into the house feeling a sense of nostalgia.

"Brie...?" A familiar voice comes from the center of room.

The woman looked young making her look like my younger sister.

My mom hugged me so tightly that I couldn't breathe.

"Is it really you? Brie?"

Although I hated her part of me could feel her sincerity.

I gently pushed her away and asked firmly. "Where is Marie!"

"As expected of the insolent child," I here the voice of my father and he looks from his newspaper.

"What are you saying honey, Brie is back from the dead can't you be at least glad?" Mom says and I interrupt as she was about to say something else.

"Mom where is Marie?"

"What about me?" Walking in is Marie and a man wearing glasses.

"Marie!"I shout as I embrace her. "Brie...are you a ghost? Of course you are!.." Marie says and sighs.

"No...I am not. I'm real, I came back to find you... walking...how are you walking?"

"Oh Brie it's really you!!" She hugs me even tighter.

"Tell me what happened?"

I glance at her back to the man with Glasses. She notices my curiosity and says " Oh this is my husband, Harry."

I almost choke when I hear the word 'husband'.

"Although it was an arranged marriage I found out that we have a lot in common." She continues as she holds his hands lovingly and smiles.

"Arranged marriage? By who? Dad and mom? I can't believe you!"

"Honey, did you want her to live alone all her life?" Mom walks to us and holds my hands. "And I think it is about time you too..."

I pull out my hands from her and look at her scornfully.

"After what you did!!" I say obviously angered. My parents had sent my sister's twin brother abroad because he had refused to marry the girl they chose for him. With nothing but his luggage he had to survive on his own.

My sister and I decided to cut all ties with them and now not only did they get my sister married but also do they want me to get married to someone I didn't know!

I look at my sister for the last time and stomp out of the mansion hoping to never come back again.