
4: Meeting

Amerie POV

The girls were having a sleepover at my place. This is an avenue for me to pour out my feeling to my friends. I personally invited Betty and Angel for the sleepover.

" Girls, I've an idea, let's watch Complicated by S.J" Betty suggested.

" Amerie, I've been absent from our meetings lately? Why if I may ask?" Angel asked.

" Well girls, I've been working on something"

" What's it about?" Harper asked

" To get Devi out of the way in order to get Paxton's attention" I answered.

" I don't think that's a good idea Amy. Just let it slide, if Paxton truly belongs to you, then his for you and stop killing your self about it" Harper flared.

Harper has been really careful with me since my last relationship. What happened between me and Dusty was terrible and it shouldn't repeat itself. But I got Betty and Angel around who would stop at nothing to advise me wrongly.

" Girl, that's sympathetic, the Amerie I know would walk up to Paxton Monday morning, confess your feelings to him and kiss him hot" Betty said.

" That's my girl, go Amerie let's go"Angel hailed.

" And that's exactly what I'm gonna do, whhooh"

" I warned you girl" Harper said and walked out on us.

We started dancing and singing and rocking.

" I'm girl you love

I'm gonna show you I'm the one

Cause I ... Will fight no sympathy

And I...will fight got enemy"

I started singing with my ñew microphone

Battle line is drawn

DaoistUIvFwocreators' thoughts