
In ben 10 not as ben

mc died and get a chance to be reincarnated in a fantasy world. Mc will have a romantic relationship (maybe with some O. C.)but not with gwen as they will be cousin No harem this is an A. U. there might be some original arcs( no promise) mc will have wishes but no too Overpowered enjoy ( note : I might get bored and quit writing as I am writing because there are too few ben 10 novels)

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chapter 10 : New members

-----2 years later------

Two years old have passed and many things happen in these past two years. But first things first I conquered my fear of heights and second I am gonna be a big brother.

Yes , it happen 4 months ago.


I came home from kushina's house after playing my mom dress was all messy. I didn't think much about it and hugged her that's when I smell the lingering smell of sex. And when inside the living room was all messy and dad have bite marks on has bite marks on his neck. I knew they did the deed so I ask mom with a worried face but an evil smile was inside my head "what happened here the room is a mess , dad have bite mark on his neck and you both stink" They had an embarrassed smile and dad said "nothing we just had a small fight " I clicked my tongue at their perfect safe and asked "why were you fighting".

My dad patted my head and said " You will know when you grow up".

------flashback ends--------

My mom is four months pregnant now. I have seen it's life force and it's a healthy baby. I have also grow a lot in past 2 years.

I opened status

[Name : - Minato Namikaze

Level :26(780/2600exp)

Race : anodite & technopath hybrid

Age: - 7year

Racial Ability: Technopathy



Mana manipulation

Absorbing mana

Mana sight

Anodite transformation(locked)

Magic affinity


Title: Reincarnated one, little one,

Named one, first walk,

Pretty voice, smartest on planet

Skill:- Pain tolerance (6/10) ,


Running (MAX),

language comprehension (MAX),

Mathematics (MAX)

Physic (MAX)

Chemistry (MAX)

Biology (MAX)

Body strength (MAX)

Parallel processing (MAX)

Quick thinking (9/10)

Mana construct (9/10)

Martial art (7/10)

Healing magic (Max) > advanced healing magic (3/10)

Fire magic (9/10)

Water magic (Max)

Ice magic (5/10)

Lighting magic (Max)

Electromagnetic magic (1/10)

Earth magic (Max)

Metal magic (6/10)

Wind magic (Max)

Storm magic (3/10)

Magic field (Max)

Magic pressure (4/10)

Enhancement magic (9/10)

Mind magic (Max)

Soul magic (1/10)

Template: Tony Stark(29%)

Tai lung (24%)


Strength: - 112

Agility: - 135

Dexterity: -287

Endurance:- 174

Intelligence:- 3868

Mana:- 968

Charm:-56(Bonus points can't be added)

Luck:-36(Bonus points can't be added)

Bonus points:- 362]

I have discovered that if a few magic are maxed out evolve into higher state.

And a few after it maxed out and combined with other magic.

I have launched many games under the 'yellow flash production' and earned a shit ton of money and I have begged my parents to buy me the house two blocks away so I can use it as a base of operation .

After I gained metal magic I have been able to generate various types of metal but I haven't been able to generate vibranium Or badassium.

In my new work station I made a server room and I arc reactor for one of Ironman best invention 'Just a rather very intelligent system'or 'J. A. R.V. I. S.' for short .

I started writing programs it took me 5 months to make Jarvis a fully functional AI and this Jarvis is equal to the Friday AI in infinity war.

I was fulfilled by Jarvis creation and I made a smart watch to connect to Jarvis. Jarvis now access to my bank account and I made it connect to both my home and work station.

When I showed Jarvis to my parents my mother was impressed by Jarvis but my dad was shocked and told me and my mother that Jarvis was a level 14 A. I. and told me when he was young he also tried to make also tried to make A. I. But it was only level 8 .

I understood what kind of genius are out there in space as I recalled Omnitrix was a level 20 device and there were many people smarter than tony Stark in this world. Azmuth, Albido and Dr Psychobos in ben 10 all were smarter than Tony. Techadon armor were stronger than many of tony basic suit. I need atleast bleeding edge armor to fight those. I need to quickly complete my quest to get nanobots printer.


[I AM IRONMAN:- Become a

Genius (1/1)

Playboy(1/2) (sleep with two women)

Billionaire (0/1)

Philanthropist (1/2) (donate money and research)

Reward: Nanobot printer, a random special skill card, Force field blue print, 2000exp]

The rate at which my funds are growing I should become a billionaire by next year. And I should share some of Bruce banners gamma radiation research to public under my father's name.

I already completed my anodite training so I can fully focus on Martial arts as I may be small but my physical powers surpassed any adult human being as average human stats are around 10-15 and a trained professionals are about 35-40 .

But for superpower their base line is 20-25 as 7 years old and it will grow higher. I was second strongest physical as happy was the first his physical stats 1.5 times mine but I can overpower him if I use mana.

Today my parents called me and said that I will stay at Gwen's house for a couple of week as mom has to stay in hospital and dad will be busy in work. To which I happily agree sure I won't be able to make some tech but I will be able to complete playboy conditions for Ironman quest.

I went to school and meet my friends classes went like normal and the normal is boring a always tried to make a proper extrimis formula for both human and superhuman consumption but I was only able to make one safe for humans. It gives you healing factor,

superhuman body and fire powers (upto 3000°C) which I planned to give grandpa Max on summer trip. I won't give it to ben as he is a hot-headed child and cause some problems.

At lunch break kushina spoke up as Nathan was absent "we have to do something about Nathan. He has been very depressed lately "

"After his dad left bro has been very depressed" Chris said.

We all looked at him and said "thanks for telling us about it we totally forgot about it" We told him sarcastically. "Your welcome" the idiot said.

We ignored him and I asked "what does he like do we have any clues" "His brother"

"His brother""His brother""His brother" They all said simultaneously. My dude was a serious brocon.

Then I said "other than his brother" They thinks happy and kushina said "cold drink"

"Music" Respectively. Man is serious drinker

we have to stop him from becoming an alcoholic.

"Music we can work with that " Cooper said I almost forgot this dude was here. "So we take him to music festival " Happy said.

"That's a temporary solution , we have tried many things in past all of them were temporary " Cooper said . Then I said "how about we force him to learn playing an instrument and give him hobby"

Chris said " No,he will quit it quick if no one is their to watch him". Then kushina said "how about we make a band ".

Except happy everyone liked the idea as I wanted to revive some of the music of my old world and recreate some masterpiece anime like death note, code geass , naruto and attack on titans.

We were discussion about the creation of our band when suddenly Emily the mind read daddy's princess joined us and said "You guys are making a band I want in"