
In Author's POV with Gojo's power (on hold)

Reincarnated in Author's POV.Mc will have looks and power of THE GOJO SATORU with some twist.Mc has not read much of Author's POV. MC will be calm and collected.He will also be abit anti social at the start. His character will be kind of like jjk gojo as it is easy to portray it then to create completely new character. He will still have some differences than orginal gojo. Post will not be regular as I have just started drawing the outline of the fic(without drawing anything) It is a fair warning to all that Gojo won't be as overpowered as the Gojo of jjk atleast in the department of infinity. I don't own anything except my oc.

Inspiron_123 · Cómic
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37 Chs

Chapter 3

The black market.

The place that resembled the demon world the most in the human domain.

A world separate from where laws and morals exist, and the only place where Villains and Heroes could co-exist.

That was where I was currently at.

Taking the air train all the way to the outer edge of Lewington city, I quickly dropped off on the second last stop and headed towards an obscure location.

Making sure the mask I was wearing was tightly secured, I found myself in front of a large metal door.

When entering the black market, wearing a mask was compulsory so that each guest could keep their identity hidden.

On the off-chance that government agents managed to infiltrate the black market, they wouldn't be able to track you down. Not that government would do it as black market is very useful for them.

-Bam! -Bam! -Bam!

Knocking on the door three times, I patiently waited.


Shortly after, two burly individuals wearing neat suits emerged from behind the door and scanned my body a couple of times.

"Hmm~, they both are C-ranked."

I thought while inspecting there rank which i was easily able to tell without the usage of six eyes as they were not even trying to hide most probably to intimated me.

Turning his head towards the individual to the left, the burly individual on the right nodded and spoke with a deep voice.

"What might you be here for?"

"I heard from a passing bird that you were looking for volunteers"

"We are indeed looking for a volunteer, which job are you looking to volunteer for?"

"I heard that you guys needed someone to paint your walls"

"We only have four paints, blue, black, pink and white. Which one do you think would be the most adequate for our walls?"

"Although I may have not seen what you needed to paint, I believe blue would look best in anything."

Turning their faces to face each other, the two burly individuals nodded to each other and signaled for me to enter.

Without saying anything, I followed the two of them along a dark and narrow passage with stride that were showing my confidence.

There were two ways for an individual to enter the black market.

One was through a recommendation letter given by a higher-up in the black market, or two by knowing the secret code.

I was entering through the use of latter.

Being the central hub for both Heroes and Villains, vital information could be gathered from information brokers which could, in turn, help government agents pry into some of the villain's plans.

Information brokers were essentially individuals or an organization which specialized in sharing information for a price.

Depending on the type of information, the higher the price for the information.

How would black market define higher price for the information?

That was through there background or there own strength.

That is in the most of the cases cause they would also take the type of person into consideration while government would not want to destroy black market, but it did not mean that incase it was required they would not sacrifice it.

If something that can cause them to loose there power appears then if they can gain power back with the sacrifice of black market, they would do it without any second thought.

(A/N: I am talking about political power not physical power for example if government were to start losing political power due to the Loss of there reputation then they would sacrifice black market to gain there authority back.)

It was like in my previous world just more extreme then it.

Moving on from that, Higher ups of black market knew they were not in ture danger till they make sure UNION is not in dager.

Which is why they would sell the information regarding various activities of people with the intention of harming UNION while asking for some money ofcourse.

But while they would sell any information provided they get enough money, they i repeat would never try to get on the bad side of someone strong or with the prospect of being strong figure in future within government authorities.

Which means if i play my cards right my future action being reported to UNION will decrease alot.

I am going to gain a huge reputation within couple of months and the act of arrogance is first way to establish myself as future hot shot.

Dealing with strong but arrogant people is really hard even for organization like black market cause while they do have strong fire power they don't have enough of it.

There are no really strong figure guarding them right now which in the future might change.(foreshadowing)

I had all these thoughts with few seconds and as i stoped my monologue, we reached our destination with couple of minutes.

(A/N: six eyes makes it so that one second in real world would feel like a minute for six eyes user. Which makes infinity more overpowered cause unless someone is sixty times faster than serious Gojo they can't touch him.)

"We're here"


Opening a similarly large metal door to the one at the entrance, the two burly men stepped aside and allowed me to get a clear view of what was behind the door.

How should I describe this?

It was a completely different scene than what someone would've expected when hearing the word 'black market'

When you imaged how a black market would be, you would instantly think of words like 'filthy', 'dangerous', 'dirty', or anything that was synonymous with 'unpleasant'.

However, expectations and reality often do mix up, and this black market looked exactly like a night market.

Vendors who were selling their goods in their respective stalls were neatly lined up in rows that I could see no end of.

While no-one was releasing there pressure it looked as if everyone was ready to kill each others atleast the sellers looked like it.

A huge opening appeared on the ceiling allowing the moonlight to penetrate the market, enveloping the atmosphere of the market to be extremely tense. That was to be expected though as they was the weakest black-market out there.

The lights from the lamps barely illuminated to roads, which was barely enough for a clear view of the goods in the market.

It was probably the worst-looking black market you could find out there.

Against the popular beliefs all the black market were independent in there own way.

While the outlook of all the black market looks the same it doesn't mean that they are branches of each other.

That would make them way too strong for UNION to leave alone.

Walking along the road and passing by the numerous stalls, I could see a wide variety of products being sold.

From potions to artifacts, all sorts of products were being displayed.

But i moved while ignoring all those products.

Right now I had a goal to accomplish.

Making my way towards a secluded spot in the black market, I quickly went towards a rather inconspicuous-looking wooden bench and sat down.

Sitting there with my head down, I patiently waited for five minutes.

Precisely after five minutes had passed, a black hooded individual sat next to me, to which I nodded my head without turning it.

"How may we the {soul reaper} be of service to you?"

"Heh, i am here to get a mercenaries card."

With a voice filled with arrogance, I replied to him.

"What are the requirements of the card"

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _SCENE BREAK _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


Mercenary corp name : Caïssa

Grade : [I] [II] [✓III] [IV] [V]

Members : 5



I couldn't help but let a grin sprout in my face as i thought about the reaction of Ren when he finds out that the name he came up with has already been registered and it's name is already patent.

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