
In ATG with Qilin Bloodline

Our Protagonist Qi Feng was an average person. One day he was crossing the road as normal as possible however fate has already decided something on his behalf. --------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------- Don't expect regular updates. Once or Twice a week. English is my second language so except for some grammar mistakes. -------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer: I do not own any characters I used in this fanfic except my OC. All the source materials I will use in this belong to their respective owner.

5thPleiades · Cómic
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8 Chs

Death And Rebirth

Talks: "Hi!"

Thoughts: 'Thank you.'

Mental Conversation: (Watch this.)



In the outer part of the multiverse, there is nothing but darkness. As if Void itself is there.

Even though there is darkness, there will be always light as well. In the middle of the darkness, there is a tiny piece of light bub. If we look closely it resembles a human body.

That's right the light bub is our protagonist.

(POV Change)


'Huh, where am I ?! Who am I ?!' The moment I opened my eyes all I can see is nothing but darkness. Suddenly my brain gets thousand of images. These are the memories of the person named Qi Feng, in other words, me. Looks like my name is Qi Feng and I was just a normal guy. I was born into a normal family, a normal school, and normal grades.

I didn't have so many hobbies, I had only two. Those were watching anime and reading fanfics.

Suddenly a portal-looking thing opened right in front of me. A creature popped up inside the portal. I can't tell if it's a male or a female because it has fucking stars inside of it. The creature looked at me like I was an ant to him and said with a gentle yet powerful male voice.

"Heh, how interesting. A human that can survive The Primordial Darkness. Hmmm..."

'What does he mean by Primordial Darkness? Please someone explain to me!?!' As I was having an internal crisis, God(?) laughed and said: "Calm down, boy." In the middle of my internal crisis, something forcefully calmed me down and put down my focus on God(?).

"Listen, boy, you're dead BUT! Don't worry, I will explain everything."



'Hah, life is soooo boring.' As always I was returning home from school. I promised my friends we will play games but I'm too tired to do anything. I will probably just dive into my bed and sleep. While I was having my internal monologue sound of a horn reached my ears.


When I looked at the source of the horn, I saw truck-Kun about to squash into the little boy in the middle of the road that playing with his brick-looking toys. Everyone was shouting to the boy including me.

"Someone help the little one!!!"

"Ahhhh help him!!!!!"

But nobody was helping him again including me too.

Boy mother was on the verge of tears as she was running towards him and shouting terribly: "Help my baby boy, someone please! I beg you he is my son, MY only son!" Seeing that no one was going to help her even I felt bad for her but I wasn't going to help a stranger. I know I'm a scum don't need to tell me. But sorry I value my life a lot.

This time the boy's mother I presume began shouting to her son: "Lin Fan! My boy steps aside, please. Mommy is going to rescue you." When the boy heard his mother he looks behind his back and saw a truck. Then he screams: " Ahhh Mommy?!?".

However in the next second what nobody except happened. Truck-kun suddenly changes where he's going and drive towards the footpath. Also where I am at the moment.

'Nani the fuck!?! Why is truck-kun coming to me!? Shit, why can't you just silently Isekaid the boy!' During my monologue, I also began to run. But truck-kun was already 2 m behind me.





Unimaginable pain corrupted my mind, my consciousness was leaving my body.

'Ahh, What a terrible life mine was. I can only hope my next life will be thrilling..'

(Flashback End)


"And that's how you die, any question?" God(?) finished his explanation. And I felt lost of course. What I'm gonna do now? What will happen to me? I don't want to spend my time here...

"Do not be a downcast human boy. Rejoice, I will give you a second chance." God(?) said trying to motivate me.

"Second chance? Do you mean reincarnation? Like the FanFictions I read?"

"Yes, reincarnation."

"But there has to be price in this right, after all nothing is free." I said. Because I doubt he would give something like a second chance for free. Of course, I don't have anything valuable on me.

"HAHAHA, ABSOLUTELY this isn't free. Though all you have to do is entertain me."

"Entertain you? What kind of entertainment are we talking about here?"

"Nothing serious you know, you can just live your life normally and I will watch you."

"Okay.. That's weird nevertheless thank you for this chance." I said with gratitude in my voice and bow to him. Literally, he just gave a second chance in life. Of course, I would be in his debt. Come to think of it I didn't ask his name.

"May I know your name?"

"HaHa Right, you don't know my name. My name is Eldur, The Primordial God of Stars. There are three primordial gods and I am one of them." Now Eldur spoke with pride visible in his voice.

"Three Primordials? Can you tell me the names of the others?" I asked curiously.

"I can't"





"Sigh... Okay, you don't have to tell me. Next question how will you reincarnate me?" I sighed and asked him. Like, if he doesn't want to tell me then so be it.

"This will be classic reincarnation. I will give you two wishes and you will choose where to reincarnates"

"Hmmm, Two wishes heh. Okay, let's start."

"Won't you question me about your parents?" Eldur asked me. He probably thinks I'm your everyday guy.

"HMMP! Why should I care about them when they're the one disowned me the moment they learned I was infertile." I said. Anger was boiling inside my chest. The more I remember them more I became furious.

"Damn man sucks to be you."

When he said that I looked at him intensely.

*Stares Intensely*

Despite that, we broke out laughing the next second.

"Okay let's be serious. Now tell me your wish." He spoke seriously. I know the moment came, the moment for my next chance. But he began to smile teasingly and said: "Let me guess you will wish something like dragon bloodline right? HAHAHA."

"Ugh. Fuck dragon bloodline. I refuse."

"Huh, What you mean ' I refuse.'?"

"I refuse to wish something like "Primordial Ancient Heavenly Chaos Void Fate All-Master Dragon God" bloodline. I'm sick of them. Fuck dragons, I choose to be Qilin. I think Qilin is more awesome.

Eldur smile became wide and shout excitedly: "YES YES! What I was waiting for is this. Now tell me your wish."

"Alright, first of all, I want to reincarnate into the Against The Gods Universe. My first wish is to have The Primordial Ice Qilin bloodline, bone marrow and soul. My second wish is to be born as the crown prince of the Qilin King Realm of the Western Region."

"Hoho. These are nice wishes. First is a bit problem but nothing I can't solve. Now I will send you there, are you ready??."


"Here You Go!"

Here I Come Primal Chaos Dimension!

Sorry for the long prologue. This is my first writing experience, so please go easy on me.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

5thPleiadescreators' thoughts