
In Another Worlds With Electric Trucks

What happens if a modern post apocalypse cargo truck driver in 22 centuries getting transported to another worlds with his trucks? Join the adventures of Jeff who will explores the new worlds that he get transported to. He had no cheats no OP absurds skills from gods. But he has his truck with newest tech in 22 centuries. Join his adventures and survivals on his new realistic but still fantasy-like worlds. Warning : Kinda Mature Content. The MC are working adult who occasionally kills peoples when doing his jobs.

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We human understood that human civilization begin when we write our story.

Even with no words, we try to convey what we see or what we think through painting.

With a stone, we begin to express our though by scraching the wall of a cave.

Making a pattern and preserve the story that happen more than 44.000 years ago.

Allowing our descendant to imagine and interpreting what happen that time.

Times flew by, century after century passed. And us humans, became the rulers of the earth. No other species can win against us.

Our spears is sharper than any tigers fangs, and our group stronger than any elephant. We fought and kill other species and decide wich to exist or extinct.

When we strive and no other species can threaten us anymore, we fought our own brethen.

Looking for a reason as small as insult to kill the other. Branding them as savages and kill their family to show them our superiority and stroking our ego.

Competing to conquers and belitte the losers as we write our lore.

Using our minds and resource that we loot from nature, we do our best to create a tool that excel in killing.

From a sticks to a spears then become bows and bows become guns, we always tries to improvises our tools on our games of killing called wars.

And even created little games break time called peace.

When our biggest games that all of us called world war 2 became 'a little bit' too much.

We agree to make 'peace' happen. Those 'peace' time allow us to rest and prepare for the next big games.

As times goes on some of us hate the idea of the big world war and prefer smaller war instead.

And a lot of us think that the 'big games' would never happens.

When we use our 'peace' time to improvise our killing tools, we also creates other tools for a games called 'space explorations'.

We decide that earth are already too small when we found the 'space'. We want to seeks other earth to conquers.

But those 'space exploration' games ended when we decides to start our third big game 'world war 3' in years 2064.

World War 3 ended after we declare a 'peace' again in 2078. This time we broke our record of destroying other species and habitats.

The damages were so severe that make it very hard to send a plane to the sky, let alone a spaceships.

And now we rest and wait to enjoy our 'peace time' with smaller game again until we are ready for our new big game.

On our 'peace' time like right now, we always tell our descendant about how scary the war is and how we should always keep this peace forever.

Even though we knew that war is our nature and sooner or later it will happen again. Even now when i write this diary on my tablet there is still war going on somewhere.

I know that my time is coming soon and this letter that i write are just a 112 years old man rambling.

But i still hope all the knowledge in my journal and diary that i leave will help humanity. I still believe that somedays humanity will change or extinc while trying.

-James Robert, 20 June 2090

On a strange and unkown worlds, both of us browse through the content of a small memory chips that we opened from one of our package that we have to deliver.

It's been 1 month since our truck stranded in this other worlds. We meet the local and learn about their language,their worlds,and monster that terrorize them.

We decide to open the cargo that we are not supposed to open to make sure our live are safe.

In this earthlike pre-modern era, we decide to begin our new life and leaving our former dying world behind.