
In Another Worlds With Electric Trucks

What happens if a modern post apocalypse cargo truck driver in 22 centuries getting transported to another worlds with his trucks? Join the adventures of Jeff who will explores the new worlds that he get transported to. He had no cheats no OP absurds skills from gods. But he has his truck with newest tech in 22 centuries. Join his adventures and survivals on his new realistic but still fantasy-like worlds. Warning : Kinda Mature Content. The MC are working adult who occasionally kills peoples when doing his jobs.

RokuN · Fantasía
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22 Chs


" You all can see what happens if you try to play around with your words. Now let's start from the beginning again." I said to the other 6 that are still conscious.

"Zirko, open the next one." I ask Zirko while pointing at the seconds one that are tied besides the first. This one are different than the rest. His eyes looking at me furiously rather than scared.

He started shouting and seems to be cursing at me the moment Zirko opened his gag.

"****** **** I'll Kill You!!! ***** **** Barbarian ****!!!! I WIll Feed Your **** *****...!!!! I'll....." He cursing with a words that i dont understand and learn yet but his intentions were clear as a day.

I grab the spears that are carried by Sa'am and thrust it pointy head into his left chest. I thrust it until 3/4 of it head implanted insides him. A short gagged groans comes out of his mouth the moment a spear head planted inside his chest. His body went limp shortly.

"Like i said, I dont have time for any foolish answers. Are my face not serious enough...?" I said it calmly while slowly pull the spears that are still stabbing the second bandits chest away.

" Come on brother, you should just answer him honestly the moment your friends hand are gone." Mr.Atli chimmed in.

"Next." I said while looking at Zirko. He begin removing the gag from the third bandit that look very terrified and pale after seeing his friend bodies get impaled. To be honest, all of them now looks too terrified after witnessing their friend get stabbed to death. The third one didn't say a word after his gag was taken off.

"Alright let's start again. How much your actual friends out there." I begin to ask the third bandits.

"I....p..please dont kill me....." He said with trembling voices.

"I will if you not started talking now." i said short.

"I....more than 100... i dont know the exact number.....b...but there is more than 100 of us attacking that villages."

"Haaaaah..." I let out a long sigh. The third bandit become restless and screams in fear a little bit when he heard it.

"You're not very smart arent you? but, i can still accept your answer for now. Sa'am give him a cup of tea." I said and ordered Sa'am to pour the tea that i already prepared for this plan.

I use a rewards and punishment in this interrogations. Wich i give to them for whether or not they are willing to cooperates.

I will give them food and drinks if they cooperates and answers honestly and torture or just kills them otherwise. So it's very important to give them the example of the outcomes from their answers.

Of course i plan to kill them all in the end, but not todays at least.

"Alright let's move on next, Zirko." I said to Zirko to release the gag in the forth bandits mouth while Sa'am give the third bandits drink the cold tea. the forth one also looks scared and did not said a words like the third.

"I actually dont want to said it, but i am feeling generous todays. So listen all of you." I started talking toward the other 5 that are still conscious.

"There is a reward that i will give according how goods your answers for my questions." I look at Mr.Atli after i talk. He then proceed to walk and grab the tray that are filled with breads just 10 meters from us. All of them cant see it because the night are very dark.

"Look at what i got for you. There is plain breads and breads that are filled with pickles and dried meats." I said while pointing my hand to the tray that Mr.Atli bring.

"Depending from your answer. You'll get either the delicious breads or plain breads for your meals todays. You might also only get tea or get killed like your friend if you try to play a words with me." I explains.

"I am a man who keeps my words but if you dont believe me, that's okay." I said while looking at those five. I can see that they are a little bit more relaxed after hearing what i said and seeing the tray filled with breads. Their eyes are fixated on it.

"Alright, let's starts brown hairs." I switch my attentions to the forth bandits. My voices distracted him from looking at the breads tray. He looks more calm right now.

"How much your actual number out there? You might get bread or dead, so answer carefully." I said while look him in the eyes.

"Our actual numbers are more than 300. I dont know the exact of it though." He answered short. His voices are a little bit nervous.

"Smart guy, you deserve a tea. Tell me more and you deserve a breads." I said to him. He is a young man that look cunning but naive at the same times. His inexperiences are something that i can exploits.

"I.... i will tell you all i knows..!!! But... if you promise to release me." said the brown haired bandits.

"What...!!! How dare you Dagan...!!!" Shout the third bandits.

"Hey, You're not to talk yet. Zirko, Gag him." I said to the third bandits who shout angrily to the fourth bandits that he calls Dagan. Zirko then gag the third bandits again shortly.

"So, Dagan was it? What kind of informations that can you give? i can't promise to release you if i dont know of what you knows." I said to him with negotiable tone.

"I will tell you everyhing that i knows from our groups name to how we usually works. Said Dagan with a clear tone. He looks happy when he see me interested with his offers while the other 4 bandits looked angrily at his turncoat friends.

"Hmph, alright then. I promise to release you if you give me all the informations that you knows. I will only release you and only if i satisfied with your informations though, so tell me everything." I tell him my promises.

"What..? But you said that you wont release any of them...? Said Mr.Bird to represent the other caravans guards that are also confused.

It didn't supposed to go like this from what i tell to them. But, Mr.Bird are very clever to choose his words carefully as he is aware that i had something on my minds.

"I never expect to be like this but, isn't it simpler to gain all of the informations from a persons who willing to safe his own skins? Of course i will kill him if i think he lied or plotting something." I said to Mr.Bird.

"I Will Never Do That..!!! I just wanna go home.... i have family to take care of." Dagan cut in while shouting that change with pitiful tone after. He made all of the caravan guards a little bit sympathetic, not me though.

"I....i promise to never walk this path again." He adds.

"Then, you better tell me something useful. Otherwise, I'll cancel it." I said. This is actually the situations that i really want to happen. Catching a stupids and shameless enemies who only care about himself.

Dagan then began to tell everything about his bandits gangs. They're pretty famous groups called 'The Gurr'. He tells us all about how the groups works, where their hideout located and how their leaders works as a team.

The interrogations last for 1 hours and we surprisingly gather a lot more than we hoped for. I secretly recorded everyting with my phone so i can play it anytimes.

"So i think that is all the informations that i knows." Said Dagan to end his testimony.

"Yeah i can accept it. All the informations that you said are useful,thank you." I said while smiling to him as i get up with a spears still on my hand. He smile back at me happily when i said that.


a sounds of a spears that penetrates the flesh from the body echoed a second after i finish my words. Yeah, i just stabbed Dagan chest just like i did with the nameless second bandits.

Everyone, both the captured bandits and the capturers look very surprised when i did that. Mr.Bird gawking his jaw as the thing happening so fast and unexpected.

"Wh....Ack...." Dagan tried to say something but chough and went limp before he can finish it.

"W...what are you doing...!!?" Ask Mr.Bird after he gain his conscious back after that surprise.

"I never make a deal with bandits. Honourless mens like them only deserve honourless promises." I said my reasons to him.

"Especially someone as selfish as him, who abandoned and sell their groups to save his own skins. I despise him the most." I adds.

"And there is also a chances that he will seeks helps to his groups if i really releasing him." I said my second reasons.

Mr.Bird look a little disagree about my point of views but decides to not say anything.

After that, i talk about the current new plans as it's strayed from the first to all of them. After the new plans was settled, We drag both the live and dead bandits back after feeding the one that are alive a plain breads.

Without other peoples in the group noticing that 2 of the bandits are dead, we continues the guards duty until the next shift.