

"khyaaa!!!!" I heard an ear breaking sound "Uncle!! the boar is chasing me!!! help!!!" yes that sound came from my beloved niece Suzuki Hina.

Earlier this day Hina and I went to the Inn receptionist to ask where the adventurers guild was located.

The guild was just 10 meters away from the Inn, when we entered the guild we saw so many armed people.

The counter was just right in front of the guilds door and on the right side of the counter was a Quest board where most adventurers are at.

Hina and I approached to the counter and "Welcome! oh I havent seen you here are you perhaps foriegners?" the one who talked was a girl with small hazel eyes, long thick black hair, pale lips and pointy ears, yes it was another Elf.

"Ah yes" wow she knew with just looking? "we would like to register as adventurers please" no use for introductions I'm pretty sure they are gonna make us write our personal data anyway.

"Is that so? well then please wait for a moment" the elf receptionist started walking towards the door at the left side of the counter that says "personel's only".

After a few seconds the receptionist came back with two papers and an orb on each of her hands.

"Well then please fill in the papers specified information" you see! you always need to write personal data when you register.

I tried looking at the papers I can somehow understand the meanings but I dont know how to write in this world because there writing system is different.

"Ah um Sorry but we cant write youre way of writing so" I told the receptionist we cant write there way of writing.

"hm? oh right youre foriegners um you can just write in youre own language" we can? "are you sure?".

"Yes sir, dont worry we can just use magic to confirm the language and translate it."

"Okay if you say so, Hina fill in the needed information dont worry about how you write it, they say its okay to write in our own langauge." I handed over one copy of the paper to Hina and we started filling in the blanks.

Without even reaching 2 minutes me and Hina already finished and handed it over to the receptionist.

The receptionist seems to be shocked upon seeing our papers (did we put something wrong?).

"Heroes-sama may I ask why youre here?" (eh? Hero's who us?) confused I started pointing to me and Hina saying "Who us?".

"oh Hero-sama dont joke around, both of you wrote youre names on youre own language right?".

"Yeah but were not heroes" what does writing has to do with this?

"No no, only heroes can write in this kind of way no-one else instead of the heroes can write this, and the fact that both of you wrote your data in this kind of way, means both of you are heroes"

Only heroes? but this language came from our previous world and with only heroes can only write this way means they also came from the previous world right?

"No you got the wrong idea, somebody only thought us how to write in this kind of way" I tried to denie the receptionists statement.

"Please Hero-sama stop joking already, even if that was true youre hand should be burning right now." (huh? burning?) the receptionist said something odd.

"There is a reason why only heroes can write this way, its because if a normal person started to write in the language of heroes, their hands burns all of a sudden."

What the hell? so the only people who can write this way is the ones who came from the previous world or the so called hereos?

"Ahh we got found, I give up" for now lets just go with the flow.

"But really though we need to register as adventurers" I mean thats what we came here for.

"Can you wait for me for a moment Heroes-sama's?" stop with the honorifics already!

"Yeah but can you please drop the honorifi--" without waiting to finish my sentence the receptionist dashed to the door on the left.

After a couple of seconds a man came out the door he was tall and has dark colored skin, brown eyes and has a sturdy body build.

"Nice to meet you Hero Shino and Hero Hina"

"Nice to meet you to I am-- wait you can read our writing?" well it is possible but.

"Yes of course, every guildmaster on every country is required to learn the heroes language"

Well that answers so his the guild master huh?

"Umm about our registration?" come on how long are we gonna wait.

"ah right here you go" the guild master then gave us silver colored cards but somethings wrong here.

"uhm I'm not an expert but I'm pretty sure a silver card is a high ranked card" just like how a sliver coin is higher than a copper coin, a silver card is high ranked right?

"yes it is Hero Shino" just as I thought so "Why? we just registered ourselves earlier."

"being proven as a hero already puts you to the silver rank even though you just started" okay so just being able to write in our worlds language without youre hand suddenly burning to flames warrants you to become a silver rank huh.

"Oh and Hero-sama we have a quest for you, will you accept it?" the guild master seem to be desperate here asking newly registered to accept a quest.

"You see a magical beast type: Boar, has been terrorizing the nearby villages lately and all of our high ranked adventurers are away to complete other quests" just as I thought his desperate to stop something.

"So youre asking us to defeat the Boar?"

"Yes that is correct Hero-sama" well there is no way around this so. "Okay we will accept it"


And thats how we arrived on our current situation where Hina is currently being chased by a giant Boar.

"Uncle help!!!!!" to tell you the truth we are having a hard time here, I couldnt make any decent weapons becuase I need magic to add effects on the weapon all I can do is increase the damage and sharpness of the weapon.

And it seems the giant boar was immune to physical attacks due to its thick and hard skin and fur and that simply means that were screwed.

The only thing that we can use without it getting destroyed is our shield that has max durability, why cant I use magic.

"Uncle!!!!" I think Hina is about to cry, I'll have to help her out.

"Hina run towards me lure that boar towards me quick" without even any complain Hina quickly made a 180 degrees turn towards me.

(okay here goes nothing!) as Hina passed me the boar started targeting me and ran on a incredible speed.

I raised my shield to cover my chest and took a stance to brace for impact.


The boar that just hit my shield and stopped for a moment. But this is the moment to execute my plan.

I grabbed the boar's furr and looked at the sky, I activated the targeting mode of TELERPORT as soon as the range went to its maximum, I TELEPORTED 2 KM above and another 2 km I kept teleporting until I reached around 2,000 km in the sky with the giant boar.

"Lets see if this boar can withstand a 2,000 km drop"

I let go of the boar's furr to let it fall and I used TELEPORT to quickly reach the ground with maybe a minor injuries.

I reached the ground safely, I tried to checked the soroundings to be sure nobody is around instead of me and Hina "Okay nobody is here".

"Hina hold my hand quick" I have to shout loudly because where almost out of time "Y-yes".

As soon as Hina grabbed my hand we teleported to a nearby hill, as we reached the top of the hill we could see a black dot falling from the sky and within a couple of seconds--------********BOOM-CRASH******---- the black dot crashed to the ground and a crater appeared on where it crashed that was the location where Hina and I were previously at.

I tried to look closer from the hill to the crashed boar-- "Its dead but just to be sure" after saying that I activated RECALL and the large body of the boar disappeared from the ground and appeared again at the sky to where we saw it when we arrived at the top of the hill.


"YUP its dead alright" ha it worked my plan worked.

"Um Uncle I know were supposed to kill the giant boar but thats way to cruel" Hina said with a small voice I know its a bit cruel but.

"Hina the boar tried to kill you and planned to eat you, it has to be prepared of the concequences for it to be killed next, there's an old saying: if you kill you have to be ready to be killed".

"Now wait here I'll get the boars body"

After telling Hina to wait I used TELEPORT to get closer to the giant dead body but what I saw was its insides splatterd on the ground, blood covering the whole crater and the giant body of what once was a boar is now like a big lump of rug.

I dont want to get any closer but we need evidence that we really defeated the boar.

I covered my nose and approached the dead body I touched it and stored it to my Inventory with my INVENTORY skill and quickly returned to the hill.

"Okay Hina hold my hand again where going back to the guild"

We arrived at the guild and suprisingly there were more people around but I dont care about that.

As we approached the counter I heard another familiar scream "KYHAAA!!!" and it was followed by a voice "Oh what a nice ass you got there lady" (wait what did that guy say?)

I looked at the back and saw one big guy gropin my Niece's butt while making a disgusting face.

"Hina just kick his balls and I mean it literally" after saying that to Hina, she quickly turned around and kicked the guy's balls from below with all her might.

(Oh I just remembered Hina still has that monstrous strength) ---Crack---Boom--Crash---the guy flew outside and crashed.

"Y-y-you BITCH HOW DARE YOU!!!!" he was shouting loudly while running towards Hina while holding a sword, everybody around was afraid and distanced themselves from us.

(This is getting nowhere) I walked in front of Hina to cover her.

"GET OUT OF THE WAY OR YOU WILL GET SLICED WITH THAT BITCH!!!" the guy was shouting so loud I think my ears will break.

The guy reached us and he started raising his big sword and said something that seems to be a skill name


I quickly raised my sheild to catch the sword

"HA HA THERE'S NO WAY YOU CAN BLOCK MY MEGA SLASH" I didnt listen to him because I know I can block it because my shield has maximum durability and defense it might look like a low leveled shield but as they say 'Dont judge the book by its cover'.


"WHAT!!? IMPOSSIBLE!!!" I caught the sword with my sheild and his sword started cracking while my shield was spotlessly clean not even a mark of his sword.

I raised a smile under the shield and said

"As I RECALL you got kicked on the balls and because of the power of the kick you flew outside am I correct?" (heh say good bye to youre future family big guy).

"Y-yeah SO WHAT HUH!!" the guy confirmed my recollection and-----Crack---Boom--Crash---he crashed outside again, only this time he didnt come back to attack us.

The receptionist seem to have finally noticed the commotion she started running towards Hina and me and quickly bowed and screamed "WE ARE REALLY VERY SORRY HEROES-SAMA FOR NOT STOPPING THE FIGHT!!".

I think all people inside the guild heard her apoligize because people started talking "there hero's? no wonder they beat Fueg just like that." "man Fueg really messed up this time" "thats what he gets for groping a hero" (huh so the big guy's name was Fueg huh)

The receptionist is still bowing really low I'm concerned her back looks like its gonna break.

"Its alright you were not mad right Hina?" I looked at Hina and she just said "hmp" wow she is mad!

"we are really sorry abou--" ahh!!! she's bowing even low now! "Stop!! you can raise youre head now were not mad really!!"

"really?" the receptionist started raising her head again, I could hear bones crackling.

"So about the quest did you complete it?" she went to business again "yes and about and about the evidence I think we need to take it outside" I mean its way to big.

"its okay just take it out inside" well if she says so, I opened my inventory and picked the boars body and select drop.

As soon as I clicked drop lights started shining above us and ----Crash----- A massive rug like structure appeared "ahhhhhh!!!!!" I heard a girlish scream that came from one of the advemturers around us.

"I-is this really the Giant boar?"


"P-please wait for a minute I need to analyze the corpse"

the receptionist walked closer to the dead body.


"I-it really is the boar! it even has physical attack resistance! but how did it become like a rug" it just fell down twice.

"Right!! here is youre reward 2GC and 47SC"

After receiving the rewards we bid farewell from the receptionist.

"Ahh!!!!! I want to kill that guy!!!!" wow Hina is super pissed.

I listened to Hina's whole complains until we arrived at the Inn.

Then went to our respective rooms.