
Chapter 2

We go to the tavern where a lot of people are gathered. Everything is going great the ladies sit on either side of me having me try the various foods of their kingdom.

  In all honesty, it was bland with no flavor whatsoever. I've tried foreign foods back in my world but this is just slop with stale bread. I feel like my teeth are going to shatter if I eat one more piece of that bread.

  Silvia looks at my plate. "You aren't eating? Is it not to your liking?"

  I scratch my head. "I don't wanna be rude but I'm just not used to this kind of food if I eat it I might get sick."

  I set it down for Titan and he devours it like it's his last meal. "Well, I'm glad you liked it, buddy."

  The princess looks down. "I apologize, you helped us so much, and yet we couldn't even give you a satisfactory meal."

  I smile. "No, it's fine really, it's just my tastes are different is all. I can cook something up for myself if we get to a kitchen."

  Silvia stands up. "Shopkeep!"

  The rugged old man looks over with death in his eyes. "Huh?"

  She grabs my hand leading me to the back. "We are going to use your kitchen."

  I shake my head. "N-No we don't have to I didn't mean here-."

  He comes over. "Oh, are you a chef boy? You don't look like much of one?"

  His words set a fire in my stomach I didn't know I had. "Listen here, just because I don't look like I can fight a bear doesn't mean I can't make food."

  He chuckles. "Is that a challenge?"

  I step towards him. "It is, I bet you I can make a better dish than you in less than 30 minutes that will knock your socks off."

  He grabs a knife stabbing the table. "You have a big mouth for a soft skin baby."

  I grab one of his knives from the table. "This soft skin baby is gonna kick your old wrinkly ass."

  He chuckles and comes around the table. "Alright let's see if you cook as well as you talk."

  The ladies sit at the counter with a group of people to watch or little cook-off. I glance around for the sink but can't find it. "What are you looking for?"

  I motion to the long table. "The sink? Where do you wash your hands?"

  He laughs loudly. "Wash?! Do you think this town has a water system like in the royal capital? You must be the highest of nobility if you expect that!"

  He grabs some meat that's wrapped in a cloth-like paper. They have to preserve their meats in spices and other things. This world is very far behind in its techniques. I buy some food and things to cook with along with spices and various utensils.

  I pull them out and everyone goes silent. "You own an item box?! I guess someone traveling with the princess would have something like that. Are you a royal chef?"

  I glance back at him. "No, It's just a hobby I picked up back home."

  I'm gonna make steak with mashed potatoes and steamed broccoli. The steak comes out of the shop at room temperature ready to cook so it's just a simple seasoning process. I like my steak mid-rare basted with thyme, garlic, and butter. I use a camping stove to cook because the way he makes things over the fire looks dangerous.

  The smell of my food fills the tavern with unique smells that everyone takes notice of. He finishes before me because I made sides he just made a stew with the meat bathing inside the broth with herbs. That broth is just water and bones.

  I plate the food perfectly and even set a small flower next to the steak for color. "So what is your dish called?"

  He sets the bowl on the counter. "Orc stew."

  The guys at the counter wipe their lips. "It's been ages since I've had orc stew!"

  Another guy from the back groans. "I had a little at my little sister's wedding! It was incredible."

   He slides the bowl over to me. "try it."

   I grab a fork and spoon from my shop and cut off a piece and try it with some broth. I immediately cover my mouth and spit it into the trash. "I'm sorry... What the hell was that? It tastes rotten."

  They all look shocked. "You don't like orc meat?! It's a delicacy among all nobles! What meat did you use? Dragon?"

   I motion to my plate. "This is just a cow."

   He drops his knife and steps towards me. "A-A cow? That can't be..."

   I glance around. "what are they rare or something? Don't you have butter and milk right there?"

   He nods grabbing the pouch of butter. "We have cows and even use their meat but only during famine times. It doesn't compare to other monster meats."

  I cut it open and the scent bursts out with steam. I take a bite of it and can't help but moan with pleasure. "Fuck yeah, that's shits good."

  His mouth waters a little and I glance at him. "You want-"

   He quickly answers. "Yes! I'd love to try it!"

   I get him his fork and cut him some. "Here."

   He takes a bite and goes silent. "A-Are you well? Maybe your palette isn't ready for this-"

    Tears stream down his face and he covers his eyes with his arm. "I've never tasted something so amazing! You've healed my heart young man!"

   The princess and Silvia both fidget in their chairs looking at it trying not to drool themselves. "Do you guys want some?"

  The princess shakes her head. "N-No we couldn't it's your precious food we can't-"

   Silvia looks at her like she wants to cry. "We can't?"

   I laugh slightly. "Here try it."

   I hold my fork out to Silvia and her eyes light up as she bites down on it. "So good!"

  I glance at the princess looking at my fork. "Oh I can get you your own-."

   She blushes slightly. "I-I don't mind using yours."

   I feed her a piece and she moans softly. "This is exquisite! I've never tasted something so good."

  I smile taking another bite. "Thanks, if there's one thing I take pride in it's my cooking."

  The shopkeep motions to his wall of meat. "Can you show me how to cook these like you do?"

  I glance at them. "If all of this meat is like that orc meat then there's not much you can do. You'll need fresh meat for that."

  He scratches his head. "I can't just get fresh meat getting this from the guild was already expensive enough."

  I lean against the counter. "how does the guild obtain the meat?"

  One of the men raises his hand. "We adventurers go fight the monsters bring back their bodies and get the money for it. The guild raises the price depending on the quality and sells it to the tavern and other vendors."

  I scratch my head and then it hits me. "Okay then all you need to do is have the adventurers bring you the orc meat every day in the morning. Set a limit for what you need and give them a discount on the food as a reward. So the meat and herbs will be freshly made to order daily. So you don't have to worry about preserving stock. I would fluctuate on what meats I'd make so you don't cause a huge rush to kill the orc population or something else."

  Everyone stares at me and I look over. "What?"

  The old man hugs me tightly. "That was incredible! I've never thought of that! I will get on it immediately!"

  I groan as he hugs me with his big greasy arms. "R-Right, I'm glad you're happy... Can you set me down?"

  He does gently brushing off my jacket. "Oh, I apologize."

  I smile. "It's fine, just make sure you inform the guild of your plan otherwise it could cause shortages in funds depending on what they use the orc's meat for besides sales."

  He thanks me and I show him how to cook. "I have to ask what was your profession in your homeland?"

  I chuckle. "I was a sales advisor, and I got my degree in marketing. If you make it, I can find a way to sell it. Or at least that's the idea. I've sold all types of things though. I enjoy the process of helping others get what they need. I don't see myself becoming some strong adventurer but I could probably be a merchant if I tried. Maybe even dabble in blacksmithing or something."

  He turns to the princess. "You've found quite the young man. If I were you'd I'd grab on and never let go."

  She turns bright red. "W-We aren't together like that!"

  One of the barmaids leans over the counter. "If that's the case then would you like to spend the night with me?"

  A sword appears in front of her neck and Silvia glares at her with cold blue eyes. "Compose yourself or lose your head."

  Her face goes pale. "Y-Yes lady Silvia I apologize."

   She lowers the sword looking at me. "Let's go."

   I nod extending my hand to the old man. "It was a pleasure cooking with you. I'd like to do it again sometime. I hope your business thrives here. Umm..."

  He chuckles shaking my hand. "Names Fordham but everyone calls me old man Ford."

   I smile. "I'm Greyson, you can call me Grey."

   We leave and head to the inn. "Sorry about that I know you both are tiered I didn't mean to keep us."

  They tell me it was fine and they had fun. We make it to the inn and I get a room to myself with Titan. Of course, the beds here are dogshit like everything else. I found a spell that instantly cleans you and it's the first spell I'm going to purchase. I allocate all my stat points to magic, so the spell is not weak.

  I plan on being a defensive mage so having high magic and health will do me good. When I tap apply a warm sensation that rushes through my body feels good.

  I can feel mana running through my veins it feels like I have more blood in my body like I can control it. When my heart pulses I can feel the mana rush to the tips of my fingers and back.

  I cast the cleansing spell on Titan and myself. Water rushes around us both cleaning every inch of our bodies and even our clothing items. I feel so refreshed like I took a shower and put freshly washed clothes on even my mouth is clean too.

  How do the people here wash up? I walk towards the window and see some woman in the back washing up. We make eye contact and I turn quickly. "I'm so sorry! I didn't know this was over the well."

  They giggle. "Not used to seeing women naked sir Grey?"

  I glance down still trying not to look. "Is it normal for men and women to bathe openly?"

  They nod pouring water over their bodies. "Of course, when there's only a few water sources you can't have the luxury of being shy. Although it's very cute."

  I blush and close the window. "Have a good wash!"

  I can hear them giggling below. This world is definitely gonna take some getting used to...