
In Another World With a God

Kyle Adley is an Otaku and Lazy genius from Earth, that is summoned by a God-like being that calls himself Sixth to another world for unknown reasons. Embark in Kyle's journey as he discovers this new world, bickers with an annoying god and deals with all the disadvantages or slight advantages he is granted, whilst being fated to fight five protagonist-like existences. All of this while a group of omnipotent beings moves in the background, their aims unknown even among themselves. (By the way, the MC is a necromancer if you are into that stuff. I know I am.)

DanteReinhardt · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
37 Chs


My name is Kyle Adley. I am a twenty years old computer engineering student at a big university. Even though I'm not the best, that's only because I'm too lazy to finish most assignments and usually only do the bare minimum to pass a subject. I'm actually something of a genius, even though most people call me dumb for whatever reason… But I'm sure it is completely unrelated to me wasting most of my time playing games, listening to music and watching anime…

Surely that's not it.

I have a mother that's alive, while my father died when I was a kid but left a sizable amount of money for us, so with my mother's job and the inheritance I was able to live an economically stable childhood.

Now that I'm studying in college, I eventually moved (was thrown out) to somewhere nearer to where I study, since my mother said I needed to get some independence and experience life by living alone.

However, that was just a waste of time and money since I'm still in the same city and I just need an hour to get to my mother's house. (Where I just dump all my laundry on instead of washing it myself.) So, I still visit her every weekend.

Today is a normal weekday. I'm walking home from class, and it is already almost evening; the sun was setting, the streets aren't crowded and I'm relatively alone... Aside from one or two people nearby that are doing random NPC stuff.

I have always been a loner since I'm that kind of guy that gets everything I want easily, and the way I involuntarily make sure everyone knows I am aware of that and don't care about others thinking I'm spoiled that makes almost everyone hate me. On top of that, the repulse people feel towards me is increased by the fact I hardly change my facial expression from one of 'absolute indifference'. However, that is not by choice, it is because hardly anything impacts me enough for my expression to change. So, I can't help it if it makes people think I'm a cold and arrogant guy, I'm prideful that's true, but if people actually took the chance to get to know me, they'd find out I'm quite friendly.

Someone did approach me before, my one friend, during High School. In the last year, however, he died by lead poisoning (heavy gun-fire) and I haven't had any friends ever since, I often miss my one and only friend, but life goes on even still...

And it was as I did that monologue in my mind, (As I randomly do every other day that I'm feeling particularly gloomy and or bored) that I got a little distracted from my surroundings…

I heard a voice yelling "Watch out!", that woke me up from my thoughts which were slowly heading towards anime girls.

The usual Isekai protagonist reaction to a 'Watch out!' shout would be to look to the place the shout came from first, but as I knew better than waste time doing that, I instead noticed it came from above me without looking (as a normal person would have) and reacted involuntarily by jumping back clumsily and falling on my butt. Such precise movements once again making me think I might be a secret descendant of shinobi assassins.

And thus, a flowerpot appeared where I was and broke into a million pieces of death-inducing ceramic… But really, who the hell still keeps flowerpots by the window of buildings? And ceramic? Really?!

As I thought so, my internal rambling was interrupted by a scene that made my brain stop for a moment.

As I looked at the splashing shards and flying dirt of the flower pot, the aforementioned flower pot flexed it's mystical powers by rebelling against the laws of gravity. As if it wanted to give physics as a whole a big 'Fuck you!' by having its many shards stay mid-air.

Go flower pot! Fight the Man! Physics, or whatever.

Sincerely, for as much as I wished I could have a normal reaction, my head by now was too full of BS lines, which is usually how I think, probably due to the anime and web novels I read daily.

"Well... Now, either I am seeing things in slow-motion, or that flower pot is magic…" I said out loud, laughing inwardly at my own remark.

"What? What's even going on in your head you moron? Time has obviously stopped you insufferable ape... Although being honest, slow-motion can be considered close enough." Said a voice coming from behind me, I didn't get insulted by its words, I deserved them in this specific scenario.

I looked back to see who was cursing me, and I saw a young man standing where my eyes stopped. He was taller than average, had white smooth skin, as well as k-popper-like white hair and red eyes to match. Like the incarnation of the word Chunnibyou. (If you do not know what that means, stop being an uncultured swine and google it.)

The man's complexion was western despite his anime protagonist get-up, his apparent ethnicity bending more to German with a mix of femininity in it. (Not usual, but ok.)

His hair and eyes didn't seem out of place with his overall appearance as one would when using a wig and contact lenses, instead he just looked like the standard handsome/beautiful boy.

"I can hear your thoughts, and If you call me a boy again I'll do things you won't like." He said, with a mocking smile on his face that somehow seemed threatening, but still looked as if he was just playing around… (I have a skill for reading too much into people's expressions, get used to it.)

"Okay, so... who or what are you?" I asked, legitimately curious. "God? Jesus? The admin of this reality? The guy who created everything, but I have been inside a game the entire time?" There were really many more options since if some guy can stop time, there are seriously many things he could be, none of those which is normal. I just hope he's not actually my father and I'm actually a demigod. I hate that scenario.

"Close in the first, too Christian in the second, I'm too lazy to admin stuff, and no this isn't a game. And if I were your father, I'd kill myself already." He said, his mocking smile unchanged. "But you can get the first option and increase it a few times. That way it would be somehow easier for you to understand, despite nowhere near accurate…" He said, whether he was telling to truth or being arrogant is unknown to me. "You can call me Sixth, don't ask why, you wouldn't understand and I don't want to explain the simple version."

As I looked Sixth, the guy that basically said just said 'I'm like God but better' I wondered where this conversation would end up.

"So… I'm being reincarnated? Transmigrated? Summoned?" I asked the most likely options, as I got up from the ground and cleaned the dust off my ass.

"Yeah, summoned. Another world, a magical world, a wondrous world!" He said, making gestures as if he was trying to explain something to a child. "AND! You have no choice on the matter. I don't need you for any particular purpose. You will have no particular aim aside from surviving and stuff for my entertainment since I'm divinely bored."

Sixth didn't let me think straight after that, he didn't even let me say anything else. The white haired god-like asshole just snapped his fingers and I disappeared in a puff of smoke.

Mind you, it wasn't good smoke. It was cheap smoke, the kind you'd see in a low budget old movie.

My pride has now been hurt.

… (Sixth's POV)

After finally sending that weird idiot human to another world in another reality, I thought about the number of times I had done this already...

"It's not even a number anymore…" I said the smile on my face fading and a serious expression appearing.

I was serious when I said that. There was no numerical representation by now, of how many beings I had sent to other worlds.

"At least it wasn't a random cell this time… The farthest that ever went was that one little guy that became a world-devouring virus…" I sighed, as I spoke to myself.

"It'll take a while to finish my plan… I hope this human at least conquers his planet for a change. It's been a couple of sextillions of attempts since I had a world conqueror… I'm pretty sure of it. It's bothersome to think in numbers when it comes to this." As I spoke, my mood became gloomy.

By now, after seeing countless beings trying to achieve what I set out for. I could only hope this time it would work.

I can think.

DanteReinhardtcreators' thoughts