
The Ole Witch of The Mountain

Xavier couldn't believe how easily Justice put his opinion of everyone. He doesn't want Anne to be afraid of it. "What? She always visited her. Why exactly she wanted from Anne right now?"

As much as Justice tried to make sense of his opinion, he need more tangible proof. "I don't know what, but it surely makes sense that she wanted something from Anne, or worse, she wanted Anne."

"He's probably right." Vale came forward as he took Anne's hand and asked her to calm down first. "Look, just hear me out first, alright?" She nodded her head while she held on to Henry's arm, and then Vale explained his theory to everyone. "The witch of the mountain is always plaguing Anne, by coming and going as she wishes. Many of us witness it, and some even saw it with their own eyes." He took glanced at Heirim, who agreed with him.

"Yes, I saw her, of course, she… She was talking to Anne, and like enticing her." Heirim had a shiver just think about her.