
The Lycans and The Werewolf

The brown wolf snarled at the matron, the fight between them was inevitable, Henry and Vale pulled Anne over, and Justice was in the corner, seems like the matron wasn't the only one who transformed.

There were three people in total, Vale cast protects and reflects Spell, he protected Anne in the other room while Henry was helping Justice.

"That was Xavier, right?! Tell me I wasn't wrong!" Anne shouted at Vale, she was confused and somehow felt deceived.

Vale stared at her, he was quiet for a while and finally spoke a few words, "Not right now."

His answer already confirmed what she need to know, as for now, they were in a distressed situation, Anne saw one of the open doors in the left room, she took Vale's hand and pulled him to the left door. They were outside in the orphanage back yard.

"We need to run!" Said Vale to Anne.