
The Expected Encountered (Part 2)

"Everything is ready?" 

Henry asked Xander who was now in charge of the carriage full of trunks, while Heirim looked at him with her hands on her hips, really annoyed by the arrangement. Xander tells him that the carriage was ready, and he goes away to get more fresh water for the journey, leaving the siblings by themselves.

"Why do I have to stay in the coach seat with him?" Asked Heirim to her brother.

Henry took sighed and explained it to her. "For the second time, it was because your captain asked you to, as the junior second rank, you need to do exactly as your captain instructed you."

Gasping, Heirim couldn't just believe how her brother let her sit beside Xander. "So… So, I need to sit with that flea-infesting werewolf?! Oh, Gods!" As she stormed away from his brother.

"Where are you going?!" Yelled Henry to his sister.