
The bigger fish in the pond

The three gentleman looks astonished by Darla's words, the girl even looks more surprised by them.

"Wait, I am sorry, but she never told you about this?" Asked Darla to the three of them.

"No! She never told us about this." Vale gave the answer to Darla, who was now looking at them with a paler face.

"Oh, Anne, why do you need to lie…" Darla's muttering with quivering lips.

Brom holding into Darla's shoulder, "Calm down, you look like this will never help everyone here."

She looks up at Brom and finally nodded her head. Darla begin to take a deep breath, " When we were going dress shopping, Anne met with her best friend from her village…"

"Clarice? The noble girl with blonde hair?" Asked Henry.